[Advanced Algorithm] - Inventory Update
依照一个存着新进货物的二维数组,更新存着现有库存(在 arr1
中)的二维数组. 如果货物已存在则更新数量 . 如果没有对应货物则把其加入到数组中,更新最新的数量. 返回当前的库存数组,且按货物名称的字母顺序排列.
应该返回一个数组.updateInventory([[21, "Bowling Ball"], [2, "Dirty Sock"], [1, "Hair Pin"], [5, "Microphone"]], [[2, "Hair Pin"], [3, "Half-Eaten Apple"], [67, "Bowling Ball"], [7, "Toothpaste"]]).length
应该返回一个长度为6的数组.updateInventory([[21, "Bowling Ball"], [2, "Dirty Sock"], [1, "Hair Pin"], [5, "Microphone"]], [[2, "Hair Pin"], [3, "Half-Eaten Apple"], [67, "Bowling Ball"], [7, "Toothpaste"]])
应该返回[[88, "Bowling Ball"], [2, "Dirty Sock"], [3, "Hair Pin"], [3, "Half-Eaten Apple"], [5, "Microphone"], [7, "Toothpaste"]]
.updateInventory([[21, "Bowling Ball"], [2, "Dirty Sock"], [1, "Hair Pin"], [5, "Microphone"]], [])
应该返回[[21, "Bowling Ball"], [2, "Dirty Sock"], [1, "Hair Pin"], [5, "Microphone"]]
.updateInventory([], [[2, "Hair Pin"], [3, "Half-Eaten Apple"], [67, "Bowling Ball"], [7, "Toothpaste"]])
应该返回[[67, "Bowling Ball"], [2, "Hair Pin"], [3, "Half-Eaten Apple"], [7, "Toothpaste"]]
.updateInventory([[0, "Bowling Ball"], [0, "Dirty Sock"], [0, "Hair Pin"], [0, "Microphone"]], [[1, "Hair Pin"], [1, "Half-Eaten Apple"], [1, "Bowling Ball"], [1, "Toothpaste"]])
应该返回[[1, "Bowling Ball"], [0, "Dirty Sock"], [1, "Hair Pin"], [1, "Half-Eaten Apple"], [0, "Microphone"], [1, "Toothpaste"]]
- 遍历进货数组,取每一个元素,然后遍历库存数组,若进货的名称已存在,直接修改数目,若进货的名称不存在,这 push 到库存中;
- 从测试用例中可知:最终的库存列表需要根据名称进行排序,从字符的低到高进行排序;
function updateInventory(arr1, arr2) {
// All inventory must be accounted for or you're fired!
for (var i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < arr1.length; j++) {
if (arr1[j][1] === arr2[i][1]) {
arr1[j][0] += arr2[i][0];
if (j == arr1.length) {
arr1.push (arr2[i]);
return arr1.sort(function(a, b) {
return a[1].charCodeAt(0) - b[1].charCodeAt(0);
// Example inventory lists
var curInv = [
[21, "Bowling Ball"],
[2, "Dirty Sock"],
[1, "Hair Pin"],
[5, "Microphone"]
var newInv = [
[2, "Hair Pin"],
[3, "Half-Eaten Apple"],
[67, "Bowling Ball"],
[7, "Toothpaste"]
updateInventory(curInv, newInv);
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