socket并不能多并发,只能支持一个用户,socketserver 简化了编写网络服务程序的任务,socketserver是socket的在封装。socketserver在python2中为SocketServer,在python3种取消了首字母大写,改名为socketserver。socketserver中包含了两种类,一种为服务类(server class),一种为请求处理类(request handle class)。前者提供了许多方法:像绑定,监听,运行…… (也就是建立连接的过程) 后者则专注于如何处理用户所发送的数据(也就是事务逻辑)。一般情况下,所有的服务,都是先建立连接,也就是建立一个服务类的实例,然后开始处理用户请求,也就是建立一个请求处理类的实例。
1. Python之socketserver架构
2. 如何创建一个socketserver
#coding:UTF-8 ''' socketserver模块实例 ''' import socket
import socketserver hostname = socket.gethostname()
ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
ip_port = (ip, 1122) class Myhandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
print (ip_port)
print (self.request, self.client_address, self.server)
while True:
data = self.request.recv(1024)
print (len(data))
if len(data) > 0:
print (data, self.client_address)
data1 = data.decode("utf8").lower()
print (data1)
if data1 == "exit":
print ("server exit")
break if __name__ == "__main__":
s =socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer((ip_port),Myhandler)
print (s)
3. socketserver源码分析
(1) socketserver工作流程
(2)class socketserver.BaseServer(server_address, RequestHandlerClass) 主要有以下方法:
This is the superclass of all Server objects in the module. It defines the interface, given below, but does not implement most of the methods, which is done in subclasses. The two parameters are stored in the respective server_address and RequestHandlerClass attributes.
Return an integer file descriptor for the socket on which the server is listening. This function is most commonly passed to selectors, to allow monitoring multiple servers in the same process.
Process a single request. This function calls the following methods in order: get_request(), verify_request(), and process_request(). If the user-provided handle() method of the handler class raises an exception, the server’s handle_error() method will be called. If no request is received within timeout seconds, handle_timeout() will be called and handle_request() will return.
Changed in version 3.3: Added service_actions call to the serve_forever method.
This is called in the serve_forever() loop. This method can be overridden by subclasses or mixin classes to perform actions specific to a given service, such as cleanup actions.
New in version 3.3.
shutdown() #停掉
Tell the serve_forever() loop to stop and wait until it does.
Clean up the server. May be overridden.
The family of protocols to which the server’s socket belongs. Common examples are socket.AF_INET and socket.AF_UNIX.
The user-provided request handler class; an instance of this class is created for each request.
The address on which the server is listening. The format of addresses varies depending on the protocol family; see the documentation for the socket module for details. For Internet protocols, this is a tuple containing a string giving the address, and an integer port number: ('', 80), for example.
socket #
The socket object on which the server will listen for incoming requests.
The server classes support the following class variables:
Whether the server will allow the reuse of an address. This defaults to False, and can be set in subclasses to change the policy.
The size of the request queue. If it takes a long time to process a single request, any requests that arrive while the server is busy are placed into a queue, up to request_queue_size requests. Once the queue is full, further requests from clients will get a “Connection denied” error. The default value is usually 5, but this can be overridden by subclasses.
socket_type #协议类型
The type of socket used by the server; socket.SOCK_STREAM and socket.SOCK_DGRAM are two common values.
Timeout duration, measured in seconds, or None if no timeout is desired. If handle_request() receives no incoming requests within the timeout period, the handle_timeout() method is called.
There are various server methods that can be overridden by subclasses of base server classes like TCPServer; these methods aren’t useful to external users of the server object.
Must accept a request from the socket, and return a 2-tuple containing the new socket object to be used to communicate with the client, and the client’s address.
handle_error(request, client_address) #处理错误
This function is called if the handle() method of a RequestHandlerClass instance raises an exception. The default action is to print the traceback to standard output and continue handling further requests.
handle_timeout() #
This function is called when the timeout attribute has been set to a value other than None and the timeout period has passed with no requests being received. The default action for forking servers is to collect the status of any child processes that have exited, while in threading servers this method does nothing.
Calls finish_request() to create an instance of the RequestHandlerClass. If desired, this function can create a new process or thread to handle the request; the ForkingMixIn and ThreadingMixIn classes do this.
Called by the server’s constructor to activate the server. The default behavior for a TCP server just invokes listen() on the server’s socket. May be overridden.
server_bind() #内部调用
Called by the server’s constructor to bind the socket to the desired address. May be overridden.
verify_request(request, client_address) #判断一个请求是否合法
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