The bouncing ball went high into the sky.
(In this example, the "B" sound is repeated back to back by two words to create alliteration.)
Finally friends find Friday fun.
(In this example, we can easily see that the "F" sound is in each and every word in the sentence. This makes our alliteration very obvious and the repetition easily spotted.)

A mad bat circled the room.
(In this example, the "A" sound is repeated in mad and bat creating the assonance.)
The troop tried to salute without his boot.
(This example repeats the vowel sound "O" throughout the words troop, salute, and boot to form the assonance. This also highlights the importance of listening to the sounds as not all the letters are the same, yet they form the same sound.)
Hear, not fear, the wisdom of wizards.
(We can see multiple instances of assonance in this example. The "E" sound is first matched and later the "I" sound.)

He is part of a government think tank.
(In this example, we see the "NK" sound repeated in "Think" and "Tank" creating the consonance.)
The uncertain rustle of noise caused my poise.
(This example shows the importance of listening to the sounds rather than looking at the letters as the c in uncertain makes an "S" noise. This "S" sound is repeated throughout the sentence and creates the consonance.)
We are bound by a bond that can transcend the beyond.


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