A Product by Mixed Dimensions

What is BooleanRT?

BooleanRT is a real-time 3D boolean operations extension for Unity that allows you from executing 3D
Boolean operations (Union, Intersection, Substract) during runtime or during level creation and editing
in the editor’s sceneview.
What does it offer?

1- Real-time or per-click Boolean execution.
2- Material, UV and texture preservation.
3- Saving to prefab.
4- Constructive solid Geometry (CSG).
5- Smoothing of Boolean execution to keep smooth frame rates by splitting the execution of the
Boolean operation over multiple frames.
6- Optional updating of the collider.
7- Creating a new mesh or overwriting existing mesh to affect all referenced objects.
8- Optional smart execution by avoiding the calculation when not need (when there is no
intersection or the operands are not being transformed.

How to Use?

In order to Use BooleanRT you need to have 2 operands with MeshFilters and a target GameObject.
1- Select your target object.
2- Add a Boolean object component from Component -> Boolean 3D -> Boolean Object menu.
3- Once added you will have a new component added to the target.
4- Set Operand (A) & Operand (B).
5- Select the type of operation (Union, Intersection, Substract) from the “Operation” field.
6- Position the operands in the state you want to generate the result from.
A Product by Mixed Dimensions
7- Click on “Execute” button to get the result (this is not required on runtime).
8- To see execution in realtime while in editor toggle “Execute in Editor”.
9- To save to a prefab click on “Save prefab” then you will be prompt to select the location to
create the prefab in.
10- To update the collider or to add a continuously updated collider to your target toggle “Update
Collider” field.
11- To overwrite the current mesh of the target to affect all referencing game objects toggle
“Overwrite mesh”, if no mesh exists a new mesh will be created.
12- To get smooth transition between frames toggle the “Smooth transition” field so that you can
get the Boolean operation to execute over multiple frames reducing any lagging that might
result from applying Boolean between large meshes.
13- To avoid unnecessary execution of the Boolean operation when the operands are not
intersecting or if both operands are static and not being transformed by any force toggle the
”On Intersection” field.

BooleanRT component Inspect

You can get more advanced mesh creation and editing features from 3D Boolean, Mesh editing, Extrude,
primitives, Optimization, UV editing to hundreds of game-ready assets through GameDraw “A Complete
3D modeling experience within Unity”.

For more information and support:
Tutorial : Youtube Video
Email : support@mixeddimensions.net
Website: www.mixeddimensions.com

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