Jungle Outpost

【题目链接】Jungle Outpost



蓝书282 我自己写的代码居然AC了!!!



#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; struct Point {
double x, y;
Point(double x = 0, double y = 0): x(x), y(y) {}
typedef Point Vector; Vector operator + (Vector A, Vector B) { return Vector(A.x + B.x, A.y + B.y); }
Vector operator - (Vector A, Vector B) { return Vector(A.x - B.x, A.y - B.y); }
Vector operator * (Vector A, double p) { return Vector(A.x * p, A.y * p); }
bool operator < (Point a, Point b) { return a.x < b.x || (a.x == b.x && a.y < b.y); }
double Cross(Vector A, Vector B) { return A.x * B.y - A.y * B.x; } double PolygonArea(vector<Point> p) {
int n = p.size();
double ans = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < n - 1; i++) {
ans += Cross(p[i] - p[0], p[i + 1] - p[0]);
return ans / 2;
} struct Line {
Point p, v;
double ang;
Line() {}
Line(Point p, Vector v): p(p), v(v) { ang = atan2(v.y, v.x); }
bool operator <(const Line& l) const {
return ang < l.ang;
}; const double eps = 1e-9; bool OnLeft(Line l, Point p) {
//bug 是p-l.p 不是l.p-p
return Cross(l.v, p - l.p) > 0;
Point LineInter(Line a, Line b) {
Vector u = a.p - b.p;
double t = Cross(b.v, u) / Cross(a.v, b.v);
return a.p + a.v * t;
} vector<Point> HalfplaneIntersection(vector<Line> L) {
int n = L.size();
sort(L.begin(), L.end());
int first, last;
vector<Point> p(n), ans;
vector<Line> que(n);
que[first = last = 0] = L[0];
for(int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
while(first < last && !OnLeft(L[i], p[last - 1])) last--;
while(first < last && !OnLeft(L[i], p[first])) first++;
que[++last] = L[i];
if(fabs(Cross(que[last].v, que[last - 1].v)) < eps) {
if(OnLeft(que[last], L[i].p)) que[last] = L[i];
if(first < last) p[last - 1] = LineInter(que[last], que[last - 1]);
while(first < last && !OnLeft(que[first], p[last - 1])) last--;
if(last - first <= 1) return ans;
p[last] = LineInter(que[first], que[last]);
for(int i = first; i <= last; i++) {
return ans;
} int main() {
//("E:1.in", "r", stdin);
int n;
while(~scanf("%d", &n)) {
vector<Point> p;
int x, y;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
p.push_back(Point(x, y));
reverse(p.begin(), p.end());
int left = 0, right = n;
while(left <= right) {
int mid = left + right >> 1;
vector<Line> L;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
L.push_back(Line(p[i], p[(i + mid + 1) % n] - p[i]));
vector<Point> pp = HalfplaneIntersection(L);
if(pp.empty()) right = mid - 1;
else left = mid + 1;
// printf("%d %d %d \n", left, mid, right);
//这要输出了答案是left 跟right没有关系
printf("%d\n", left);
// printf("%d\n", right);
return 0;

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