hoj2430 Counting the algorithms
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Source : mostleg | |||
Time limit : 1 sec | Memory limit : 64 M |
Submitted : 725, Accepted : 286
As most of the ACMers, wy's next target is algorithms, too. wy is clever, so he can learn most of the algorithms quickly. After a short time, he has learned a lot. One day, mostleg asked him that how many he had
learned. That was really a hard problem, so wy wanted to change to count other things to distract mostleg's attention. The following problem will tell you what wy counted.
Given 2N integers in a line, in which each integer in the range from 1 to N will appear exactly twice. You job is to choose
one integer each time and erase the two of its appearances and get a mark calculated by the differece of there position. For example, if the first3 is in position 86 and
the second 3 is in position 88, you can get 2 marks if you choose to erase 3 at this time. You should notice that after one
turn of erasing, integers' positions may change, that is, vacant positions (without integer) in front of non-vacant positions is not allowed.
There are multiply test cases. Each test case contains two lines.
The first line: one integer N(1 <= N <= 100000).
The second line: 2N integers. You can assume that each integer in [1,N] will appear just twice.
One line for each test case, the maximum mark you can get.
Sample Input
1 2 3 1 2 3
1 2 3 3 2 1
Sample Output
We can explain the second sample as this. First, erase 1, you get 6-1=5 marks. Then erase 2, you get 4-1=3 marks.
You may notice that in the beginning, the two 2s are at positions 2 and 5, but at this time, they are at positions 1 and 4.
At last erase 3, you get 2-1=1 marks. Therefore, in total you get 5+3+1=9 and that is the best strategy.
using namespace std;
int a[200006],b[200006],n,vis[200006];
int lowbit(int x){
return x&(-x);
void update(int pos,int num)
int getsum(int pos)
int num=0;
return num;
int main()
int m,i,j,t,sum;
return 0;
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