jquery-1 jquery几个小实例
jquery-1 jquery几个小实例
- 64 function(){
- 65 $(this).animate({
- 66 'margin-left':'0px'
- 67 },500);
- 68 }
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- <h1>linux</h1>
- <p>linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!</p>
- <h1>linux</h1>
- <p>linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!</p>
- <h1>linux</h1>
- <p>linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!linux is very much!</p>
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