What TCP ports are used by ODBC to connect to the DB2/400?  8471/9471


Windows: netstat


            enter Shift + F2

TCP/IP Ports Required for Access for Windows and Related Functions


Server ports used


Access Through a Firewall



Start Host Server  (STRHOSTSVR)Start Host Server  (STRHOSTSVR)Start Host Server  (STRHOSTSVR)Start Host Server  (STRHOSTSVR)













You can use the WRKSRVTBLE command to display the service names and their associated port numbers.

| Work with Service Table Entries |
| System: AS400597 |
| Type options, press Enter. |
| 1=Add 4=Remove 5=Display |
| |
| Opt Service Port Protocol |
| _ _______________________________ ____________ _________________________ |
| _ as-central 8470 tcp |
| _ as-database 8471 tcp |
| _ as-dtaq 8472 tcp |
| _ as-file 8473 tcp |
| _ as-netprt 8474 tcp |
| _ as-rmtcmd 8475 tcp |
| _ as-signon 8476 tcp |
| _ as-svrmap 449 tcp |
| . |
| . |
| . |
| |

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