PTE 准备之 Read aloud
Read aloud
A text appears on screen.Read the text aloud
rext up tp 60 words
varies by task, depending on the length of rext
Read the text through first
Use the 30-40 seconds before the microphone opens to skim the text and understand the topic
Use the punctuation and grammar to identify where pauses will be needed between meaning groups
Identify any words that may be les familiar to you and think how they might be prinounced
Read the first part aloud before the microphone opens. This will heil you to begin speaking when you hear the tone
While you read
Begin reading as soon as the tone sounds and the recording status changes to a blue bar.As you read, stress the words that carry important information. Use pausing to group the text into meaningful cunks.
Use rising intonation to show a contrast, and falling intonation to show that you have finished a point or sentence, or come to the end of what you are saying
Take your time
You hable plenty of time so do not rush.Read with meaning, at anormal volume. Do not leabe out any words
If you make a mistake,correct it and continue. Do not stop reading, and do not begin at the beginning.Click ‘Next’when you are ready to go on to the next task.
Practise reading senteces out loud, grouping the words into meaningful chunks. Practise putting short pauses at commas and between meaning groups, and longer pauses at full stops.
Select 6 or 7 short texts of 2or 3 sentences (up to 60 words) from a magazine or online .Look at the punctuation an grammar and mark the chunks with a slash .Time yourself reading each one. After 40 seconds, go on to the next text.
Listen to the way the final sound in one word links to the first sound in the next whrn people speak.Try to do this when you read aloud.
You will score higher if your fulency shows a natural rhythm, which is given bu chunkong an stress. Read a srntence and clap your hands on each stressed word. Be aware of the weak forms between stressed words.
When practising reading aloud,read on smoothly even if you make a mistanke as hesitations, false starts and repetitions can lower your score
Practise using rising intonation in lists and falling intonation at the end of sentences
When you learn a new word ,use a dictionary that has the words recorded so you can check both the pronunciation of the sounds and where the word stress falls.
You will read more fluently if you understand what you are reading, so work on your reading adn vocabulary skills as well as your speaking skills.
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