ubuntu 14.04 64位安装HTK3.5
官网下载HTK source code以及HDecode
HTK 3.5 comes with three sets of Makefiles enabling compilation for:
1. CPU (standard)
2. CPU using MKL (Intel Math Kernel library)
3. NVIDIA GPUs (Graphic Processing Unit) using the NVIDIA CUDA compiler NVCC
These alternative Makefiles are located in each of the following directories:
HTKLib, HLMLib, HTKTools, HLMTools
Examine the MakefileCPU, MakefileMKL and MakefileNVCC
files in each of these directories and change the default
locations of CPU/GPU compilers and libraries to match the
locations on the system for which HTK 3.5 is to be installed.
In order to compile either the standard CPU version, or
the CPU version with MKL support or GPU version execute one of the following
1. make -f MakefileCPU all
2. make -f MakefileMKL all
3. make -f MakefileNVCC all
in turn in each of HTKLib, HLMLib, HTKTools and HLMTools.
Having compiled one of the branches (CPU/MKL/NVCC), the
relevant HTK tools can be installed executing one of the following
1. make -f MakefileCPU install
2. make -f MakefileMKL install
3. make -f MakefileNVCC install
commands in both the HTKTools and HLMTools directories. By default HTK
tools will be installed in bin.cpu, bin.mkl or bin.gpu depending
on the branch.
Prior to compiling a new branch it is important to clean the distribution
1. make -f MakefileCPU clean
2. make -f MakefileMKL clean
3. make -f MakefileNVCC clean
If you are also building HDecode (available from the HTK website, under a
different licence from HTK), you will firstly need to unpack the HDecode
source code (in the same directory in which you unpacked the HTK
sources). Then follow the steps above for first building HTK, and then execute
the following command in HTKLVRec directory:
1. make -f MakefileCPU all
2. make -f MakefileCPU install
1. make -f MakefileMKL all
2. make -f MakefileMKL install
1. make -f MakefileNVCC all
2. make -f MakefileNVCC install
depending on whether HTK is compiled for CPU, CPU with MKL support or GPU.
得先将htk/bin.cpu添加到环境变量中 ------我安装的是cpu standard类型的
vim ~/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/home/lc/下载/htk/bin.cpu
source .bashrc
Testing the Installation
As an initial test of the installation please run the HTK demonstration
using the configuration file samples/HTKDemo/configs/monPlainM1S1.dcf.
There is a README file in the samples/HTKDemo directory that explains
the operation of the demonstration in detail but, in short, you need
to run the demonstration script passing it the configuration file
samples/HTKDemo/configs/monPlainM1S1.dcf as input.
HTK 3.5 comes with three sets of Makefiles enabling compilation for:
1. CPU (standard)
2. CPU using MKL (Intel Math Kernel library)
3. NVIDIA GPUs (Graphic Processing Unit) using the NVIDIA CUDA compiler NVCC
These alternative Makefiles are located in each of the following directories:
HTKLib, HLMLib, HTKTools, HLMTools
Examine the MakefileCPU, MakefileMKL and MakefileNVCC
files in each of these directories and change the default
locations of CPU/GPU compilers and libraries to match the
locations on the system for which HTK 3.5 is to be installed.
In order to compile either the standard CPU version, or
the CPU version with MKL support or GPU version execute one of the following
1. make -f MakefileCPU all
2. make -f MakefileMKL all
3. make -f MakefileNVCC all
in turn in each of HTKLib, HLMLib, HTKTools and HLMTools.
Having compiled one of the branches (CPU/MKL/NVCC), the
relevant HTK tools can be installed executing one of the following
1. make -f MakefileCPU install
2. make -f MakefileMKL install
3. make -f MakefileNVCC install
commands in both the HTKTools and HLMTools directories. By default HTK
tools will be installed in bin.cpu, bin.mkl or bin.gpu depending
on the branch.
Prior to compiling a new branch it is important to clean the distribution
1. make -f MakefileCPU clean
2. make -f MakefileMKL clean
3. make -f MakefileNVCC clean
If you are also building HDecode (available from the HTK website, under a
different licence from HTK), you will firstly need to unpack the HDecode
source code (in the same directory in which you unpacked the HTK
sources). Then follow the steps above for first building HTK, and then execute
the following command in HTKLVRec directory:
1. make -f MakefileCPU all
2. make -f MakefileCPU install
1. make -f MakefileMKL all
2. make -f MakefileMKL install
1. make -f MakefileNVCC all
2. make -f MakefileNVCC install
depending on whether HTK is compiled for CPU, CPU with MKL support or GPU.
Compiling & Installing HTK under Windows
HTK 3.5 has not yet been tested under Windows.
Testing the Installation
As an initial test of the installation please run the HTK demonstration
using the configuration file samples/HTKDemo/configs/monPlainM1S1.dcf.
There is a README file in the samples/HTKDemo directory that explains
the operation of the demonstration in detail but, in short, you need
to run the demonstration script passing it the configuration file
samples/HTKDemo/configs/monPlainM1S1.dcf as input.
To test the language modelling tools you should follow the tutorial
in the HTK book, using the files in the LMTutorial/ directory.
In addition to basic testing of the HTK installation, it is also possible
to build several HTK systems for the Resource Management (RM) task.
These systems range in complexity from simpler Gaussian mixture model
based HMMs to more complex artificial neural network based systems.
The RM recipe is located in samples/RMHTK directory and is documented
as a part of tutorial chapter in the HTK book.
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