抓包的时候,发现 tcp 三次握手中一般会有几个options  一个是mss 一个是ws  一个sack perm 这次主要是来说一说 sack 这个选项:

1. 只重传超时的数据包,比较实用与后面的数据包都能够正常接收的状况,只重传超时的数据包,但是如果比较坏的情况下,丢失了很多封包呢?  那就需要一个一个的等待超时了,很浪费时间。

2. 重传这个片段以及之后的所有包,这种方法在最坏的状况下,看起来效率还是挺高的,但是如果只有一个包丢失,就去重传后面所有接受到的包,流量浪费也是很严重的。

rfc2883/rfc2018:Selective Acknowledgement(SACK) Option [RFC2018] for TCP. RFC 2018 specified the use of theSACK option for acknowledging out-of-sequence data not covered by TCP's cumulative acknowledgement field.

 The SACK option as defined in RFC 2018 is as follows:

| Kind=5 | Length |
| Left Edge of 1st Block |
| Right Edge of 1st Block |
| |
/ . . . /
| |
| Left Edge of nth Block |
| Right Edge of nth Block |

Example 2:

Reporting an out-of-order segment and a duplicatesegment.
Following a lost data packet, the receiver receives an out-of-order
data segment, which triggers the SACK option as specified in RFC
2018. Because of several lost ACK packets, the sender then
retransmits a data packet. The receiver receives the duplicate
packet, and reports it in the first, D-SACK block: Transmitted Received ACK Sent
Segment Segment (Including SACK Blocks) 3000-3499 3000-3499 3500 (ACK dropped)
3500-3999 3500-3999 4000 (ACK dropped)
4000-4499 (data packet dropped)
4500-4999 4500-4999 4000, SACK=4500-5000 (ACK dropped)
3000-3499 3000-3499 4000, SACK=3000-3500, 4500-5000

Example 3:

Reporting a duplicate of an out-of-order segment.
Because of a lost data packet, the receiver receives two out-of-order segments. The receiver next receives a duplicate segment for one of
these out-of-order segments:
Transmitted Received ACK Sent
Segment Segment (Including SACK Blocks) 3500-3999 3500-3999 4000
4000-4499 (data packet dropped)
4500-4999 4500-4999 4000, SACK=4500-5000
5000-5499 5000-5499 4000, SACK=4500-5500
(duplicated packet)
5000-5499 4000, SACK=5000-5500, 4500-5500

Example 5:

Two non-contiguous duplicate subsegments covered by the cumulative acknowledgement.
After the sender increases its packet size from 500 bytes to 1500
bytes, the receiver receives a packet containing two non-contiguous
duplicate 500-byte subsegments which are less than the cumulative
acknowledgement field. The receiver reports the first such duplicate
segment in a single D-SACK block. Transmitted Received ACK Sent
Segment Segment (Including SACK Blocks) 500-999 500-999 1000
1000-1499 (delayed)
1500-1999 (data packet dropped)
2000-2499 (delayed)
2500-2999 (data packet dropped)
3000-3499 3000-3499 1000, SACK=3000-3500
1000-2499 1000-1499 1500, SACK=3000-3500
2000-2499 1500, SACK=2000-2500, 3000-3500
1000-2499 2500, SACK=1000-1500, 3000-3500

Retransmit Timeout Due to ACK Loss

   If an entire window of ACKs is lost, a timeout will result.  Anexample of this is given below:
Transmitted Received ACK Sent
Segment Segment (Including SACK Blocks) 500-999 500-999 1000 (ACK dropped)
1000-1499 1000-1499 1500 (ACK dropped)
1500-1999 1500-1999 2000 (ACK dropped)
2000-2499 2000-2499 2500 (ACK dropped)
500-999 500-999 2500, SACK=500-1000
In this case, all of the ACKs are dropped, resulting in a timeout. This condition can be identified because the first ACK received
following the timeout carries a D-SACK block indicating duplicate data was received. WITHOUT D-SACK:
Without the use of D-SACK, the sender in this case would be unable to
decide that no data packets has been dropped.

False retransmit due to reordering

   If packets are reordered in the network such that a segment arrives more than 3 packets out of order, TCP's Fast Retransmit algorithm
will retransmit the out-of-order packet. An example of this is shown below:
Transmitted Received ACK Sent
Segment Segment (Including SACK Blocks) 500-999 500-999 1000
1000-1499 (delayed)
1500-1999 1500-1999 1000, SACK=1500-2000
2000-2499 2000-2499 1000, SACK=1500-2500
2500-2999 2500-2999 1000, SACK=1500-3000
1000-1499 1000-1499 3000
1000-1499 3000, SACK=1000-1500
In this case, an ACK containing a SACK block which is lower than its ACK field and identical to a previously retransmitted segment is
indicative of a significant reordering followed by a false (unnecessary) retransmission. WITHOUT D-SACK: With the use of D-SACK illustrated above, the sender knows that either the first transmission of segment 1000-1499 was delayed in the
network, or the first transmission of segment 1000-1499 was dropped and the second transmission of segment 1000-1499 was duplicated.
Given that no other segments have been duplicated in the network,
this second option can be considered unlikely. Without the use of D-SACK, the sender would only know that either the first transmission of segment 1000-1499 was delayed in the network,
or that either one of the data segments or the final ACK was duplicated in the network. Thus, the use of D-SACK allows the sender
to more reliably infer that the first transmission of segment 1000-1499 was not dropped.


1. 第一个block需要指出是哪一个segment触发SACK option ,我认为就是谁乱序了,才会导致SACK

2. 尽可能多的把所有的block填满

3. SACK 要报告最近接收的不连续的数据块


1. 数据没有被确认前,都会保持在滑动窗口内

2. 每一个数据包都有一个SACKed的标志,对于已经标示的segment,重新发送的时候会忽略

3. 如果SACK丢失,超时重传之后,重置所有数据包SACKed 标志

Use of the SACK option for reporting a duplicate segment

   This section specifies the use of SACK blocks when the SACK option is
used in reporting a duplicate segment. When D-SACK is used, the
first block of the SACK option should be a D-SACK block specifying
the sequence numbers for the duplicate segment that triggers the
acknowledgement. If the duplicate segment is part of a larger block
of non-contiguous data in the receiver's data queue, then the
following SACK block should be used to specify this larger block.
Additional SACK blocks can be used to specify additional non-
contiguous blocks of data, as specified in RFC 2018. The guidelines for reporting duplicate segments are summarized below:
 (1) A D-SACK block is only used to report a duplicate contiguous
sequence of data received by the receiver in the most recent packet. (2) Each duplicate contiguous sequence of data received is reported
in at most one D-SACK block. (I.e., the receiver sends two identical
D-SACK blocks in subsequent packets only if the receiver receives two
duplicate segments.) (3) The left edge of the D-SACK block specifies the first sequence
number of the duplicate contiguous sequence, and the right edge of
the D-SACK block specifies the sequence number immediately following
the last sequence in the duplicate contiguous sequence. (4) If the D-SACK block reports a duplicate contiguous sequence from
a (possibly larger) block of data in the receiver's data queue above
the cumulative acknowledgement, then the second SACK block in that
SACK option should specify that (possibly larger) block of data. (5) Following the SACK blocks described above for reporting duplicate
segments, additional SACK blocks can be used for reporting additional
blocks of data, as specified in RFC 2018.
D-SACK仅仅是接收端报告一个重复的连续的片段  每个重复的连续片段只能在一个block中  第二个block指的是data没有被确认的

关于 Interaction Between D-SACK and PAWS  先不看了

再次强调:早期TCP 中  通过收到duplicate ack(默认为3个),连续三次ack某一个包来告诉sender某个丢包了,然后进入fast retransmition state,sender重传这个包,当receiver收到这个重传包后,便会发一个ack(ack新的包)给sender,告诉sender下一个要发送的包是哪一个。可以看到,通过duplicate ack每次只能重传一个包,如果有多个丢包,在等待重传过程中,很容易timeout,造成带宽利用率下降(underutilized)。

参考:RFC 2018 TCP Selective Acknowledgment Options

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