* @Author: HuWan Peng
* @Date Created in 23:21 2018/1/14
public class Node {
char data; // 数据
int weight; // 权值
int left, right, parent; // 三条链接
public Node (char data, int weight) {
this.data = data;
this.weight = weight;
public Node (int weight) {
this.weight = weight;
* @description: 构建赫夫曼树
public Node[] buildTree (Node [] nodes) {
int s1, s2,p;
int n = nodes.length; // 外结点的数量
int m = 2*n - 1; // 内结点 + 外结点的总数量
Node [] HT = new Node [m]; // 存储结点对象的HT数组
for (int i=0;i<m;i++) HT[i] = new Node(0); // 初始化HT数组元素
for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
HT[i].data = nodes[i].data;
HT[i].weight = nodes[i].weight; //将给定的权值列表赋给外结点对象
for (int i=n;i<m;i++) {
s1 = select(HT,i,0); // 取得HT数组中权值最小的结点对象的下标
s2 = select(HT,i,1); // 取得HT数组中权值次小的结点对象的下标
HT[i].left = s1; // 建立链接
HT[i].right = s2;
HT[s1].parent = i;
HT[s2].parent = i;
HT[i].weight = HT[s1].weight + HT[s2].weight;// 计算当前外结点的权值
selectStart+=2; // 这个变量表示之前“被删除”的最小结点的数量和
return HT; // 将处理后的HT数组返回
* @description: buildTree方法的用例
public static void main (String [] args) {
Node [] nodes = new Node[4];
nodes[0] = new Node('a',7);
nodes[1] = new Node('b',5);
nodes[2] = new Node('c',2);
nodes[3] = new Node('d',4);
HuffmanTree ht = new HuffmanTree();
Node [] n = ht.buildTree(nodes); // n是构建完毕的赫夫曼树
private int select (Node[] HT,int range, int rank)
s1 = select(HT,i,0); // 取得HT数组中权值最小的结点对象的下标
s2 = select(HT,i,1); // 取得HT数组中权值次小的结点对象的下标
* @description: 返回权值排名为rank的结点对象在HT中的下标(按权值从小到大排)
private int select (Node[] HT,int range, int rank) {
Node [] copyNodes = Arrays.copyOf(HT, range);// 将HT[0]~HT[range]拷贝到copyNodes中
QuickSort.sort(copyNodes); // 对copyNodes进行从小到大的快速排序
Node target = copyNodes[rank + selectStart]; // 取得“删除”后权值排名为rank的结点对象
for (int j=0;j<HT.length;j++) {
if (target == HT[j]) return j; // 返回该结点对象在数组HT中的下标
return -1;
- 如果P.left==X在HT中的下标,则说明X是P的左分支,说明经过的是 0
- 如果P.right==X在HT中的下标,则说明X是P的右分支,说明经过的是 1
import java.util.Arrays;
* @Author: HuWan Peng
* @Date Created in 22:54 2018/1/14
public class HuffmanTree {
private class HuffmanCode {
char data; // 存放字符,例如 'C'
String bit; // 存放编码后的字符串, 例如"111"
public HuffmanCode (char data, String bit) {
this.data = data;
this.bit = bit;
* @description: 构建赫夫曼树
public Node[] buildTree (Node [] nodes) {
// 具体代码见上文
* @description: 进行赫夫曼编码
public HuffmanCode [] encode(Node [] nodes) {
Node [] HT = buildTree(nodes); // 根据输入的nodes数组构造赫夫曼树
int n = nodes.length;
HuffmanCode [] HC = new HuffmanCode [n];
String bit;
for (int i=0;i<n;i++) { // 遍历各个叶子结点
bit = "";
for (int c=i,f=HT[i].parent;f!=0;c=f,f=HT[f].parent) { // 从叶子结点上溯到根结点
if(HT[f].left == c) bit= "0" + bit; // 反向编码
else bit= "1" + bit;
HC[i] = new HuffmanCode(HT[i].data,bit); // 将字符和对应的编码存储起来
return HC;
* @description: encode方法的用例
public static void main (String [] args) {
Node [] nodes = new Node[4];
nodes[0] = new Node('A',7);
nodes[1] = new Node('B',5);
nodes[2] = new Node('C',2);
nodes[3] = new Node('D',4);
HuffmanTree ht = new HuffmanTree();
HuffmanCode[] hc = ht.encode(nodes);
// 对A,B,C,D进行编码
for (int i=0;i<hc.length;i++) { // 将赫夫曼编码打印出来
System.out.println(hc[i].data + ":" +hc[i].bit);
import java.util.Arrays;
* @Author: HuWan Peng
* @Date Created in 22:54 2018/1/14
public class HuffmanTree {
int selectStart = 0;
private class HuffmanCode {
char data; // 存放字符,例如 'C'
String bit; // 存放编码后的字符串, 例如"111"
public HuffmanCode (char data, String bit) {
this.data = data;
this.bit = bit;
* @description: 构建赫夫曼树
public Node[] buildTree (Node [] nodes) {
// 代码见上文
* @description: 进行赫夫曼译码
public String decode (Node [] nodes, String code) {
String str="";
Node [] HT = buildTree(nodes);
int n =HT.length -1;
for (int i=0;i<code.length();i++) {
char c = code.charAt(i);
if(c == '1') {
n = HT[n].right;
else {
n = HT[n].left;
if(HT[n].left == 0) {
str+= HT[n].data;
n =HT.length -1;
return str;
* @description: decode方法的用例
public static void main (String [] args) {
Node [] nodes = new Node[4];
nodes[0] = new Node('A',7);
nodes[1] = new Node('B',5);
nodes[2] = new Node('C',2);
nodes[3] = new Node('D',4);
HuffmanTree ht = new HuffmanTree();
// 对 010110111 进行译码
* @Author: HuWan Peng
* @Date Created in 23:21 2018/1/14
public class Node {
char data;
int weight;
int left, right, parent;
public Node (char data, int weight) {
this.data = data;
this.weight = weight;
public Node (int weight) {
this.weight = weight;
import java.util.Arrays;
* @Author: HuWan Peng
* @Date Created in 22:54 2018/1/14
public class HuffmanTree {
int selectStart = 0;
private class HuffmanCode {
char data; // 存放字符,例如 'C'
String bit; // 存放编码后的字符串, 例如"111"
public HuffmanCode (char data, String bit) {
this.data = data;
this.bit = bit;
* @description: 返回权值排名为rank的结点对象在nodes中的下标(按权值从小到大排)
private int select (Node[] HT,int range, int rank) {
Node [] copyNodes = Arrays.copyOf(HT, range);// 将HT[0]~HT[range]拷贝到copyNodes中
QuickSort.sort(copyNodes); // 对copyNodes进行从小到大的快速排序
Node target = copyNodes[rank + selectStart]; // 取得“删除”后权值排名为rank的结点对象
for (int j=0;j<HT.length;j++) {
if (target == HT[j]) return j; // 返回该结点对象在数组HT中的下标
return -1;
* @description: 构建赫夫曼树
public Node[] buildTree (Node [] nodes) {
int s1, s2,p;
int n = nodes.length; // 外结点的数量
int m = 2*n - 1; // 内结点 + 外结点的总数量
Node [] HT = new Node [m]; // 存储结点对象的HT数组
for (int i=0;i<m;i++) HT[i] = new Node(0); // 初始化HT数组元素
for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
HT[i].data = nodes[i].data;
HT[i].weight = nodes[i].weight; //将给定的权值列表赋给外结点对象
for (int i=n;i<m;i++) {
s1 = select(HT,i,0); // 取得HT数组中权值最小的结点对象的下标
s2 = select(HT,i,1); // 取得HT数组中权值次小的结点对象的下标
HT[i].left = s1; // 建立链接
HT[i].right = s2;
HT[s1].parent = i;
HT[s2].parent = i;
HT[i].weight = HT[s1].weight + HT[s2].weight;// 计算当前外结点的权值
selectStart+=2; // 这个变量表示之前“被删除”的最小结点的数量和
return HT; // 将处理后的HT数组返回
* @description: 进行赫夫曼编码
public HuffmanCode [] encode(Node [] nodes) {
Node [] HT = buildTree(nodes); // 根据输入的nodes数组构造赫夫曼树
int n = nodes.length;
HuffmanCode [] HC = new HuffmanCode [n];
String bit;
for (int i=0;i<n;i++) { // 遍历各个叶子结点
bit = "";
for (int c=i,f=HT[i].parent;f!=0;c=f,f=HT[f].parent) { // 从叶子结点上溯到根结点
if(HT[f].left == c) bit= "0" + bit; // 反向编码
else bit= "1" + bit;
HC[i] = new HuffmanCode(HT[i].data,bit); // 将字符和对应的编码存储起来
return HC;
* @description: 进行赫夫曼译码
public String decode (Node [] nodes, String code) {
String str="";
Node [] HT = buildTree(nodes);
int n =HT.length -1;
for (int i=0;i<code.length();i++) {
char c = code.charAt(i);
if(c == '1') {
n = HT[n].right;
else {
n = HT[n].left;
if(HT[n].left == 0) {
str+= HT[n].data;
n =HT.length -1;
return str;
* @description: buildTree方法的用例
public static void main (String [] args) {
Node [] nodes = new Node[4];
nodes[0] = new Node('A',7);
nodes[1] = new Node('B',5);
nodes[2] = new Node('C',2);
nodes[3] = new Node('D',4);
HuffmanTree ht = new HuffmanTree();
* @Author: HuWan Peng
* @Date Created in 22:56 2018/1/14
public class QuickSort {
* @description: 交换两个数组元素
private static void exchange(Node [] a , int i, int j) {
Node temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = temp;
* @description: 切分函数
private static int partition (Node [] a, int low, int high) {
int i = low, j = high+1; // i, j为左右扫描指针
int pivotkey = a[low].weight; // pivotkey 为选取的基准元素(头元素)
while(true) {
while (a[--j].weight>pivotkey) { if(j == low) break; } // 右游标左移
while(a[++i].weight<pivotkey) { if(i == high) break; } // 左游标右移
if(i>=j) break; // 左右游标相遇时候停止, 所以跳出外部while循环
else exchange(a,i, j) ; // 左右游标未相遇时停止, 交换各自所指元素,循环继续
exchange(a, low, j); // 基准元素和游标相遇时所指元素交换,为最后一次交换
return j; // 一趟排序完成, 返回基准元素位置
* @description: 根据给定的权值对数组进行排序
private static void sort (Node [] a, int low, int high) {
if(high<= low) { return; } // 当high == low, 此时已是单元素子数组,自然有序, 故终止递归
int j = partition(a, low, high); // 调用partition进行切分
sort(a, low, j-1); // 对上一轮排序(切分)时,基准元素左边的子数组进行递归
sort(a, j+1, high); // 对上一轮排序(切分)时,基准元素右边的子数组进行递归
public static void sort (Node [] a){ //sort函数重载, 只向外暴露一个数组参数
sort(a, 0, a.length-1);
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