1.如果用rebar - create-app appid=abc 创建 “应用abc”,当前的目录名必须是abc,举例:在abc目录下执行rebar - create-app appid=abc,否则在应用发布的配置文件reltool.config中,配置lib_dirs, ["../../"]项时,找不到应用abc。
2.用rebar生成的abc应用的erlang源码文件为:abc_app.erl abc_sup.erl,如果需要添加新的erlang源代码,新的源代码文件的命名必须是"abc_"开头,例如:abc_server.erl ,否则在执行发布命令rebar generate时,不能将新添加的erlang源代码编译成功的abc_server.beam文件打包进“abc-1.ez”发布包。
本文档用于描述如何使用rebar erlang构建工具,将github上的zfor项目(进行改造。
1. 准备工作
1.1 下载zfor
1. 首先,在公共目录(work目录)下使用git命令下载zfor:
cd workgit clone |
2. 然后,进入zfor目录,切换到zfor 1.0.10旧版本(目前,github上的master版本是已经rebar改造后的版本,因此我们需要重新下载1.0.10历史版本):
cd zforgit checkout 1.0.10 |
3. Zfor项目的原始项目目录格式如下:
${PROJECT}├── bin├── cfg├── Changelog
├── COPYING ├── doc ├── examples ├── Makefile ├── pkg ├── README ├── src └── THANKS └── TODO |
1.2 下载rebar
1. 首先,在公共目录(work目录)下使用git命令下载rebar:
cd workgit clone |
2. 然后,进入rebar目录,编译rebar:
cd rebar./bootstrap |
3. 编译后在该目录下生成rebar二进制执行文件:
1.3 项目规范
${PROJECT}├── c_src├── doc├── ebin
├── include ├── priv ├── src └── test |
- c_src/ – 保存 Port Driver 相关的 C 代码
- doc/ – 保存文档文件
- ebin/ – 保存 Erlang 目标文件(即 *.beam),OTP 应用的描述文件 *.app 也放置在此
- include/ – 保存 Erlang 头文件(即 *.hrl)
- priv/ – 保存应用特有的文件,例如独立的 C 应用代码、脚本文件、rpm spec 等
- src/ – 保存 Erlang 源代码文件(即 *.erl)
- test/ – 保存项目相关的测试文件及数据,测试本身可以是 EUnit 风格或 common-test 风格的
2. 改造过程
2.1 创建rebar项目
$ mkdir zfor_rebar$ cd zfor_rebar$ cp ../rebar/rebar ./$ ./rebar create-app appid=zfor
==> zfor_rebar (create-app) Writing src/ Writing src/zfor_app.erl Writing src/zfor_sup.erl |
2.2 创建必要的子目录
$ cd zfor_rebar$ mkdir c_src$ mkdir doc$ mkdir ebin
$ mkdir include $ mkdir priv $ mkdir test |
2.3 迁移zfor项目文件
1. c_src部分:
2. doc部分:
$ cd zfor$ mv ./doc/* ../zfor_rebar/doc/ |
3. ebin部分:
4. include部分:
$ cd zfor$ cd src/zfor/$ mv ./include/* ../../../zfor_rebar/include/ |
5. priv部分:
$ cd zfor$ cd src$ mv ./erlang_zfor/ ../../zfor_rebar/priv/$ mv ./java_zfor/ ../../zfor_rebar/priv/
$ mv ./libzfor/ ../../zfor_rebar/priv/ $ mv ./php_zfor/ ../../zfor_rebar/priv/ $ mv ./python_zfor/ ../../zfor_rebar/priv/ $ cd .. $ mv ./bin ./scripts $ mv ./scripts/ ../zfor_rebar/priv/ $ mv ./cfg/ ../zfor_rebar/priv/ $ mv ./examples/ ../zfor_rebar/priv/ $ mv ./pkg/ ../zfor_rebar/priv/ |
6. src部分:
$ cd zfor$ cd src/zfor/$ mv ./src/* ../../../zfor_rebar/src/ |
7. test部分:
$ cd zfor$ cd src/zfor/$ mv ./test/* ../../../zfor_rebar/test/ |
8. 其他部分
$ cd zfor$ mv Changelog ../zfor_rebar/$ mv COPYING ../zfor_rebar/$ mv README ../zfor_rebar/
$ mv THANKS ../zfor_rebar/ $ mv TODO ../zfor_rebar/ |
2.4 修改配置文件
1. 进入zfor_rebar目录下的src目录,根据项目名,将重命名为
$ cd zfor_rebar/src$ mv |
2. 编辑,将“{vsn, “%VSN%”}”改为“{vsn, “1.0.5″}”,将“{conf_path, “%CONFPATH%”}”改为“{conf_path, “/usr/local/etc/zfor”}”。
$ cd zfor_rebar/src$ vim |
2.5 编译项目
使用rebar compile命令编译zfor:
$ cd zfor_rebar$ ./rebar compile
==> zfor_rebar (compile) Compiled src/zfor_app.erl src/zfor_hostlist.erl:80: Warning: http:request/4 is deprecated and will be removed in R15B; use httpc:request/4 Compiled src/zfor_hostlist.erl Compiled src/zfor_sup.erl Compiled src/zfor_caretaker.erl src/zfor_server.erl:50: Warning: NOT OPTIMIZED: called function handle_req/3 does not begin with a suitable binary matching instruction src/zfor_server.erl:99: Warning: NOT OPTIMIZED: sub binary used by erlang:binary_to_list/1 Compiled src/zfor_server.erl Compiled src/zfor_httpclient.erl Compiled src/zfor_util.erl Compiled src/zfor_main.erl src/zfor_config.erl:240: Warning: http:request/4 is deprecated and will be removed in R15B; use httpc:request/4 src/zfor_config.erl:461: Warning: http:request/4 is deprecated and will be removed in R15B; use httpc:request/4 Compiled src/zfor_config.erl |
2.6 发布项目
1. 在项目根目录下,创建rel发布目录,然后创建一个node用于发布:
$ cd
== ==> rel (create-node) Writing reltool.config Writing files/erl Writing files/nodetool Writing files/zfor Writing files/app.config Writing files/vm.args $ cd
2. 修改rel/reltool.config文件(其中**之间是需要修改的地方):
3. 为了使rel目录对rebar可见,需要在项目根目录下,创建rebar.config配置文件:
4. 配置完成后,生成发布版本:
==> rel (generate) |
5. 发布完成后,可以运行发布的服务:
./zfor start #开启服务 ./zfor stop #停止服务 |
Erlang App. Management with Rebar
Rebar is a build and packaging tool for Erlang applications. It is implemented in Erlang and the only dependency is the Erlang Virtual Machine, so it can work as a stand-alone escript in your project. Rebar was created byDave Smith from Basho, creators of Riak. In this tutorial I’ll be creating a sample application, building it and generating a release for it, all of this with Rebar.
Application Requirements
Rebar expects that your applications follows the OTP Design Principles. The application directory must have the following sub-directories:
- src – Contains the Erlang source code.
- ebin – Contains the Erlang object code, the beam files. The .app file is also placed here.
- priv – Used for application specific files. For example, C executables are placed here. The function code:priv_dir/1 should be used to access this directory.
- include – Used for include files.
Don’t worry about this, Rebar can create applications with this kind of directory structure automatically.
To install Rebar is very easy, just download it at: After getting it just run a chmod u+x rebar
. Rebar depends on Erlang R13B03 (or later), so I advise you to get ErlangOTP source code em build it. There is a tutorial here:
Rebar’s Features
To see what Rebar offers just execute ./rebar -c
and you’ll be able to see all of Rebar’s commands.
$ ./rebar -c
analyze Analyze with Dialyzer
build_plt Build Dialyzer PLT
check_plt Check Dialyzer PLT
clean Clean
compile Compile sources
create template= [var=foo,...] Create skel based on template
and vars
create-app Create simple app skel
create-node Create simple node skel
check-deps Display to be fetched dependencies
get-deps Fetch dependencies
delete-deps Delete fetched dependencies
generate [dump_spec=0/1] Build release with reltool
install [target=] Install build into target
eunit [suite=foo] Run eunit [test/foo_tests.erl]
int_test [suite=] [case=] Run ct suites in ./int_test
perf_test [suite=] [case=] Run ct suites in ./perf_test
test [suite=] [case=] Run ct suites in ./test
I won’t be using all of the commands listed above for the sample application, so if you get more interested in it take a look at thesource code.
Getting Started
To get started off I’ll go step by step on creating a new project with rebar.
$ mkdir mysample
$ cd mysample
$ wget
$ chmod u+x rebar
$ ./rebar create-app appid=mysample
==> mysample (create-app)
Writing ebin/
Writing src/mysample_app.erl
Writing src/mysample_sup.erl
This was pretty easy to follow. Rebar creates this directory structure based on a previous created template. If you want to add new templates or change the ones that exists take a look at Rebar’s source code: and navigate topriv/templates/simpleapp.template
Well, for now we’ve had Rebar create our initial application directories and files. Let’s take a look at the source code we’ve got so far:
ebin/ – Application descriptor
{application, mysample,
{description, ""},
{vsn, "1"},
{modules, [
{registered, []},
{applications, [
{mod, { mysample_app, []}},
{env, []}
src/mysample_app.erl – Application callback module
-export([start/2, stop/1]).
start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
stop(_State) ->
src/mysample_sup.erl – Supervisor callback module
-define(CHILD(I, Type), {I, {I, start_link, []}, permanent, 5000, Type,
start_link() ->
supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
init([]) ->
{ok, { {one_for_one, 5, 10}, []} }.
The generated code is almost a fully working simple application, but there is one thing missing, aGeneric Server! So the next step is to create one. I’ll create a generic server calledmysample_server.erl.
Place this code in src/mysample_server.erl:
-export([start_link/0, say_hello/0]).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
init([]) ->
{ok, []}.
say_hello() ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, hello).
%% callbacks
handle_call(hello, _From, State) ->
io:format("Hello from server!~n", []),
{reply, ok, State};
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
Reply = ok,
{reply, Reply, State}.
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
The next step is make the generic server part of the application, this is done by doing the following steps:
- Add mysample_server into ebin/ under the modules tuple.
- Make mysample_server a child of mysample supervisor.
So by making this changes we have the following new codes:
{application, mysample,
{description, ""},
{vsn, "1"},
{modules, [
{registered, []},
{applications, [
{mod, { mysample_app, []}},
{env, []}
-define(CHILD(I, Type), {I, {I, start_link, []}, permanent, 5000, Type,
start_link() ->
supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
init([]) ->
MySampleServer = ?CHILD(mysample_server, worker),
{ok, { {one_for_one, 5, 10}, [MySampleServer]} }.
Now that we’ve made every change, let’s compile the project:
$ ./rebar compile
==> mysample (compile)
Compiled src/mysample_app.erl
Compiled src/mysample_sup.erl
Compiled src/mysample_server.erl
Now take a look at your ebin directory and check if each module has a beam file placed there.
What about now? We’ve got an application module, a supervisor, and a simple generic server, but what do we do with it? Well, wouldn’t be great to make your application work as a service that you can start, stop, and restart whenever you want? You can create this using some Erlang tools, but with Rebar you can do this in avery very easy way. Summarizing what I’ve just said: “Rebar can help you create anErlang Release”.
To create a release we have to create a new directory in the root of our project calledrel and create a node in it. A node is kind of a standalone Erlang VM for our application to run on.
$ mkdir rel
$ cd rel
$ ../rebar create-node nodeid=mysample
==> rel (create-node)
Writing reltool.config
Writing overlay/erts-vsn/bin/erl
Writing overlay/erts-vsn/bin/nodetool
Writing overlay/bin/mysample
Writing overlay/etc/app.config
Writing overlay/etc/vm.args
$ cd -
We’ve just created a node for our application to run on, this node is created using a template just like the one used in the application creation. You can see it at Rebar’s source code: and then head topriv/templates/simplenode.template
Now we’re almost done. We only need to make some changes to the rel/reltool.config, file that contains the release configuration, so it can be compatible with our application’s modules.
Here is the changed version of the generated file, I will put * around the lines I changed, notice that they don’t belong to the real code.
{sys, [
*{lib_dirs, ["../../"]}*,
{rel, "mysample", "1",
{rel, "start_clean", "",
{boot_rel, "mysample"},
{profile, embedded},
{excl_sys_filters, ["^bin/.*",
*{app, mysample, [{incl_cond, include}]}*,
{app, sasl, [{incl_cond, include}]}
{rebar, [
{empty_dirs, [
{overlay, "overlay"}
If you want to know the meaning of each of this tuple’s options, look at Reltool Manual.
Now lets make this directory visible for rebar, for that we create rebar.config file in the root directory of our project.
{sub_dirs, ["rel"]}.
Configuration is now over! Lets generate our release:
$ ./rebar generate
This command creates a release of your application. Take a look at yours rel/mysample folder and you’ll be able to see something like this:
$ ls rel/mysample
bin erts-5.7.4 etc lib log releases
Now let’s run our release service, see the step by step below:
$ chmod u+x rel/mysample/bin/mysample
$ ./rel/mysample/bin/mysample
Usage: mysample {start|stop|restart|reboot|ping|console|attach}
Seems that everything is alright. To make sure your application was packed in the release, run your service with console./rel/mysample/bin/mysample console
and execute application:which_applications().
. Check if you got something like this:
(mysample@> application:which_applications().
{sasl,"SASL CXC 138 11","2.1.8"},
{stdlib,"ERTS CXC 138 10","1.16.4"},
{kernel,"ERTS CXC 138 10","2.13.4"}]
(mysample@> mysample_server:say_hello().
Hello from server!
If yes, you’ve done it! If not, make sure you’ve followed everything correctly.
The purpose of this tutorial was to give an introduction to a tool that helps we manage our Erlang applications. I think Rebar has a long way to go from here, but it is on the right track. It’s a great tool and if there were more documentation available there would have more people using it. I’ve talked about some of it’s most important features here, but in the beggining I showed that there is a lot more to it than just thancompile and generatefunctions. So get Rebar and start using it on your next project.
Hi Ken,I am fairly new to rebar, and I had a similar problem the other day. Theproblem is that your
application must reside in a directory whose name isthe same as the application's name. This means that your application'jaus_core' must be in ~/Desktop/work/1_jaus/jaus_coreand not ~/Desktop/work/1_jaus/erljausHope this helps!-- DominiqueDominique Boucher*
*| CTO*Nu Echo Inc.***1435, Saint-Alexandre Street, Suite 200, Montreal (Qc), Canada, H3A 2G4Tel: (514) 861-3246 ext 4231 | FAX: (514) 861-1676Dominique.Boucher at |
|*Because performance matters.***On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 12:36 AM, Ken Robinson <kenrobinsonster at>wrote:> Hi All,>> I was trying to
generate a release using the howtos:>>>>> Below is my workflow and my reltool.config. What I'm trying to> understand is whether I need populate all the reltool config values> myself
or does rebar do this for me? Any help would be greatly> appreciated.> Ken.>> Workflow> ========>kenrobinsonster at ubuntu-dev-01:~/Desktop/work/1_jaus/erljaus$
mkdir rel>kenrobinsonster at ubuntu-dev-01:~/Desktop/work/1_jaus/erljaus$ cd rel/>kenrobinsonster
at ubuntu-dev-01:~/Desktop/work/1_jaus/erljaus/rel$ rebar> create-node nodeid=jaus> ==> rel (create-node)> Writing reltool.config> Writing files/erl> Writing files/nodetool> Writing files/jaus>
Writing files/app.config> Writing files/vm.args>kenrobinsonster at ubuntu-dev-01:~/Desktop/work/1_jaus/erljaus/rel$ rebar> generate> ==> rel (generate)>
{"init terminating in do_boot","Release jaus uses non existing> application jaus_core"}>> Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump> init terminating in do_boot (Release jaus uses non existing> application jaus_core)>>kenrobinsonster
at ubuntu-dev-01:~/Desktop/work/1_jaus/erljaus/rel$ ls> ../ebin/> jaus_core_transport_receiverec.beam> jaus_core_app.beam jaus_core_transport_records.beam> ...>> ReltoolConfig>
===========> {sys, [> {lib_dirs, ["../..", "../ebin"]},> {rel, "jaus", "1",> [> kernel,> stdlib,> sasl,> mnesia,> jaus_core> ]},> {rel, "start_clean", "",>
[> kernel,> stdlib> ]},> {boot_rel, "jaus"},> {profile, embedded},> {excl_sys_filters, ["^bin/.*",> "^erts.*/bin/(dialyzer|typer)"]},> {app, sasl, [{incl_cond, include}]}> ]}.>>
{target_dir, "jaus"}.>> {overlay, [> {mkdir, "log/sasl"},> {copy, "files/erl", "{{erts_vsn}}/bin/erl"},> {copy, "files/nodetool", "{{erts_vsn}}/bin/nodetool"},> {copy, "files/jaus", "bin/jaus"},>
{copy, "files/app.config", "etc/app.config"},> {copy, "files/vm.args", "etc/vm.args"}> ]}.>>> --> regards,> Ken Robinson> Mob +61438681120> Home +61738523767>>
_______________________________________________> rebar mailing list>rebar at>>
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