# C O L O R S
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def GetColor(ea, what):
Get item color @param ea: address of the item
@param what: type of the item (one of CIC_* constants) @return: color code in RGB (hex 0xBBGGRR)
if what not in [ CIC_ITEM, CIC_FUNC, CIC_SEGM ]:
raise ValueError, "'what' must be one of CIC_ITEM, CIC_FUNC and CIC_SEGM" if what == CIC_ITEM:
return idaapi.get_item_color(ea) if what == CIC_FUNC:
func = idaapi.get_func(ea)
if func:
return func.color
return DEFCOLOR if what == CIC_SEGM:
seg = idaapi.getseg(ea)
if seg:
return seg.color
return DEFCOLOR # color item codes:
CIC_ITEM = 1 # one instruction or data
CIC_FUNC = 2 # function
CIC_SEGM = 3 # segment DEFCOLOR = 0xFFFFFFFF # Default color def SetColor(ea, what, color):
Set item color @param ea: address of the item
@param what: type of the item (one of CIC_* constants)
@param color: new color code in RGB (hex 0xBBGGRR) @return: success (True or False)
if what not in [ CIC_ITEM, CIC_FUNC, CIC_SEGM ]:
raise ValueError, "'what' must be one of CIC_ITEM, CIC_FUNC and CIC_SEGM" if what == CIC_ITEM:
return idaapi.set_item_color(ea, color) if what == CIC_FUNC:
func = idaapi.get_func(ea)
if func:
func.color = color
return bool(idaapi.update_func(func))
return False if what == CIC_SEGM:
seg = idaapi.getseg(ea)
if seg:
seg.color = color
return bool(seg.update())
return False #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
# X M L
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def SetXML(path, name, value):
Set or update one or more XML values. @param path: XPath expression of elements where to create value(s)
@param name: name of the element/attribute
(use @XXX for an attribute) to create.
If 'name' is empty, the elements or
attributes returned by XPath are directly
updated to contain the new 'value'.
@param value: value of the element/attribute @return: success (True or False)
return idaapi.set_xml(path, name, value) def GetXML(path):
Get one XML value. @param path: XPath expression to an element
or attribute whose value is requested @return: the value, None if failed
v = idaapi.value_t()
if idaapi.get_xml(path):
return v.str
return None #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# A R M S P E C I F I C
def ArmForceBLJump(ea):
Some ARM compilers in Thumb mode use BL (branch-and-link)
instead of B (branch) for long jumps, since BL has more range.
By default, IDA tries to determine if BL is a jump or a call.
You can override IDA's decision using commands in Edit/Other menu
(Force BL call/Force BL jump) or the following two functions. Force BL instruction to be a jump @param ea: address of the BL instruction @return: 1-ok, 0-failed
return Eval("ArmForceBLJump(0x%x)"%ea) def ArmForceBLCall(ea):
Force BL instruction to be a call @param ea: address of the BL instruction @return: 1-ok, 0-failed
return Eval("ArmForceBLCall(0x%x)"%ea) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compatibility macros:
def Compile(file): return CompileEx(file, 1)
def OpOffset(ea,base): return OpOff(ea,-1,base)
def OpNum(ea): return OpNumber(ea,-1)
def OpChar(ea): return OpChr(ea,-1)
def OpSegment(ea): return OpSeg(ea,-1)
def OpDec(ea): return OpDecimal(ea,-1)
def OpAlt1(ea, opstr): return OpAlt(ea, 0, opstr)
def OpAlt2(ea, opstr): return OpAlt(ea, 1, opstr)
def StringStp(x): return SetCharPrm(INF_ASCII_BREAK,x)
def LowVoids(x): return SetLongPrm(INF_LOW_OFF,x)
def HighVoids(x): return SetLongPrm(INF_HIGH_OFF,x)
def TailDepth(x): return SetLongPrm(INF_MAXREF,x)
def Analysis(x): return SetCharPrm(INF_AUTO,x)
def Tabs(x): return SetCharPrm(INF_ENTAB,x)
#def Comments(x): SetCharPrm(INF_CMTFLAG,((x) ? (SW_ALLCMT|GetCharPrm(INF_CMTFLAG)) : (~SW_ALLCMT&GetCharPrm(INF_CMTFLAG))))
def Voids(x): return SetCharPrm(INF_VOIDS,x)
def XrefShow(x): return SetCharPrm(INF_XREFNUM,x)
def Indent(x): return SetCharPrm(INF_INDENT,x)
def CmtIndent(x): return SetCharPrm(INF_COMMENT,x)
def AutoShow(x): return SetCharPrm(INF_SHOWAUTO,x)
def MinEA(): return GetLongPrm(INF_MIN_EA)
def MaxEA(): return GetLongPrm(INF_MAX_EA)
def BeginEA(): return GetLongPrm(INF_BEGIN_EA)
def set_start_cs(x): return SetLongPrm(INF_START_CS,x)
def set_start_ip(x): return SetLongPrm(INF_START_IP,x) def WriteMap(filepath):
return GenerateFile(OFILE_MAP, filepath, 0, BADADDR, GENFLG_MAPSEG|GENFLG_MAPNAME) def WriteTxt(filepath, ea1, ea2):
return GenerateFile(OFILE_ASM, filepath, ea1, ea2, 0) def WriteExe(filepath):
return GenerateFile(OFILE_EXE, filepath, 0, BADADDR, 0) UTP_STRUCT = idaapi.UTP_STRUCT
UTP_ENUM = idaapi.UTP_ENUM def BeginTypeUpdating(utp):
Begin type updating. Use this function if you
plan to call AddEnumConst or similar type modification functions
many times or from inside a loop @param utp: one of UTP_xxxx consts
@return: None
return idaapi.begin_type_updating(utp) def EndTypeUpdating(utp):
End type updating. Refreshes the type system
at the end of type modification operations @param utp: one of idaapi.UTP_xxxx consts
@return: None
return idaapi.end_type_updating(utp) def AddConst(enum_id, name,value): return AddConstEx(enum_id, name, value, idaapi.BADADDR)
def AddStruc(index, name): return AddStrucEx(index,name, 0)
def AddUnion(index, name): return AddStrucEx(index,name, 1)
def OpStroff(ea, n, strid): return OpStroffEx(ea,n,strid, 0)
def OpEnum(ea, n, enumid): return OpEnumEx(ea,n,enumid, 0)
def DelConst(constid, v, mask): return DelConstEx(constid, v, 0, mask)
def GetConst(constid, v, mask): return GetConstEx(constid, v, 0, mask)
def AnalyseArea(sEA, eEA): return AnalyzeArea(sEA,eEA) def MakeStruct(ea, name): return MakeStructEx(ea, -1, name)
def MakeCustomData(ea, size, dtid, fid): return MakeCustomDataEx(ea, size, dtid, fid)
def Name(ea): return NameEx(BADADDR, ea)
def GetTrueName(ea): return GetTrueNameEx(BADADDR, ea)
def MakeName(ea, name): return MakeNameEx(ea,name,SN_CHECK) #def GetFrame(ea): return GetFunctionAttr(ea, FUNCATTR_FRAME)
#def GetFrameLvarSize(ea): return GetFunctionAttr(ea, FUNCATTR_FRSIZE)
#def GetFrameRegsSize(ea): return GetFunctionAttr(ea, FUNCATTR_FRREGS)
#def GetFrameArgsSize(ea): return GetFunctionAttr(ea, FUNCATTR_ARGSIZE)
#def GetFunctionFlags(ea): return GetFunctionAttr(ea, FUNCATTR_FLAGS)
#def SetFunctionFlags(ea, flags): return SetFunctionAttr(ea, FUNCATTR_FLAGS, flags) #def SegStart(ea): return GetSegmentAttr(ea, SEGATTR_START)
#def SegEnd(ea): return GetSegmentAttr(ea, SEGATTR_END)
#def SetSegmentType(ea, type): return SetSegmentAttr(ea, SEGATTR_TYPE, type) def SegCreate(a1, a2, base, use32, align, comb): return AddSeg(a1, a2, base, use32, align, comb)
def SegDelete(ea, flags): return DelSeg(ea, flags)
def SegBounds(ea, startea, endea, flags): return SetSegBounds(ea, startea, endea, flags)
def SegRename(ea, name): return RenameSeg(ea, name)
def SegClass(ea, segclass): return SetSegClass(ea, segclass)
def SegAddrng(ea, bitness): return SetSegAddressing(ea, bitness)
def SegDefReg(ea, reg, value): return SetSegDefReg(ea, reg, value) def Comment(ea): return GetCommentEx(ea, 0)
"""Returns the regular comment or None""" def RptCmt(ea): return GetCommentEx(ea, 1)
"""Returns the repeatable comment or None""" def SetReg(ea, reg, value): return SetRegEx(ea, reg, value, SR_user) # Convenience functions:
def here(): return ScreenEA()
def isEnabled(ea): return (PrevAddr(ea+1)==ea) # Obsolete segdel macros:
SEGDEL_PERM = 0x0001 # permanently, i.e. disable addresses
SEGDEL_KEEP = 0x0002 # keep information (code & data, etc)
SEGDEL_SILENT = 0x0004 # be silent ARGV = []
"""The command line arguments passed to IDA via the -S switch.""" # END OF IDC COMPATIBILY CODE

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