
无损分区软件(Acronis Disk Director)下载 11.0 破解版  ADD11H_trial_en-US(



Acronis Disk Director-硬盘无损分区软件,它能将包含数据的磁盘分区重新组合或者划分为新的磁盘分区,让你方便地调整磁盘内分区的大小。使用它改变可以磁盘容量大小、复制、移动硬盘分割区并且不会遗失数据。

虽然硬盘分区确定之后不宜改动,不过遇上一些特殊情况时没有无损分区软件就比较麻烦,要备份再分区,Acronis Disk Director 为你解决这个烦恼,它支持windows 7系统。




What is “Healthy (OEM Partition)” and can it be removed?

OEM partition is used for recovery purpose when your system fails to boot up. When you insert your recovery disk it will fetch recovery points from this OEM partition and try to restore to the previous restoration points which will be mentioned in this partition.

You can surely delete this partition without facing any issues. If you manually want to create such partition again then you can do it by booting with Windows Bootable disk.

Reference: https://www.urtech.ca/2018/12/everything-you-need-to-know-about-healthy-oem-partitions-and-how-to-easily-remove-them/

Delete OEM partition with Diskpart

Step 1. Hit "Windows Key + R to open the run dialogue box, enter: diskpart and click "OK" to open a black command prompt window.

Step 2. Type: list disk to display all the disks of your computer. Type: select disk n to identify which disk you need to work with. Here "n" stands for the disk letter.

Step 3. Type: list partition to display all the volumes on the hard drive. Type: select partition n to identify which partition you want to remove. Here n stands for the volume letter.

Step 4. Type: delete partition override to remove the OEM partition. Finally, type: exit to close the windows when you receive the message says, DiskPart successfully deleted the selected partition".

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