


<img src="holder.js/300x200" />


使用:<img src="holder.js/300x200" />注意事项:300x200里面的符号是x,不是乘法号



  • theme: The theme to use for the placeholder. Example: holder.js/300x200?theme=sky
  • random: Use random theme. Example: holder.js/300x200?random=yes


使用:<img src="holder.js/300x200" />注意事项:300x200里面的符号是x,不是乘法号

为了避免控制台404错误,您可以使用data-src代替src。<img data-src="holder.js/300x200" />

Placeholder options are set through URL properties, e.g. holder.js/300x200?x=y&a=b. Multiple options are separated by the & character.

  • theme: The theme to use for the placeholder. Example: holder.js/300x200?theme=sky
  • random: Use random theme. Example: holder.js/300x200?random=yes
  • bg: Background color. Example: holder.js/300x200?bg=2a2025
  • fg: Foreground (text) color. Example: holder.js/300x200?fg=ffffff
  • text: Custom text. Example: holder.js/300x200?text=Hello
  • size: Custom text size. Defaults to pt units. Example: holder.js/300x200?size=50
  • font: Custom text font. Example: holder.js/300x200?font=Helvetica
  • align: Custom text alignment (left, right). Example: holder.js/300x200?align=left
  • outline: Draw outline and diagonals for placeholder. Example: holder.js/300x200?outline=yes
  • lineWrap: Maximum line length to image width ratio. Example: holder.js/300x200?lineWrap=0.5

There are 6 default themes: sky, vine, lava, gray, industrial, and social. Example: holder.js/300x200?theme=social
have 5 properties: fg, bg, size, font and fontweight.
The size property specifies the
size for the theme. The fontweight default
value is bold.
can create a sample theme like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
Holder.addTheme("red", {
bg: "#F00",
fg: "#aaa",
size: 11,
font: "Monaco",
fontweight: "normal"
自定义后直接使用:<img src="holder.js/300x200?theme=red" />

If you have a group of placeholders where you'd like to use particular text, you can do so by adding a text property
to the theme:

Holder.addTheme("thumbnail", { bg: "#fff", text: "Thumbnail" });

参考:holder.js的使用 - CSDN博客




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