In this lesson, we’re going to take a look at how add a class to the providers property of a component creates an actual providers. We’ll learn what a provider specifically does and how we can provide different dependencies with the same token.

import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {TodoService} from './../services/TodoService'; @Component({
selector: 'todos',
providers: [TodoService],
template: `
<li *ngFor="#todo of todoService.todos
}) export class TodoList implements OnInit{ todos: Array<any> constructor(private todoService: TodoService){} ngOnInit(){
this.todos = this.todoService.getTodos();
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';

export class TodoService {
todos = [
{id: , name: "eat"},
{id: , name: "sleep"},
{id: , name: "running"},
]; getTodos(){
return this.todos;

Here we use providers, which tell Angular, we want to use TodoService, create a instance for us, and so that we can use the instance.

providers: [TodoService],

Actually, this is shorthard syntax, you can do:

providers: [
{ provider: TodoService, useClass: TodoService}

Here need to make sure, "provider" 's token are the same use "userClass", if you change "userClass" to some other service, it will still use the "TodoService":

providers: [
{ provide: TodoService, useClass: OtherService} // still use TodoService instead

To recap importing a data really just makes the type available, but doesn't give us an instance. In order to inject objects, we need providers that know how to create these objects by a given token which is a type.

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