
为了进一步了解以太坊区块链网络的工作方式和运行原理,笔者通过官方软件Geth搭建了私有以太坊网络fantasynetwork,最终实现了单机和多机节点间的相互连通:首先通过VMware Workstation创建基础Ubuntu实验平台,再安装Golang[1]、Geth[2]等依赖环境;其次使用puppeth工具生成私网的配置文件fantasynetwork.json并复制到三个节点目录下,三个节点均使用该配置文件初始化网络;最后使用static-nodes.json的方式将三个节点设为默认接入节点,实现节点间的连通,连通后各节点中的账户可以互相转账挖矿。



├── accounts.txt
├── fantasynetwork.json
├── node1
│ ├── geth
│ ├── keystore
│ ├── node.sh
│ ├── password.txt
│ └── static-nodes.json
├── node2
│ ├── geth
│ ├── keystore
│ ├── node.sh
│ ├── password.txt
│ └── static-nodes.json
└── node3
├── geth
├── keystore
├── node.sh
├── password.txt
└── static-nodes.json


  1. 创建私网工作目录mkdir privateNet && cd privateNet
  2. 创建三个节点数据目录mkdir node1 node2 node3
    ├── node1
    ├── node2
    └── node3


  1. Node1
     test@ubuntu:~/privateNet$ geth --datadir node1/ account new
    Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
    Repeat password: Your new key was generated Public address of the key: 0x600d77B8ce36B829BFC8a1Cc5696Faf2218bDf75
    Path of the secret key file: node1/keystore/UTC--2021-08-11T04-51-26.533482715Z--600d77b8ce36b829bfc8a1cc5696faf2218bdf75
  2. Node 2
     test@ubuntu:~/privateNet$ geth --datadir node2/ account new
    Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
    Repeat password: Your new key was generated Public address of the key: 0x2F7fD5BD0026f7C2f0dB94b79D58AFE517BC56d2
    Path of the secret key file: node2/keystore/UTC--2021-08-11T04-53-30.820914994Z--2f7fd5bd0026f7c2f0db94b79d58afe517bc56d2
  3. Node3
     test@ubuntu:~/privateNet$ geth --datadir node3/ account new
    Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
    Repeat password: Your new key was generated Public address of the key: 0x6c1440E9c6Ca93C18B1e2A069D1D5a70e29C2363
    Path of the secret key file: node3/keystore/UTC--2021-08-11T04-54-24.244487186Z--6c1440e9c6ca93c18b1e2a069d1d5a70e29c2363



  1. 将以上账户的公钥地址保存至文本文件
     echo '0x600d77B8ce36B829BFC8a1Cc5696Faf2218bDf75' >> accounts.txt
    echo '0x2F7fD5BD0026f7C2f0dB94b79D58AFE517BC56d2' >> accounts.txt
    echo '0x6c1440E9c6Ca93C18B1e2A069D1D5a70e29C2363' >> accounts.txt
  2. 为了实验方便,将账户对应的密码文件保存至对应节点目录下
     echo 'fantasy' > node1/password.txt
    echo 'fantasy' > node2/password.txt
    echo 'fantasy' > node3/password.txt


  1. 设置网络名称
     test@ubuntu:~/privateNet$ puppeth
    Please specify a network name to administer (no spaces, hyphens or capital letters please)
    > fantasynetwork
    Sweet, you can set this via --network=fantasynetwork next time!
    INFO [08-10|22:08:31.110] Administering Ethereum network name=fantasynetwork
    WARN [08-10|22:08:31.110] No previous configurations found path=/home/test/.puppeth/fantasynetwork
  2. 选择程序功能
     What would you like to do? (default = stats)
    1. Show network stats
    2. Configure new genesis
    3. Track new remote server
    4. Deploy network components
    > 2
  3. 选择创建网络
     What would you like to do? (default = create)
    1. Create new genesis from scratch
    2. Import already existing genesis
    > 1
  4. 选择共识算法
     Which consensus engine to use? (default = clique)
    1. Ethash - proof-of-work
    2. Clique - proof-of-authority
    > 1
  5. 选择默认账号
     Which accounts should be pre-funded? (advisable at least one)
    > 0x600d77B8ce36B829BFC8a1Cc5696Faf2218bDf75
    > 0x2F7fD5BD0026f7C2f0dB94b79D58AFE517BC56d2
    > 0x6c1440E9c6Ca93C18B1e2A069D1D5a70e29C2363
    > 0x
  6. 设置默认单位
     Should the precompile-addresses (0x1 .. 0xff) be pre-funded with 1 wei? (advisable yes)
    > yes
  7. 设置网络ID
     Specify your chain/network ID if you want an explicit one (default = random)
    > 7777
    INFO [08-10|22:16:40.485] Configured new genesis block
  8. 导出配置文件
     What would you like to do? (default = stats)
    1. Show network stats
    2. Manage existing genesis
    3. Track new remote server
    4. Deploy network components
    > 2
    1. Modify existing configurations
    2. Export genesis configurations
    3. Remove genesis configuration
    > 2
    Which folder to save the genesis specs into? (default = current)
    Will create fantasynetwork.json, fantasynetwork-aleth.json, fantasynetwork-harmony.json, fantasynetwork-parity.json
    INFO [08-10|22:18:48.283] Saved native genesis chain spec path=fantasynetwork.json
    INFO [08-10|22:18:48.285] Saved genesis chain spec client=aleth path=fantasynetwork-aleth.json
    INFO [08-10|22:18:48.286] Saved genesis chain spec client=parity path=fantasynetwork-parity.json
    INFO [08-10|22:18:48.287] Saved genesis chain spec client=harmony path=fantasynetwork-harmony.json
  9. 退出工具
    What would you like to do? (default = stats)
    1. Show network stats
    2. Manage existing genesis
    3. Track new remote server
    4. Deploy network components
    > ^C


  1. 修改配置文件




geth --datadir node1/ init fantasynetwork.json
geth --datadir node2/ init fantasynetwork.json
geth --datadir node3/ init fantasynetwork.json



  1. Node1
    geth --nousb --datadir=$pwd --syncmode 'full' --port 27271 --miner.gasprice 0 --miner.gastarget 470000000000 --http --http.addr 'localhost' --http.port 7271 --http.api admin,eth,miner,net,txpool,personal,web3 --mine --allow-insecure-unlock --unlock "0x600d77B8ce36B829BFC8a1Cc5696Faf2218bDf75" --password password.txt


  2. Node2
    geth --nousb --datadir=$pwd --syncmode 'full' --port 27272 --miner.gasprice 0 --miner.gastarget 470000000000 --http --http.addr 'localhost' --http.port 7272 --http.api admin,eth,miner,net,txpool,personal,web3 --mine --allow-insecure-unlock --unlock "0x2F7fD5BD0026f7C2f0dB94b79D58AFE517BC56d2" --password password.txt


  3. Node3
    geth --nousb --datadir=$pwd --syncmode 'full' --port 27273 --miner.gasprice 0 --miner.gastarget 470000000000 --http --http.addr 'localhost' --http.port 7273 --http.api admin,eth,miner,net,txpool,personal,web3 --mine --allow-insecure-unlock --unlock "0x6c1440E9c6Ca93C18B1e2A069D1D5a70e29C2363" --password password.txt





  1. 在工作目录下创建static-nodes.json
  2. 将该文件复制到每个节点根目录下:
    cp static-nodes.json node1/
    cp static-nodes.json node2/
    cp static-nodes.json node3/
  3. 为了简化启动,可以创建启动节点批处理文件
    • node1/node.sh
      nohup geth --nousb --datadir=$pwd --syncmode 'full' --port 27271 --miner.gasprice 0 --miner.gastarget 470000000000 --http --http.addr 'localhost' --http.port 7271 --http.api admin,eth,miner,net,txpool,personal,web3 --mine --allow-insecure-unlock --unlock "0x600d77B8ce36B829BFC8a1Cc5696Faf2218bDf75" --password password.txt &
      echo "Geth started on node 1"
    • node2/node.sh
      nohup geth --nousb --datadir=$pwd --syncmode 'full' --port 27272 --miner.gasprice 0 --miner.gastarget 470000000000 --http --http.addr 'localhost' --http.port 7272 --http.api admin,eth,miner,net,txpool,personal,web3 --mine --allow-insecure-unlock --unlock "0x2F7fD5BD0026f7C2f0dB94b79D58AFE517BC56d2" --password password.txt &
      echo "Geth started on node 2"
    • node2/node.sh
      nohup geth --nousb --datadir=$pwd --syncmode 'full' --port 27273 --miner.gasprice 0 --miner.gastarget 470000000000 --http --http.addr 'localhost' --http.port 7273 --http.api admin,eth,miner,net,txpool,personal,web3 --mine --allow-insecure-unlock --unlock "0x6c1440E9c6Ca93C18B1e2A069D1D5a70e29C2363" --password password.txt &
      echo "Geth started on node 3"
  4. 启动各节点
    test@ubuntu:~/privateNet/node1$ sh node.sh
    test@ubuntu:~/privateNet/node2$ sh node.sh
    test@ubuntu:~/privateNet/node3$ sh node.sh
  5. 打开三个终端,使用geth attach命令接入三个节点命令行
    test@ubuntu:~/privateNet/node1$ geth attach geth.ipc
    test@ubuntu:~/privateNet/node2$ geth attach geth.ipc
    test@ubuntu:~/privateNet/node3$ geth attach geth.ipc

  6. 查看已连接节点

此时各节点已连接完成,每个节点账户默认为10个以太币,各节点账户间可自由转账和挖矿,需要注意的是转账后必须经过挖矿操作才能被写入区块链。上方法启动后的程序将会运行在后台,关闭需通过ps ax | grep geth命令和kill <process id>命令。



  1. 设置上节Ubuntu虚拟机网络模式为桥接,且IP设为静态IP172.25.1.99
  2. Windows的IP设为静态172.25.1.55


  1. 在Windows下创建文件夹node4,并将fantasynetwork.json复制到其中
  2. 初始化节点4
    C:\Users\Fantasy\Desktop\node4> geth --datadir . init fantasynetwork.json
  3. 新建账户
    C:\Users\Fantasy\Desktop\node4>geth -datadir . console
    > personal.newAccount("fantasy")
    WARN [08-11|16:13:32.987] Please remember your password!
    > exit
  4. 启动节点4
    geth --nousb --datadir=. --syncmode "full" --port 27271 --miner.gasprice 0 --miner.gastarget 470000000000 --http --http.addr --http.port 7271 --http.api admin,eth,miner,net,txpool,personal,web3 --mine --allow-insecure-unlock console
  5. 添加节点1[6]
    > net.peerCount
    > admin.addPeer("enode://0f870fa3f8085f5abf74ea7c2a12a0809a9daaece20e3b1c4c80fb6929ff652681068c6ffd47852a4544dc282a4a15f531b452e05c4f1cf6861d4fb3b728edeb@")
    > net.peerCount



  • 很多教程中说不同节点启动时不能使用相同的端口,那是因为其运行在同一个主机上,这里节点1和节点4运行在不同的端口上,故可以使用相同的端口。
  • 添加节点无效常见原因/解决办法:
    • admin.addPeer后等一段时间才会生效
    • admin.addPeer时使用的是NAT后公网地址,而公网防火墙通常拒绝异常接入
    • admin.addPeer后开始挖矿增加同步速度
    • 简单的方法是使用上节中的static-nodes.json方法


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  2. shciily. Linux系统下安装Geth客户端. CSDN. [2020-08-29]

  3. Divyang Desai. Setup Your Private Ethereum Network With Geth. c-sharpcorner.com. [2020-08-04]

  4. soowin. 创世区块配置文件genesis.json的格式解读. CSDN. [2021-01-26]

  5. mb5fe559b5073e8. 以太坊客户端Geth命令用法-参数详解. CSDN. [2021-06-13]

  6. Someone. "admin.addPeer" is not working. Github. [2020-09-27]


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