
1、conftest.py文件,重写pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter, exitstatus, config)



pytest_terminal_summary  Argument(s) {'Config'} are declared in the hookimpl but can not be found in the hookspec






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2、 重启pycharm,在启动,启动成功,正确获取到config的配置信息

def pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter, exitstatus, config):
email = config.getoption('--sendemail')
# email = True
total = terminalreporter._numcollected
pass_num = len(terminalreporter.stats.get("passed", []))
failed_num = len(terminalreporter.stats.get("failed", []))
error_num = len(terminalreporter.stats.get("error", []))
skipped_num = len(terminalreporter.stats.get("skipped", []))
param_t = {}
param_t["total"] = total
param_t["pass"] = pass_num
param_t["failed"] = failed_num
param_t["error"] = error_num
param_t["skipped"] = skipped_num
param_t["rate"] = (CommunFun().decimal_round(number=Decimal(pass_num/total), len='3'))*Decimal('100')
# 将数量存放到com_obj,然后在发送邮件的时候,获取
DataManage().add_data_obj({"testresult": param_t})
if email:
file = CommunFun().get_new_file(r"D:\xxxx\reports")
sendEmail().send_email(email_to="xxx邮箱", filepath=file)

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