





Bean8583Factory.java 8583配置文件解析类

Parse8583.java 8583报文解析类


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32 35 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<sdoroot package_type="iso8583" store-mode="GBK">
<H1 type="string" length="1" isHeader="true" encoding="GBK" isBCD="true"/>
<H2 type="string" length="1" isHeader="true" encoding="GBK" isBCD="true"/>
<H3 type="string" length="4" isHeader="true" encoding="GBK"/>
<H4 type="string" length="11" isHeader="true" encoding="GBK"/>
<H5 type="string" length="11" isHeader="true" encoding="GBK"/>
<H6 type="string" length="3" isHeader="true" encoding="GBK" isBCD="true"/>
<H7 type="string" length="1" isHeader="true" encoding="GBK" isBCD="true"/>
<H8 type="string" length="8" isHeader="true" encoding="GBK" />
<H9 type="string" length="1" isHeader="true" encoding="GBK" isBCD="true"/>
<MsgType type="string" length="4" encoding="GBK"/>
<bitmap1 length="8" type="bitmap"/>
<bitmap2 length="8" type="bitmap"/>
<F2 type="string" length="19" variable_flag="2" field_index="2" encoding="GBK"/>
<F3 type="string" length="6" field_index="3" encoding="GBK"/>
<F4 type="string" length="12" field_index="4" encoding="GBK"/>
<F6 type="string" length="12" field_index="6" encoding="GBK"/>
<F7 type="string" length="10" field_index="7" encoding="GBK"/>
<F10 type="string" length="8" field_index="10" encoding="GBK"/>
<F11 type="string" length="6" field_index="11" encoding="GBK"/>
<F12 type="string" length="6" field_index="12" encoding="GBK"/>
<F13 type="string" length="4" field_index="13" encoding="GBK"/>
<F14 type="string" length="4" field_index="14" encoding="GBK"/>
<F15 type="string" length="4" field_index="15" encoding="GBK"/>
<F18 type="string" length="4" field_index="18" encoding="GBK"/>
<F22 type="string" length="3" field_index="22" encoding="GBK"/>
<F23 type="string" length="3" field_index="23" encoding="GBK"/>
<F25 type="string" length="2" field_index="25" encoding="GBK"/>
<F26 type="string" length="2" field_index="26" encoding="GBK"/>
<F28 type="string" length="9" field_index="28" encoding="GBK"/>
<F32 type="string" length="11" variable_flag="2" field_index="32" encoding="GBK"/>
<F33 type="string" length="11" variable_flag="2" field_index="33" encoding="GBK"/>
<F35 type="string" length="37" variable_flag="2" field_index="35" encoding="GBK"/>
<F36 type="string" length="104" variable_flag="3" field_index="36" encoding="GBK"/>
<F37 type="string" length="12" field_index="37" encoding="GBK"/>
<F38 type="string" length="6" field_index="38" encoding="GBK"/>
<F39 type="string" length="2" field_index="39" encoding="GBK"/>
<F41 type="string" length="8" field_index="41" encoding="GBK"/>
<F42 type="string" length="15" field_index="42" encoding="GBK"/>
<F43 type="string" length="40" field_index="43" encoding="GBK"/>
<F44 type="string" length="25" variable_flag="2" field_index="44" encoding="GBK"/>
<F47 type="string" length="100" variable_flag="3" field_index="47" encoding="GBK"/>
<F48 type="string" length="400" variable_flag="3" field_index="48" encoding="GBK"/>
<F49 type="string" length="3" field_index="49" encoding="GBK"/>
<F51 type="string" length="3" field_index="51" encoding="GBK"/>
<F52 type="string" length="8" field_index="52" encoding="GBK"/>
<F53 type="string" length="16" field_index="53" encoding="GBK"/>
<F54 type="string" length="40" variable_flag="3" field_index="54" encoding="GBK" />
<F55 type="string" length="300" variable_flag="3" field_index="55" encoding="GBK" />
<F57 type="string" length="100" variable_flag="3" field_index="57" encoding="GBK" />
<F60 type="string" length="100" variable_flag="3" field_index="60" encoding="GBK"/>
<F61 type="string" length="200" variable_flag="3" field_index="61" encoding="GBK"/>
<F62 type="string" length="200" variable_flag="3" field_index="62" encoding="GBK"/>
<F70 type="string" length="3" field_index="70" encoding="GBK"/>
<F90 type="string" length="42" field_index="90" encoding="GBK"/>
<F91 type="string" length="1" field_index="91" encoding="GBK"/>
<F96 type="string" length="8" field_index="96" encoding="GBK"/>
<F100 type="string" length="11" variable_flag="2" field_index="100" encoding="GBK"/>
<F102 type="string" length="32" variable_flag="2" field_index="102" encoding="GBK"/>
<F103 type="string" length="32" variable_flag="2" field_index="103" encoding="GBK"/>
<F108 type="string" length="32" variable_flag="3" field_index="108" encoding="GBK"/>
<F121 type="string" length="100" variable_flag="3" field_index="121" encoding="GBK"/>
<F122 type="string" length="50" variable_flag="3" field_index="122" encoding="GBK"/>
<F123 type="string" length="400" variable_flag="3" field_index="123" encoding="GBK"/>
<F128 type="string" length="8" field_index="128" encoding="GBK"/>


 package com.handle8583;

 import java.io.File;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.Node;
import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader; public class Bean8583Factory { private static Map<String,Properties> map = new HashMap<String, Properties>(); private static Bean8583Factory instance = null; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Bean8583Factory.class); public static Bean8583Factory getInstance(){
if(null == instance){
instance = new Bean8583Factory();
return instance;
} private Bean8583Factory(){
} public void init() {
System.out.println("加载8583配置开始"); File f = new File("D:/workspace/springweb/src/com/handle8583/ISO8583medata.xml");
if ((f.exists()) && (f.isFile())) {
SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
try {
Iterator<Node> iterator2;
Document doc = reader.read(f);
List obj = doc.getRootElement().elements();
if (obj == null) {
Iterator<Node> iterator = obj.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Node imetadata = iterator.next();
Properties pop = new Properties(); Node isHeader = imetadata.selectSingleNode("@isHeader");
if(null != isHeader){
pop.setProperty("isHeader", isHeader.getText());
} Node isBCD = imetadata.selectSingleNode("@isBCD");
if(null != isBCD){
pop.setProperty("isBCD", isBCD.getText());
} Node type = imetadata.selectSingleNode("@type");
if(null != type){
pop.setProperty("type", type.getText());
} Node length = imetadata.selectSingleNode("@length");
if(null != length){
pop.setProperty("length", length.getText());
} Node variable_flag = imetadata.selectSingleNode("@variable_flag");
if(null != variable_flag){
pop.setProperty("variable_flag", variable_flag.getText());
} Node field_index = imetadata.selectSingleNode("@field_index");
if(null != field_index){
pop.setProperty("field_index", field_index.getText());
} Node encoding = imetadata.selectSingleNode("@encoding");
if(null != encoding){
pop.setProperty("encoding", encoding.getText());
} pop.setProperty("name", imetadata.getName());
map.put(imetadata.getName(),pop); }
} catch (DocumentException e) {
} public Map<String, Properties> getMap() {
return map;
} public Properties getFieldPropertie(String fieldName) {
return map.get(fieldName);
} public String getFieldPropertieVal(String fieldName,String propertieName) {
return map.get(fieldName).getProperty(propertieName);
} }


 package com.handle8583;

 import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set; import com.parseToString.FileTools;
* @description:
* 准备包含8583报文头、报文类型标识、位图、报文体各域的ISO8583metadata.xml配置文件
* 准备8583十六进制报文
* 使用SAXReader读取ISO8583metadata.xml文件,将文件中的内容解析成Map<String,Properties>
* 使用文件输入流读取8583十六进制报文到字节数组输出流,字节数组输出流转换为字节数组
* 将字节数组转换成字符串,此刻字符串的内容与十六进制里的内容完全一致,并将字符串换行、空去掉
* 将字符串转换成字节数组(即将十六进制转换成十进制的字节数组)
* 解析报文头(根据ISO8583metadata.xml中:isBCD确定编码、length确定长度、encoding确定编码、name作为标签名。现根据长度截取,再判断isBCD编码,根据相应的编码解码。)
* 解析报文类型标识(根据长度,byte子数组,根绝对应的encoding编码进行解码)
* 解析位图(判断第一个字节的二进制最高位是否为1,为1则使用扩展位图,为0则不使用扩展位图;根据长度获取byte字数组,转换成对应的二进制;根据二进制判断存在哪些域有值)
* 解析报文体(将存在的域循环进行处理:判断是否变长,如果变长,先获取变长所表示的长度值,比如n..11(LLVAR)为两位变长,有两个字节表示长度,先拿两个字节计算本域所占几个字节,再获取相应字节数,再根据encoding编码进行解码;如果非变长,直接根据length获取长度,再根据encoding编码进行解码)
* 将解析完成的8583报文信息所在的Map排序,便于打印阅览(此处不再说明,看代码即可)
* @warn注意点
* 对于0~9的数字
* 十六进制转换成十进制,相应于BCD码转换成十进制
* 一个十六进制相当于一个byte,相当于两个[0,9]
* @see
* 8583报文拆组包关键点:
* 报文头各域、表问类型标识、位图或者报文体域所使用的编码方式,比如BCD编码还是普通的十六进制
* 位图的使用
* 报文体域的变长处理
* @see
* 拆组包8583报文需要对于编码和解码、进制转换、字符集有一个充分和系统的了解
public class Parse8583 {
static int currentIndex = 0;
static Map<String, Properties> map = Bean8583Factory.getInstance().getMap();
public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
byte[] resp = FileTools.readContent("D:/workspace/springweb/src/com/handle8583/8583resp.txt");
String str = new String(resp).trim().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\r","").replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "");
byte[] retByte = parseTo8583bytes(str);
Map<String,String> fieldMap = parse8583(retByte);
List<String> keyList = getKeyList(fieldMap);
for(String key:keyList){
System.out.println("["+key+"] = "+fieldMap.get(key));
} // 报文处理函数
private static Map<String, String> parse8583(byte[] byteArr)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
Map<String,String> fieldMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
parseHeaders(byteArr, fieldMap);
// 获取MsgType
parseMsgType(byteArr, fieldMap);
// 获取位图
String bitMap1_value = getBitMap(byteArr);
fieldMap.put("F1", bitMap1_value);
// 根据位图判断存在哪些域及获取域的值
parseFields(byteArr, fieldMap, bitMap1_value);
// 返回
return fieldMap;
private static void parseHeaders(byte[] byteArr,Map<String, String> fieldMap)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
for(int i=1;i<=10;i++){
Properties headProperties = map.get("H"+i);
if(headProperties == null) continue; int head_length = Integer.parseInt(headProperties.getProperty("length"));
byte[] head_value_byte = new byte[head_length];
System.arraycopy(byteArr, currentIndex, head_value_byte, 0, head_length);
currentIndex += head_length; String isBCD = headProperties.getProperty("isBCD");
String head_value = bcd_bytes_to_String(head_value_byte);
fieldMap.put(headProperties.getProperty("name"), head_value);
String head_value = new String(head_value_byte, headProperties.getProperty("encoding"));
fieldMap.put(headProperties.getProperty("name"), head_value);
private static String bcd_bytes_to_String(byte[] bytes){
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(bytes.length*2);
for(int i=0;i<bytes.length;i++){
return sb.toString();
private static void parseFields(byte[] byteArr,Map<String, String> fieldMap,String bitMap1_value_2) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
List<Integer> exitFieldList = getExitField(bitMap1_value_2);
// 获取各域值
for(int i=0;i<exitFieldList.size();i++){
int field = exitFieldList.get(i);
Properties fieldProperties = map.get("F"+field);
if(fieldProperties == null)continue; String field_variable_flag = fieldProperties.getProperty("variable_flag");
if(field_variable_flag == null || "".equals(field_variable_flag)){
int field_length = Integer.parseInt(fieldProperties.getProperty("length"));
byte[] field_value_byte = new byte[field_length];
System.arraycopy(byteArr, currentIndex, field_value_byte, 0, field_length);
currentIndex += field_length;
String field_value = new String(field_value_byte, fieldProperties.getProperty("encoding"));
fieldMap.put(fieldProperties.getProperty("name"), field_value);
int variable_flag_length = Integer.parseInt(field_variable_flag);
byte[] variable_flag_byte = new byte[variable_flag_length];
System.arraycopy(byteArr, currentIndex, variable_flag_byte, 0, variable_flag_length);
currentIndex += variable_flag_length;
String variable_flag_value = new String(variable_flag_byte, fieldProperties.getProperty("encoding"));
int field_length = Integer.parseInt(variable_flag_value);
byte[] field_value_byte = new byte[field_length];
System.arraycopy(byteArr, currentIndex, field_value_byte, 0, field_length);
currentIndex += field_length;
String field_value = new String(field_value_byte, fieldProperties.getProperty("encoding"));
fieldMap.put(fieldProperties.getProperty("name"), field_value);
private static String getBitMap(byte[] byteArr) {
Properties bitMap1 = map.get("bitmap1");
int bitMap1_length = Integer.parseInt(bitMap1.getProperty("length"));
byte[] bitMap1_value_byte = new byte[bitMap1_length];
System.arraycopy(byteArr, currentIndex, bitMap1_value_byte, 0,bitMap1_length);
currentIndex += bitMap1_length;
String bitMap1_value_2 = binary(bitMap1_value_byte, 2);
if (bitMap1_value_2.startsWith("1")) {
Properties bitMap2 = map.get("bitmap2");
int bitMap2_length = Integer.parseInt(bitMap2.getProperty("length"));
byte[] bitMap2_value_byte = new byte[bitMap2_length];
System.arraycopy(byteArr, currentIndex, bitMap2_value_byte, 0,bitMap2_length);
currentIndex += bitMap2_length;
String bitMap2_value_2 = binary(bitMap2_value_byte, 2);
bitMap1_value_2 += bitMap2_value_2;
return bitMap1_value_2;
private static void parseMsgType(byte[] byteArr,Map<String, String> mapRet)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
Properties msgType = map.get("MsgType");
int msgType_length = Integer.parseInt(msgType.getProperty("length"));
byte[] msgType_value_byte = new byte[msgType_length];
System.arraycopy(byteArr, currentIndex, msgType_value_byte, 0,msgType_length);
currentIndex += msgType_length;
String msgType_value = new String(msgType_value_byte, msgType.getProperty("encoding"));
mapRet.put("F0", msgType_value);
private static List<Integer> getExitField(String bitMap2String) {
List<Integer> exitFieldList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i=2;i<=bitMap2String.length();i++) {
int field_index = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(bitMap2String.charAt(i-1)));
if (field_index == 1) {
return exitFieldList;
private static byte[] parseTo8583bytes(String str) {
String value = null;
byte[] retByte = new byte[str.length() / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i = i + 2) {
value = str.substring(i, i + 2);
retByte[i / 2] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(value, 16);
return retByte;
private static List<String> getKeyList(Map<String, String> fieldMap) {
Set<String> keySet = fieldMap.keySet();
List<String> keyList = new ArrayList<String>(keySet);
Collections.sort(keyList, new Comparator<String>(){
public int compare(String str1, String str2) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Integer value1 = Integer.parseInt(str1.substring(1));
Integer value2 = Integer.parseInt(str2.substring(1));
return value1.compareTo(value2);
Collections.sort(keyList, new Comparator<String>(){
public int compare(String str1, String str2) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
char value1 = str1.charAt(0);
char value2 = str2.charAt(0);
return value1 < value2 ? 1 : 0;
return keyList;
private static String binary(byte[] bytes, int radix) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (byte b : bytes) {
return sb.toString();
* Byte转Bit
private static String byteToBit(byte b) {
return "" + (byte) ((b >> 7) & 0x1) + (byte) ((b >> 6) & 0x1)
+ (byte) ((b >> 5) & 0x1) + (byte) ((b >> 4) & 0x1)
+ (byte) ((b >> 3) & 0x1) + (byte) ((b >> 2) & 0x1)
+ (byte) ((b >> 1) & 0x1) + (byte) ((b >> 0) & 0x1);
} }


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