Problem Statement

     The pony Rainbow Dash wants to choose her pet. There are N animals who want to be her pet. Rainbow Dash numbered them 0 through N-1.

help her make the decision, Rainbow Dash decided to organize a relay
race for the animals. The race track is already known, and for each
animal we know how fast it is. More precisely, you are given vector
<int>s A and B with the following meaning: For
each i, the animal number i will take between A[i] and B[i]
seconds (inclusive) to complete the track.

For the race the
animals will be divided into two competing teams. This is a relay
race, so the team members of each team will all run the same track,
one after another -- when the first team member finishes, the second
one may start, and so on. Thus the total time in which a team
completes the race is the sum of the times of all team members. Note
that we can use the estimates given by A and B to
estimate the total time for any team of animals.

Given two
teams S and T, the value maxdiff(S,T) is defined as the largest
possible difference in seconds between the time in which team S
finishes the course and the time in which team T finishes the course.

Dash now needs to assign each of the animals to one of the two
competing teams. She wants to see a close competition, so she wants
the teams to finish as close to each other as possible. Formally,
she wants to divide all animals into teams S and T in a way that
minimizes maxdiff(S,T). Return the smallest possible value of


Class: MayTheBestPetWin
Method: calc
Parameters: vector <int>, vector <int>
Returns: int
Method signature: int calc(vector <int> A, vector <int> B)
(be sure your method is public)


- The teams are not required to contain the same number of animals.


- A will contain between 2 and 50 elements, inclusive.
- A and B will contain the same number of elements.
- Each element of A will be between 1 and 10,000, inclusive.
- Each element of B will be between 1 and 10,000, inclusive.
- For each i, B[i] will be greater than or equal to A[i].


Returns: 2
In this test case we know the exact time in which each of the animals completes the track. An optimal solution is to choose teams S={0,3} and T={1,2}. Then team S will certainly complete the track in 3+7 = 10 seconds, and team T in 4+4 = 8 seconds. Thus, maxdiff(S,T)=2.
Returns: 5
Here one of the optimal solutions is S={2,3} and T={0,1,4}. For these two teams we have maxdiff(S,T)=5. For example, it is possible that S will complete the track in 6+8 = 14 seconds, and T will complete it in 1+3+5 = 9 seconds. It is also possible that S will complete the track up to 5 seconds before T does.
Returns: 52873

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按和来进行背包 这样来看吧 如果按a数组来背 那我们要算出这几个值

s1(前面背出来的和值)    s2(剩余的) a数组

s3(前面背出来的和值)   s4(剩余的) b数组

想求s3-s2  和s1-s4 最值也就从这两种情况里取一个

如果按和背的话 直接就保存了 s1+s3 而(s2+s1)和(s3+s4)是定值 每次背的值 s1+s3-(s2+s1) 这样就出了s3-s2 同样s1-s4也求出来了

so easy...

 #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define INF 0xfffffff
int dp[];
class MayTheBestPetWin
int calc(vector <int> A, vector <int> B)
int n = A.size(),s1=,s2=,i,j;
for(i = ; i < n ; i++)
int v = s1+s2;
dp[] = ;
for(i = ; i < n ; i++)
for(j = v ; j>=A[i] ; j--)
int ans = INF;
for(i = ; i <= v ; i++)
ans = min(ans,max(abs(i-s1),abs(i-s2)));
return ans;

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