[图像处理] YUV图像处理入门2
1 分离YUV420中YUV分量
* @file 1 yuv_split.cpp
* @author luohen
* @brief split of yuv
* @date 2018-12-07
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
* @brief
* @param url location of input yuv420p file
* @param w width of input yuv420p file
* @param h height of input yuv420p file
* @return int
int yuv420_split(const char *url, int w, int h)
//reading yuv image
FILE *input_fp;
if ((input_fp = fopen(url, "rb")) == NULL)
printf("%s open error!\n", url);
return -1;
printf("%s open.\n", url);
//writing yuv image
FILE *outputY_fp = fopen("video_result/output_420_y.y", "wb+");
FILE *outputU_fp = fopen("video_result/output_420_u.y", "wb+");
FILE *outputV_fp = fopen("video_result/output_420_v.y", "wb+");
unsigned char *pic = new unsigned char[w * h * 3 / 2];
//读数据,每次读取的字节数为sizeof(unsigned char)=1,共读取w*h*3/2次
//reading data
fread(pic, sizeof(unsigned char), w * h * 3 / 2, input_fp);
//writing data
fwrite(pic, sizeof(unsigned char), w * h, outputY_fp);
fwrite(pic + w * h, sizeof(unsigned char), w * h / 4, outputU_fp);
fwrite(pic + w * h * 5 / 4, sizeof(unsigned char), w * h / 4, outputV_fp);
//memory release and files closing
delete[] pic;
return 0;
* @brief main
* @return int
int main()
//Setting YUV information
int state = yuv420_split("video/akiyo.yuv", 352, 288);
return 0;
int yuv420_split(const char *url, int w, int h);
从代码可以看出,程序先是读入一段视频数据流。通过fread函数读取wh3/2个unsigned char长度的数据实现第一帧图像的读取,unsigned
char占一个字节(通过sizeof(unsigned char)可以查看到),也就是说fread函数读取wh3/2字节的数据就可以实现一帧图像的读取。
fread(pic, sizeof(unsigned char), w * h * 3 / 2, input_fp);
fread(pic, w * h * 3 / 2*sizeof(unsigned char), 1, input_fp);
2 YUV420灰度化
* @file 2 yuv_gray.cpp
* @author luohen
* @brief gray scale of yuv
* @date 2018-12-07
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
* @brief
* @param url location of input yuv420p file
* @param w width of input yuv420p file
* @param h height of input yuv420p file
* @return int
int yuv420_gray(const char *url, int w, int h)
//reading yuv image
FILE *input_fp;
if ((input_fp = fopen(url, "rb")) == NULL)
printf("%s open error!\n", url);
return -1;
printf("%s open.\n", url);
//writing yuv image
FILE *outputGray_fp = fopen("video_result/output_gray.yuv", "wb+");
unsigned char *pic = new unsigned char[w * h * 3 / 2];
fread(pic, sizeof(unsigned char), w * h * 3 / 2, input_fp);
memset(pic + w * h, 128, w * h / 2);
fwrite(pic, sizeof(unsigned char), w * h * 3 / 2, outputGray_fp);
delete[] pic;
return 0;
* @brief main函数
* @return int
int main()
int state = yuv420_gray("video/akiyo.yuv", 352, 288);
return 0;
int yuv420_gray(const char *url, int w, int h);
3 YUV420亮度减半
* @file 3 yuv_halfy.cpp
* @author luohen
* @brief Half of Y value
* @date 2018-12-07
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
* @brief
* @param url location of input yuv420p file
* @param w width of input yuv420p file
* @param h height of input yuv420p file
* @return int
int yuv420_half(const char *url, int w, int h)
//reading yuv image
FILE *input_fp;
if ((input_fp = fopen(url, "rb")) == NULL)
printf("%s open error!\n", url);
return -1;
printf("%s open.\n", url);
//writing yuv image
FILE *output_fp = fopen("video_result/output_half.yuv", "wb+");
unsigned char *pic = new unsigned char[w * h * 3 / 2];
fread(pic, sizeof(unsigned char), w * h * 3 / 2, input_fp);
//half of Y
for (int j = 0; j < w * h; j++)
unsigned char temp = pic[j] / 2;
pic[j] = temp;
fwrite(pic, 1, w * h * 3 / 2, output_fp);
delete[] pic;
return 0;
* @brief main函数
* @return int
int main()
int state = yuv420_half("video/akiyo.yuv", 352, 288);
return 0;
int yuv420_half(const char *url, int w, int h);
4 YUV420添加边框
* @file 4 yuv_border.cpp
* @author luohen
* @brief add a border to yuv
* @date 2018-12-07
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
* @brief
* @param url location of input yuv420p file
* @param w width of input yuv420p file
* @param h height of input yuv420p file
* @return int
int yuv420_border(const char *url, int w, int h)
//reading yuv image
FILE *input_fp;
if ((input_fp = fopen(url, "rb")) == NULL)
printf("%s open error!\n", url);
return -1;
printf("%s open.\n", url);
//writing yuv image
FILE *output_fp = fopen("video_result/output_border.yuv", "wb+");
//border width
int border = 30;
unsigned char *pic = new unsigned char[w * h * 3 / 2];
//reading y
fread(pic, 1, w * h * 3 / 2, input_fp);
for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < w; k++)
if (k < border || k >(w - border) || j < border || j >(h - border))
pic[j * w + k] = 0;
fwrite(pic, 1, w * h * 3 / 2, output_fp);
delete[] pic;
return 0;
* @brief main函数
* @return int
int main()
int state = yuv420_border("video/akiyo.yuv", 352, 288);
return 0;
int yuv420_border(const char *url, int w, int h);
* @file 4 yuv_border.cpp
* @author luohen
* @brief add a border to yuv
* @date 2018-12-07
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
* @brief
* @param url location of input yuv420p file
* @param w width of input yuv420p file
* @param h height of input yuv420p file
* @return int
int yuv420_border(const char *url, int w, int h)
//reading yuv image
FILE *input_fp;
if ((input_fp = fopen(url, "rb")) == NULL)
printf("%s open error!\n", url);
return -1;
printf("%s open.\n", url);
//writing yuv image
FILE *output_fp = fopen("video_result/output_border.yuv", "wb+");
//border width
int border = 30;
unsigned char *pic = new unsigned char[w * h * 3 / 2];
//reading y
fread(pic, 1, w * h * 3 / 2, input_fp);
for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < w; k++)
if (k < border || k >(w - border) || j < border || j >(h - border))
pic[j * w + k] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < h / 2; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < w / 2; k++)
if (k < border / 2 || k >(w / 2 - border / 2) || j < border / 2 || j >(h / 2 - border / 2))
pic[w*h + j * w / 2 + k] = 128;
for (int j = 0; j < h / 2; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < w / 2; k++)
if (k < border / 2 || k >(w / 2 - border / 2) || j < border / 2 || j >(h / 2 - border / 2))
pic[w*h + w / 2 * h / 2 + j * w / 2 + k] = 128;
fwrite(pic, 1, w * h * 3 / 2, output_fp);
delete[] pic;
return 0;
* @brief main函数
* @return int
int main()
int state = yuv420_border("video/akiyo.yuv", 352, 288);
return 0;
pic[w*h + j * w / 2 + k] = 128;
pic[w*h + w / 2 * h / 2 + j * w / 2 + k] = 128;
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