

Farmer John and Betsy are playing a game with N (1 <= N <= 30,000)identical cubes labeled 1 through N. They start with N stacks, each containing a single cube. Farmer John asks Betsy to perform P (1<= P <= 100,000) operation. There are two types of operations:
moves and counts.

  • In a move operation, Farmer John asks Bessie to move the stack containing cube X on top of the stack containing cube Y.
  • In a count operation, Farmer John asks Bessie to count the number of cubes on the stack with cube X that are under the cube X and report that value.

Write a program that can verify the results of the game.


  • Line 1: A single integer, P

  • Lines 2…P+1: Each of these lines describes a legal operation. Line 2 describes the first operation, etc. Each line begins with a ‘M’ for a move operation or a ‘C’ for a count operation. For move operations, the line also contains two integers: X and Y.For count operations, the line also contains a single integer: X.

Note that the value for N does not appear in the input file. No move operation will request a move a stack onto itself.


Print the output from each of the count operations in the same order as the input file.

Sample Input

M 1 6
C 1
M 2 4
M 2 6
C 3
C 4

Sample Output



M i j表示将i所在的那一堆移到j所在那一堆的顶上。

C i表示一个询问,询问i下面有多少个方块。


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这个距离可以使用一次一次找爸爸的过程来进行求解, 同时还可以路径压缩


#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
#define MAX 30009
int fa[MAX];
int dis[MAX];
int num[MAX];
int find(int x)//注意找的时候要顺便进行路径压缩,在这个过程中,dis的值也要进行更改
if (x != fa[x])//自己不是根节点
int ret = find(fa[x]);
dis[x] += dis[fa[x]];
fa[x] = ret;
return ret;
return x;
void move(int x, int y)
int fx = find(x);
int fy = find(y);
fa[fx] = fy;
dis[fx] += num[fy];
num[fy] += num[fx]; } int main()
int T;
scanf("%d", &T);
for (int i = 1; i <= 30000; i++)
num[i] = 1;
fa[i] = i;
while (T--)
char buf[12];
int t1, t2;
scanf("%s", buf);
if (*buf == 'M')//移动
scanf("%d%d", &t1, &t2);
move(t1, t2);
scanf("%d", &t1);
printf("%d\n", dis[t1]);
} return 0; }

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