[转]Ubuntu python-config
recise (1) python-config.1.gz
Provided by: python2.7-dev_2.7.3-0ubuntu3_i386
python-config - output build options for python C/C++ extensions or
python-config [ --prefix ] [ --exec-prefix ] [ --includes ] [ --libs ]
[ --cflags ] [ --ldflags ] [ --help ]
python-config helps compiling and linking programs, which embed the
Python interpreter, or extension modules that can be loaded dynamically
(at run time) into the interpreter.
print the C compiler flags. --ldflags
print the flags that should be passed to the linker. --includes
similar to --cflags but only with -I options (path to python
header files). --libs similar to --ldflags but only with -l options (used libraries). --prefix
prints the prefix (base directory) under which python can be
found. --exec-prefix
print the prefix used for executable program directories (such
as bin, sbin, etc). --help print the usage message.
To build the singe-file c program prog against the python library, use gcc $(python-config --cflags --ldflags) progr.cpp -o progr.cpp The same in a makefile: CFLAGS+=$(shell python-config --cflags)
LDFLAGS+=$(shell python-config --ldflags)
all: progr To build a dynamically loadable python module, use gcc $(python-config --cflags --ldflags) -shared -fPIC progr.cpp
-o progr.so
python (1)
This manual page was written by Johann Felix Soden <johfel@gmx.de> for
the Debian project (and may be used by others). November 27, 2011 PYTHON-CONFIG(1)
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