1 """五子棋之人机对战"""
3 import random
4 import sys
6 import pygame
7 import pygame.gfxdraw
8 from pygame.locals import *
10 from checkerboard import Checkerboard, BLACK_CHESSMAN, WHITE_CHESSMAN, offset, Point
12 SIZE = 30 # 棋盘每个点时间的间隔
13 Line_Points = 19 # 棋盘每行/每列点数
14 Outer_Width = 20 # 棋盘外宽度
15 Border_Width = 4 # 边框宽度
16 Inside_Width = 4 # 边框跟实际的棋盘之间的间隔
17 Border_Length = SIZE * (Line_Points - 1) + Inside_Width * 2 + Border_Width # 边框线的长度
18 Start_X = Start_Y = Outer_Width + int(Border_Width / 2) + Inside_Width # 网格线起点(左上角)坐标
19 SCREEN_HEIGHT = SIZE * (Line_Points - 1) + Outer_Width * 2 + Border_Width + Inside_Width * 2 # 游戏屏幕的高
20 SCREEN_WIDTH = SCREEN_HEIGHT + 200 # 游戏屏幕的宽
22 Stone_Radius = SIZE // 2 - 3 # 棋子半径
23 Stone_Radius2 = SIZE // 2 + 3
24 Checkerboard_Color = (0xE3, 0x92, 0x65) # 棋盘颜色
25 BLACK_COLOR = (0, 0, 0)
26 WHITE_COLOR = (255, 255, 255)
27 RED_COLOR = (200, 30, 30)
28 BLUE_COLOR = (30, 30, 200)
30 RIGHT_INFO_POS_X = SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2 * 2 + 10
33 def print_text(screen, font, x, y, text, fcolor=(255, 255, 255)):
34 imgText = font.render(text, True, fcolor)
35 screen.blit(imgText, (x, y))
38 def main():
39 pygame.init()
40 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))
41 pygame.display.set_caption('五子棋')
43 font1 = pygame.font.SysFont('SimHei', 32)
44 font2 = pygame.font.SysFont('SimHei', 72)
45 fwidth, fheight = font2.size('黑方获胜')
47 checkerboard = Checkerboard(Line_Points)
48 cur_runner = BLACK_CHESSMAN
49 winner = None
50 computer = AI(Line_Points, WHITE_CHESSMAN)
52 black_win_count = 0
53 white_win_count = 0
55 while True:
56 for event in pygame.event.get():
57 if event.type == QUIT:
58 sys.exit()
59 elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
60 if event.key == K_RETURN:
61 if winner is not None:
62 winner = None
63 cur_runner = BLACK_CHESSMAN
64 checkerboard = Checkerboard(Line_Points)
65 computer = AI(Line_Points, WHITE_CHESSMAN)
66 elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
67 if winner is None:
68 pressed_array = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
69 if pressed_array[0]:
70 mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
71 click_point = _get_clickpoint(mouse_pos)
72 if click_point is not None:
73 if checkerboard.can_drop(click_point):
74 winner = checkerboard.drop(cur_runner, click_point)
75 if winner is None:
76 cur_runner = _get_next(cur_runner)
77 computer.get_opponent_drop(click_point)
78 AI_point = computer.AI_drop()
79 winner = checkerboard.drop(cur_runner, AI_point)
80 if winner is not None:
81 white_win_count += 1
82 cur_runner = _get_next(cur_runner)
83 else:
84 black_win_count += 1
85 else:
86 print('超出棋盘区域')
88 # 画棋盘
89 _draw_checkerboard(screen)
91 # 画棋盘上已有的棋子
92 for i, row in enumerate(checkerboard.checkerboard):
93 for j, cell in enumerate(row):
94 if cell == BLACK_CHESSMAN.Value:
95 _draw_chessman(screen, Point(j, i), BLACK_CHESSMAN.Color)
96 elif cell == WHITE_CHESSMAN.Value:
97 _draw_chessman(screen, Point(j, i), WHITE_CHESSMAN.Color)
99 _draw_left_info(screen, font1, cur_runner, black_win_count, white_win_count)
101 if winner:
102 print_text(screen, font2, (SCREEN_WIDTH - fwidth) // 2, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - fheight) // 2, winner.Name + '获胜',
105 pygame.display.flip()
108 def _get_next(cur_runner):
109 if cur_runner == BLACK_CHESSMAN:
111 else:
115 # 画棋盘
116 def _draw_checkerboard(screen):
117 # 填充棋盘背景色
118 screen.fill(Checkerboard_Color)
119 # 画棋盘网格线外的边框
120 pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK_COLOR, (Outer_Width, Outer_Width, Border_Length, Border_Length), Border_Width)
121 # 画网格线
122 for i in range(Line_Points):
123 pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK_COLOR,
124 (Start_Y, Start_Y + SIZE * i),
125 (Start_Y + SIZE * (Line_Points - 1), Start_Y + SIZE * i),
126 1)
127 for j in range(Line_Points):
128 pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK_COLOR,
129 (Start_X + SIZE * j, Start_X),
130 (Start_X + SIZE * j, Start_X + SIZE * (Line_Points - 1)),
131 1)
132 # 画星位和天元
133 for i in (3, 9, 15):
134 for j in (3, 9, 15):
135 if i == j == 9:
136 radius = 5
137 else:
138 radius = 3
139 #, BLACK, (Start_X + SIZE * i, Start_Y + SIZE * j), radius)
140 pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * i, Start_Y + SIZE * j, radius, BLACK_COLOR)
141 pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * i, Start_Y + SIZE * j, radius, BLACK_COLOR)
144 # 画棋子
145 def _draw_chessman(screen, point, stone_color):
146 #, stone_color, (Start_X + SIZE * point.X, Start_Y + SIZE * point.Y), Stone_Radius)
147 pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * point.X, Start_Y + SIZE * point.Y, Stone_Radius, stone_color)
148 pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * point.X, Start_Y + SIZE * point.Y, Stone_Radius, stone_color)
151 # 画左侧信息显示
152 def _draw_left_info(screen, font, cur_runner, black_win_count, white_win_count):
153 _draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, Start_X + Stone_Radius2), BLACK_CHESSMAN.Color)
154 _draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, Start_X + Stone_Radius2 * 4), WHITE_CHESSMAN.Color)
156 print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, Start_X + 3, '玩家', BLUE_COLOR)
157 print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, Start_X + Stone_Radius2 * 3 + 3, '电脑', BLUE_COLOR)
159 print_text(screen, font, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_HEIGHT - Stone_Radius2 * 8, '战况:', BLUE_COLOR)
160 _draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - int(Stone_Radius2 * 4.5)),
162 _draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - Stone_Radius2 * 2), WHITE_CHESSMAN.Color)
163 print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, SCREEN_HEIGHT - int(Stone_Radius2 * 5.5) + 3, f'{black_win_count} 胜',
165 print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, SCREEN_HEIGHT - Stone_Radius2 * 3 + 3, f'{white_win_count} 胜',
169 def _draw_chessman_pos(screen, pos, stone_color):
170 pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, pos[0], pos[1], Stone_Radius2, stone_color)
171 pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, pos[0], pos[1], Stone_Radius2, stone_color)
174 # 根据鼠标点击位置,返回游戏区坐标
175 def _get_clickpoint(click_pos):
176 pos_x = click_pos[0] - Start_X
177 pos_y = click_pos[1] - Start_Y
178 if pos_x < -Inside_Width or pos_y < -Inside_Width:
179 return None
180 x = pos_x // SIZE
181 y = pos_y // SIZE
182 if pos_x % SIZE > Stone_Radius:
183 x += 1
184 if pos_y % SIZE > Stone_Radius:
185 y += 1
186 if x >= Line_Points or y >= Line_Points:
187 return None
189 return Point(x, y)
192 class AI:
193 def __init__(self, line_points, chessman):
194 self._line_points = line_points
195 self._my = chessman
196 self._opponent = BLACK_CHESSMAN if chessman == WHITE_CHESSMAN else WHITE_CHESSMAN
197 self._checkerboard = [[0] * line_points for _ in range(line_points)]
199 def get_opponent_drop(self, point):
200 self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X] = self._opponent.Value
202 def AI_drop(self):
203 point = None
204 score = 0
205 for i in range(self._line_points):
206 for j in range(self._line_points):
207 if self._checkerboard[j][i] == 0:
208 _score = self._get_point_score(Point(i, j))
209 if _score > score:
210 score = _score
211 point = Point(i, j)
212 elif _score == score and _score > 0:
213 r = random.randint(0, 100)
214 if r % 2 == 0:
215 point = Point(i, j)
216 self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X] = self._my.Value
217 return point
219 def _get_point_score(self, point):
220 score = 0
221 for os in offset:
222 score += self._get_direction_score(point, os[0], os[1])
223 return score
225 def _get_direction_score(self, point, x_offset, y_offset):
226 count = 0 # 落子处我方连续子数
227 _count = 0 # 落子处对方连续子数
228 space = None # 我方连续子中有无空格
229 _space = None # 对方连续子中有无空格
230 both = 0 # 我方连续子两端有无阻挡
231 _both = 0 # 对方连续子两端有无阻挡
233 # 如果是 1 表示是边上是我方子,2 表示敌方子
234 flag = self._get_stone_color(point, x_offset, y_offset, True)
235 if flag != 0:
236 for step in range(1, 6):
237 x = point.X + step * x_offset
238 y = point.Y + step * y_offset
239 if 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points:
240 if flag == 1:
241 if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:
242 count += 1
243 if space is False:
244 space = True
245 elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:
246 _both += 1
247 break
248 else:
249 if space is None:
250 space = False
251 else:
252 break # 遇到第二个空格退出
253 elif flag == 2:
254 if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:
255 _both += 1
256 break
257 elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:
258 _count += 1
259 if _space is False:
260 _space = True
261 else:
262 if _space is None:
263 _space = False
264 else:
265 break
266 else:
267 # 遇到边也就是阻挡
268 if flag == 1:
269 both += 1
270 elif flag == 2:
271 _both += 1
273 if space is False:
274 space = None
275 if _space is False:
276 _space = None
278 _flag = self._get_stone_color(point, -x_offset, -y_offset, True)
279 if _flag != 0:
280 for step in range(1, 6):
281 x = point.X - step * x_offset
282 y = point.Y - step * y_offset
283 if 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points:
284 if _flag == 1:
285 if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:
286 count += 1
287 if space is False:
288 space = True
289 elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:
290 _both += 1
291 break
292 else:
293 if space is None:
294 space = False
295 else:
296 break # 遇到第二个空格退出
297 elif _flag == 2:
298 if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:
299 _both += 1
300 break
301 elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:
302 _count += 1
303 if _space is False:
304 _space = True
305 else:
306 if _space is None:
307 _space = False
308 else:
309 break
310 else:
311 # 遇到边也就是阻挡
312 if _flag == 1:
313 both += 1
314 elif _flag == 2:
315 _both += 1
317 score = 0
318 if count == 4:
319 score = 10000
320 elif _count == 4:
321 score = 9000
322 elif count == 3:
323 if both == 0:
324 score = 1000
325 elif both == 1:
326 score = 100
327 else:
328 score = 0
329 elif _count == 3:
330 if _both == 0:
331 score = 900
332 elif _both == 1:
333 score = 90
334 else:
335 score = 0
336 elif count == 2:
337 if both == 0:
338 score = 100
339 elif both == 1:
340 score = 10
341 else:
342 score = 0
343 elif _count == 2:
344 if _both == 0:
345 score = 90
346 elif _both == 1:
347 score = 9
348 else:
349 score = 0
350 elif count == 1:
351 score = 10
352 elif _count == 1:
353 score = 9
354 else:
355 score = 0
357 if space or _space:
358 score /= 2
360 return score
362 # 判断指定位置处在指定方向上是我方子、对方子、空
363 def _get_stone_color(self, point, x_offset, y_offset, next):
364 x = point.X + x_offset
365 y = point.Y + y_offset
366 if 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points:
367 if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:
368 return 1
369 elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:
370 return 2
371 else:
372 if next:
373 return self._get_stone_color(Point(x, y), x_offset, y_offset, False)
374 else:
375 return 0
376 else:
377 return 0
380 if __name__ == '__main__':
381 main()
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