
// `url` is the server URL that will be used for the request
url: '/user', // `method` is the request method to be used when making the request
method: 'get', // default // `baseURL` will be prepended to `url` unless `url` is absolute.
// It can be convenient to set `baseURL` for an instance of axios to pass relative URLs
// to methods of that instance.
baseURL: '', // `transformRequest` allows changes to the request data before it is sent to the server
// This is only applicable for request methods 'PUT', 'POST', and 'PATCH'
// The last function in the array must return a string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer,
// FormData or Stream
// You may modify the headers object.
transformRequest: [function (data, headers) {
// Do whatever you want to transform the data return data;
}], // `transformResponse` allows changes to the response data to be made before
// it is passed to then/catch
transformResponse: [function (data) {
// Do whatever you want to transform the data return data;
}], // `headers` are custom headers to be sent
headers: {'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'}, // `params` are the URL parameters to be sent with the request
// Must be a plain object or a URLSearchParams object
params: {
ID: 12345
}, // `paramsSerializer` is an optional function in charge of serializing `params`
// (e.g.,
paramsSerializer: function(params) {
return Qs.stringify(params, {arrayFormat: 'brackets'})
}, // `data` is the data to be sent as the request body
// Only applicable for request methods 'PUT', 'POST', and 'PATCH'
// When no `transformRequest` is set, must be of one of the following types:
// - string, plain object, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView, URLSearchParams
// - Browser only: FormData, File, Blob
// - Node only: Stream, Buffer
data: {
firstName: 'Fred'
}, // `timeout` specifies the number of milliseconds before the request times out.
// If the request takes longer than `timeout`, the request will be aborted.
timeout: 1000, // `withCredentials` indicates whether or not cross-site Access-Control requests
// should be made using credentials
withCredentials: false, // default // `adapter` allows custom handling of requests which makes testing easier.
// Return a promise and supply a valid response (see lib/adapters/
adapter: function (config) {
/* ... */
}, // `auth` indicates that HTTP Basic auth should be used, and supplies credentials.
// This will set an `Authorization` header, overwriting any existing
// `Authorization` custom headers you have set using `headers`.
auth: {
username: 'janedoe',
password: 's00pers3cret'
}, // `responseType` indicates the type of data that the server will respond with
// options are 'arraybuffer', 'blob', 'document', 'json', 'text', 'stream'
responseType: 'json', // default // `xsrfCookieName` is the name of the cookie to use as a value for xsrf token
xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN', // default // `xsrfHeaderName` is the name of the http header that carries the xsrf token value
xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN', // default // `onUploadProgress` allows handling of progress events for uploads
onUploadProgress: function (progressEvent) {
// Do whatever you want with the native progress event
}, // `onDownloadProgress` allows handling of progress events for downloads
onDownloadProgress: function (progressEvent) {
// Do whatever you want with the native progress event
}, // `maxContentLength` defines the max size of the http response content allowed
maxContentLength: 2000, // `validateStatus` defines whether to resolve or reject the promise for a given
// HTTP response status code. If `validateStatus` returns `true` (or is set to `null`
// or `undefined`), the promise will be resolved; otherwise, the promise will be
// rejected.
validateStatus: function (status) {
return status >= 200 && status < 300; // default
}, // `maxRedirects` defines the maximum number of redirects to follow in node.js.
// If set to 0, no redirects will be followed.
maxRedirects: 5, // default // `socketPath` defines a UNIX Socket to be used in node.js.
// e.g. '/var/run/docker.sock' to send requests to the docker daemon.
// Only either `socketPath` or `proxy` can be specified.
// If both are specified, `socketPath` is used.
socketPath: null, // default // `httpAgent` and `httpsAgent` define a custom agent to be used when performing http
// and https requests, respectively, in node.js. This allows options to be added like
// `keepAlive` that are not enabled by default.
httpAgent: new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true }),
httpsAgent: new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true }), // 'proxy' defines the hostname and port of the proxy server
// Use `false` to disable proxies, ignoring environment variables.
// `auth` indicates that HTTP Basic auth should be used to connect to the proxy, and
// supplies credentials.
// This will set an `Proxy-Authorization` header, overwriting any existing
// `Proxy-Authorization` custom headers you have set using `headers`.
proxy: {
host: '',
port: 9000,
auth: {
username: 'mikeymike',
password: 'rapunz3l'
}, // `cancelToken` specifies a cancel token that can be used to cancel the request
// (see Cancellation section below for details)
cancelToken: new CancelToken(function (cancel) {








在浏览器上data只能是FormData, File, Blob格式


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