[Algorithm] Search for matching words
Implement an autocomplete system. That is, given a query string
and a set of all possible query strings, return all strings in the set that have s as a prefix.For example, given the query string
and the set of strings [dog
], return [deer
].Hint: Try preprocessing the dictionary into a more efficient data structure to speed up queries.
It is using the Trie data stucture, check thist post;
The only changes is that when we search for words, it is partially matched + whole word match.
Which means if we search 'de', it should return [deer, deal],
if we search 'deer', it should return [deer],
if we search 'deerr', it should return [].
function Node () {
return {
keys: new Map(),
isEnd: false
} function Trie () {
return {
root: new Node(),
// Add words into the tree
// Recursive
add(word, node = this.root) {
// If there is no word, means it reach the end
if (word.length === ) {
node.isEnd = true;
} const [head, ...rest] = word;
// If char is not set, then create a new Node to hold char
// Otherwise, continue
if (!node.keys.has(head)) {
node.keys.set(head, new Node(head));
// Continue with three
this.add(rest, node.keys.get(head));
// Print all the words in the tree
print () {
let words = [];
// Helper function, Recursive
function search (node = this.root, string = '') {
// Make sure we have keys
if (node.keys.size !== ) {
for (let key of node.keys.keys()) {
// update node, update string
search(node.keys.get(key), string.concat(key));
// if reach the end, push to the words
if (node.isEnd) {
} else {
// If there is no keys, then push the avaialbe string to the words
string.length > ? words.push(string) : null;
} search(this.root, '');
return words.length > ? words : null;
// Find the words based on input
find (input) {
let words = []; function search(node = this.root, string = '', input) { if (node.keys.size !== ) {
for (let key of node.keys.keys()) {
// if the key is the same as input[0]
// becasue we want the whole word, so continue with current trees
if (key === input[] || input.length === ) {
let rest = input.length === ? '': input.substr();
search(node.keys.get(key), string.concat(key), rest);
} else {
// In case of input is 'cattt', then return undefined
if (input.length !== ) {
return [];
string.length > ? words.push(string) : [];
} search(this.root, '', input); return words.length > ? words : [];
} function searchWords () {
const data = ['dog', 'dollar', 'cat', 'drag'];
const trie = new Trie(); data.forEach(d => trie.add(d));
console.log(trie.find('do')); // [ 'dog', 'dollar' ]
console.log(trie.print()); // [ 'dog', 'dollar', 'drag', 'cat' ]
} searchWords();
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