妹子是做翻译相关的,遇到个问题,要求得到句子中的所有单词的 音标;





有道翻译api网站:  需要申请key,直接替换  self.key = 'xxxx' self.keyfrom = 'xxxx'  就可以了


后来妹子说,他们有时候需要处理 字幕srt 文件的音标翻译,一句一句太慢了,

下面上代码: 支持单行输入及输出:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import urllib2
import re
import json
import string
class Youdao:
def __init__(self):
self.url = 'http://fanyi.youdao.com/openapi.do'
self.key = '1106591478'
self.keyfrom = 'left69' def get_translation(self,words):
url = self.url + '?keyfrom=' + self.keyfrom + '&key='+self.key + '&type=data&doctype=json&version=1.1&q=' + words
result = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
json_result = json.loads(result)
json_result = json_result["translation"]
for i in json_result:
print i youdao = Youdao()
def get_yinbiao(words):
splitStr = words
for c in string.punctuation:
if c != "'":
splitStr = splitStr.replace(c, ' ')
print " "+splitStr
listu = splitStr.split(' ')
output = ""
for j in listu:
output = output + ' ' + SendGet(j)
print output def SendGet(str):
judge = str.lower()
if judge.lower()=="it":
return "it"
if judge.lower()=="mr":
return "'miste(r)"
#print str
url = "http://fanyi.youdao.com/openapi.do?keyfrom=left69&key=1106591478&type=data&doctype=json&version=1.1&q="+str
req = urllib2.Request(url)
res_data = urllib2.urlopen(req)
res = res_data.read()
#print res
if(res == "no query"):
return judge
hjson = json.loads(res)
#print hjson['basic']['uk-phonetic']
#danci = hjson['basic']['uk-phonetic']
return judge
if hjson.has_key('basic'):
if hjson['basic'].has_key('uk-phonetic'):
return judge
danci = danci.replace('[','')
danci = danci.replace(']','')
if danci.find(";") != -1:
listu = danci.split(';')
for j in listu:
if len(j)>0 :
return j
if danci.find(",") != -1:
listu = danci.split(',')
for j in listu:
if len(j)>0 :
return j
return danci
elif hjson.has_key('query'):
if danci.find(";") != -1:
listu = danci.split(';')
for j in listu:
return j
return danci
return judge
while True:
msg=raw_input("Enter input:")
if msg == 'quit':

上代码: 支持 srt格式的字幕

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import urllib2
import re
import json
import string
import os import sys
sys.setdefaultencoding( "utf-8" ) class Youdao:
def __init__(self):
self.url = 'http://fanyi.youdao.com/openapi.do'
self.key = '1106591478'
self.keyfrom = 'left69' def get_yinbiao(self,words):
splitStr = words
for c in string.punctuation:
if c != "'":
splitStr = splitStr.replace(c, ' ')
#print " "+splitStr
listu = splitStr.split(' ')
output = ""
for j in listu:
output = output + ' ' + self.SendGet(j)
return output def SendGet(self,str):
judge = str.lower()
if judge.lower()=="it":
return "it"
if judge.lower()=="mr":
return "'miste(r)"
#print str
url = "http://fanyi.youdao.com/openapi.do?keyfrom="+self.keyfrom+"Trans&key="+self.key+"&type=data&doctype=json&version=1.1&q="+str
req = urllib2.Request(url)
res_data = urllib2.urlopen(req)
res = res_data.read()
#print res
if(res == "no query"):
return judge
hjson = json.loads(res)
#print hjson['basic']['uk-phonetic']
#danci = hjson['basic']['uk-phonetic']
return judge
if hjson.has_key('basic'):
if hjson['basic'].has_key('uk-phonetic'):
return judge
danci = danci.replace('[','') danci = danci.replace(']','')
if danci.find(";") != -1:
listu = danci.split(';')
for j in listu:
if len(j)>0 :
return j
if danci.find(",") != -1:
listu = danci.split(',')
for j in listu:
if len(j)>0 :
return j
return danci
elif hjson.has_key('query'):
if danci.find(";") != -1:
listu = danci.split(';')
for j in listu:
return j
return danci
return judge
youdao = Youdao()
srt_path = sys.path[0]
#print srt_path
FileNames = os.listdir(srt_path)
#print FileNames
#for d_file in FileNames:#
# if ('.txt' not in d_file and '.srt' not in d_file):
# continue
# print d_file
while True:
#file = open(d_file, 'r+','utf8')
d_file = raw_input("Enter file name:")
if d_file == 'q':
file = open(d_file, 'r+')
count = len(open(d_file, 'r+').readlines())
print count
w_file = d_file.split('.')[0] + "_out.txt"
#print w_file
Wfile = open(w_file,'w')
line = 0
pocess = 1
while 1:
line = line + 1
line2 = 1
data = file.readline()
if not data :
lines = line % 5
if lines == 3:
pp = pocess*500/count
ppp = '%d' %pp
pos = "Process:"+ppp + "%"
print pos
pocess = pocess+1
if lines == 4:
print "翻译 success!"
print " "

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