Recommend to use angular-cli to generate component and service, so we can get testing templates.

  1. ng g s heros // generate a heros service

Component with injected service:

  1. import { TestBed, async, inject } from '@angular/core/testing';
  2. import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
  3. import {HerosService} from "./heros.service";
  4. import {By} from "@angular/platform-browser";
  6. let fixture, comInstance, herosService, element, de;
  8. describe('AppComponent', () => {
  9. beforeEach(() => {
  10. TestBed.configureTestingModule({
  11. declarations: [
  12. AppComponent
  13. ],
  14. providers: [
  15. HerosService
  16. ]
  17. });
  18. TestBed.compileComponents();
  19. });
  21. beforeEach(() => {
  22. fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);
  23. de = fixture.debugElement;
  24. comInstance = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
  25. herosService = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(HerosService);
  26. element = fixture.nativeElement; // to access DOM element
  27. });
  29. it('should create the app', async(() => {
  30. expect(comInstance).toBeTruthy();
  31. }));
  33. it(`should have as title 'app works!'`, async(() => {
  34. expect(comInstance.title).toEqual('app works!');
  35. }));
  37. it('should render title in a h1 tag', async(() => {
  38. fixture.detectChanges();
  39. expect(element.querySelector('h1').textContent).toContain('app works!');
  40. }));
  42. it('should able to change the title', async(() => {
  43. const expected = "Change title";
  44. comInstance.title = expected;
  45. fixture.detectChanges();
  46. fixture.whenStable().then(() => {
  47. expect(element.querySelector('h1').innerText).toBe(expected);
  48. expect(de.query(By.css('h1')).nativeElement.innerText).toBe(expected);
  49. });
  50. }));
  52. it('should have HerosService defined', async(() => {
  53. const expected =;
  54. const result = "foo";
  55. expect(expected).toBe(result);
  56. }));
  57. });


  1. /* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable */
  3. import { TestBed, async, inject } from '@angular/core/testing';
  4. import { HerosService } from './heros.service';
  5. import {HttpModule} from "@angular/http";
  7. let service;
  9. describe('HerosService', () => {
  10. beforeEach(() => {
  11. TestBed.configureTestingModule({
  12. imports: [ HttpModule ],
  13. providers: [
  14. HerosService
  15. ]
  16. });
  17. });
  19. beforeEach(inject([HerosService], s => {
  20. service = s;
  21. }));
  23. it('should ...', inject([HerosService], (service: HerosService) => {
  24. expect(service).toBeTruthy();
  25. }));
  27. it('should able to get foo from foo()', inject([HerosService], service => {
  28. const expected =;
  29. const result = "foo";
  30. expect(expected).toBe(result);
  31. }));
  33. it('should able to get heros from api', async(() => {
  34. service.getHeros()
  35. .subscribe(( heros )=> {
  36. expect(heros.length).toEqual();
  37. })
  38. }))
  39. });

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