
 class uint128
uint128() :hi(), lo(){}
uint128(uint32_t l) :hi(), lo(l){}
uint128(int32_t l) :hi(-(l < )), lo(l){}
uint128(int64_t l) :hi(-(l < )), lo(l){}
uint128(uint64_t l) :hi(), lo(l){}
uint128(const std::string& s);
uint128(uint64_t _h, uint64_t _l)
:hi(_h), lo(_l){} bool operator == (const uint128& o)const{ return hi == o.hi && lo == o.lo; }
bool operator != (const uint128& o)const{ return hi != o.hi || lo != o.lo; }
bool operator < (const uint128& o)const { return (hi == o.hi) ? lo < o.lo : hi < o.hi; }
bool operator < (const int64_t& o)const { return *this < uint128(o); }
bool operator !()const { return !(hi != || lo != ); }
uint128 operator -()const { return ++uint128(~hi, ~lo); }
uint128 operator ~()const { return uint128(~hi, ~lo); } uint128& operator++() { hi += (++lo == ); return *this; }
uint128& operator--() { hi -= (lo-- == ); return *this; }
uint128 operator++(int) { auto tmp = *this; ++(*this); return tmp; }
uint128 operator--(int) { auto tmp = *this; --(*this); return tmp; } uint128& operator |= (const uint128& u) { hi |= u.hi; lo |= u.lo; return *this; }
uint128& operator &= (const uint128& u) { hi &= u.hi; lo &= u.lo; return *this; }
uint128& operator ^= (const uint128& u) { hi ^= u.hi; lo ^= u.lo; return *this; }
uint128& operator <<= (const uint128& u);
uint128& operator >>= (const uint128& u); uint128& operator += (const uint128& u) { const uint64_t old = lo; lo += u.lo; hi += u.hi + (lo < old); return *this; }
uint128& operator -= (const uint128& u) { return *this += -u; }
uint128& operator *= (const uint128& u); friend uint128 operator + (const uint128& l, const uint128& r) { return uint128(l) += r; }
friend uint128 operator + (const uint128& l, const uint64_t& r) { return uint128(l) += uint128(r); }
friend uint128 operator + (const uint128& l, const uint32_t& r) { return uint128(l) += uint128(r); }
friend uint128 operator + (const uint128& l, const int32_t& r) { return uint128(l) += uint128(r); }
friend uint128 operator + (const uint64_t& l, const uint128& r) { return uint128(l) += r; }
friend uint128 operator - (const uint128& l, const uint128& r) { return uint128(l) -= r; }
friend uint128 operator * (const uint128& l, const uint128& r) { return uint128(l) *= r; }
friend uint128 operator * (const uint128& l, const uint64_t& r) { return uint128(l) *= uint128(r); }
friend uint128 operator * (const uint128& l, const uint32_t& r) { return uint128(l) *= uint128(r); }
friend uint128 operator | (const uint128& l, const uint128& r) { return uint128(l) = (r); }
friend uint128 operator & (const uint128& l, const uint128& r) { return uint128(l) &= r; }
friend uint128 operator & (const uint128& l, const uint64_t& r) { return uint128(l) &= uint128(r); }
friend uint128 operator ^ (const uint128& l, const uint128& r) { return uint128(l) ^= r; }
friend uint128 operator << (const uint128& l, const uint128& r) { return uint128(l) <<= r; }
friend uint128 operator >> (const uint128& l, const uint128& r) { return uint128(l) >>= r; }
friend uint128 operator >> (const uint128& l, const int32_t& r) { return uint128(l) >>= uint128(r); }
friend bool operator > (const uint128& l, const uint128& r) { return r < l; }
friend bool operator >(const uint128& l, const int64_t& r) { return uint128(r) < l; }
friend bool operator > (const int64_t& l, const uint128& r) { return r < uint128(l); } friend bool operator >= (const uint128& l, const uint128& r) { return l == r || l > r; }
friend bool operator >= (const uint128& l, const int64_t& r) { return l >= uint128(r); }
friend bool operator >= (const int64_t& l, const uint128& r) { return uint128(l) >= r; }
friend bool operator <= (const uint128& l, const uint128& r) { return l == r || l < r; }
friend bool operator <= (const uint128& l, const int64_t& r) { return l <= uint128(r); }
friend bool operator <= (const int64_t& l, const uint128& r) { return uint128(l) <= r; } operator uint64_t() { return lo; } //强制转换为uint64_t
operator uint32_t() { return (uint32_t)lo; } //强制转换为uint32_t
operator int32_t() { return (int32_t)lo; } //强制转换为int32_t uint32_t low_32_bits()const { return (uint32_t)lo; }
uint64_t low_bits()const { return lo; }
uint64_t high_bits()const { return hi; } uint64_t hi;
uint64_t lo;


 uint128::uint128(const std::string &sz)
:hi(), lo()
// do we have at least one character?
if (!sz.empty()) {
// make some reasonable assumptions
int radix = ;
bool minus = false; std::string::const_iterator i = sz.begin(); // check for minus sign, i suppose technically this should only apply
// to base 10, but who says that -0x1 should be invalid?
if (*i == '-') {
minus = true;
} // check if there is radix changing prefix (0 or 0x)
if (i != sz.end()) {
if (*i == '') {
radix = ;
if (i != sz.end()) {
if (*i == 'x') {
radix = ;
} while (i != sz.end()) {
unsigned int n = ;
const char ch = *i; if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') {
if (((ch - 'A') + ) < radix) {
n = (ch - 'A') + ;
else {
else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') {
if (((ch - 'a') + ) < radix) {
n = (ch - 'a') + ;
else {
else if (ch >= '' && ch <= '') {
if ((ch - '') < radix) {
n = (ch - '');
else {
else {
/* completely invalid character */
} (*this) *= radix;
(*this) += n; ++i;
} if (minus) {
*this = -*this;
} uint128& uint128::operator<<=(const uint128& rhs)
if (rhs >= )
hi = ;
lo = ;
unsigned int n = rhs.to_integer();
const unsigned int halfsize = / ; if (n >= halfsize){
n -= halfsize;
hi = lo;
lo = ;
} if (n != ) {
// shift high half
hi <<= n; const uint64_t mask(~(uint64_t(-) >> n)); // and add them to high half
hi |= (lo & mask) >> (halfsize - n); // and finally shift also low half
lo <<= n;
} return *this;
} uint128 & uint128::operator>>=(const uint128& rhs)
if (rhs >= )
hi = ;
lo = ;
unsigned int n = rhs.to_integer();
const unsigned int halfsize = / ; if (n >= halfsize) {
n -= halfsize;
lo = hi;
hi = ;
} if (n != ) {
// shift low half
lo >>= n; // get lower N bits of high half
const uint64_t mask(~(uint64_t(-) << n)); // and add them to low qword
lo |= (hi & mask) << (halfsize - n); // and finally shift also high half
hi >>= n;
return *this;
} uint128& uint128::operator*=(const uint128 &b)
uint64_t a0 = (uint32_t)(this->lo);
uint64_t a1 = (uint32_t)(this->lo >> 0x20);
uint64_t a2 = (uint32_t)(this->hi);
uint64_t a3 = (uint32_t)(this->hi >> 0x20); uint64_t b0 = (uint32_t)(b.lo);
uint64_t b1 = (uint32_t)(b.lo >> 0x20);
uint64_t b2 = (uint32_t)(b.hi);
uint64_t b3 = (uint32_t)(b.hi >> 0x20); this->hi = ;
this->lo = a3*b0;
(*this) += a2*b1;
(*this) += a1*b2;
(*this) += a0*b3;
(*this) <<= 0x20;
(*this) += a2*b0;
(*this) += a1*b1;
(*this) += a0*b2;
(*this) <<= 0x20;
(*this) += a1*b0;
(*this) += a0*b1;
(*this) <<= 0x20;
(*this) += a0*b0; return *this;

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