


using namespace std; #define Lson r<<1
#define Rson r<<1|1 const int N = 1e5+; struct SegmentTree
int L, R;
long long sum, e;
int Mid()
return (L+R)>>;
int len()
return R-L+;
}a[N<<]; void BuildSegTree(int r, int L, int R)
a[r].L=L, a[r].R=R;
a[r].e=; if(L==R)
scanf("%lld", &a[r].sum);
return ;
} BuildSegTree(Lson, L, a[r].Mid());
BuildSegTree(Rson, a[r].Mid()+, R); a[r].sum = a[Lson].sum + a[Rson].sum;
void PushDown(int r)
a[Lson].sum += a[r].e*a[Lson].len();
a[Lson].e += a[r].e;
a[Rson].sum += a[r].e*a[Rson].len();
a[Rson].e += a[r].e; a[r].e=;
void Update(int r, int L, int R, int e)
a[r].sum += (R-L+)*e; if(a[r].L==L && a[r].R==R)
a[r].e += e;
return ;
} PushDown(r); if(R<=a[r].Mid())
Update(Lson, L, R, e);
else if(L>a[r].Mid())
Update(Rson, L, R, e);
Update(Lson, L, a[r].Mid(), e);
Update(Rson, a[r].Mid()+, R, e);
long long Query(int r, int L, int R)
if(a[r].L==L && a[r].R==R)
return a[r].sum; PushDown(r); if(R<=a[r].Mid())
return Query(Lson, L, R);
else if(L > a[r].Mid())
return Query(Rson, L, R);
long long Lsum = Query(Lson, L, a[r].Mid());
long long Rsum = Query(Rson, a[r].Mid()+, R); return Lsum+Rsum;
} int main()
int n, m;
while(scanf("%d%d", &n, &m)!=EOF)
BuildSegTree(, , n); while(m--)
char s[];
int L, R, e; scanf("%s", s); if(s[]=='Q')
scanf("%d%d", &L, &R);
printf("%lld\n", Query(, L, R));
scanf("%d%d%d", &L, &R, &e);
Update(, L, R, e);
return ;

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