[JS 基础] touchEvent中的changedTouches,targetTouches和touches的区别
对于移动端开发中 touchEvent(触摸事件) 中changedTouches,targetTouches和touches的区别往往不容易弄清,故特意查询了
1. 其中,对 changedTouches 的解释是
A TouchList
whose touch points (Touch
objects) varies depending on the event type, as follows:
- For the
event, it is a list of the touch points that became active with the current event. - For the
event, it is a list of the touch points that have changed since the last event. - For the
event, it is a list of the touch points that have been removed from the surface (that is, the set of touch points corresponding to fingers no longer touching the surface).
- 对于 touchstart 事件,它是一个触发当前事件的触点的列表;
- 对于 touchmove 事件,它是一个从最后一次事件对比,改变的触点的列表;
- 对于 touchend 事件,它是已经从触摸表面移除的触点的列表(即,这些触点对应的手指不再与触摸表面接触)
2. 对 targetTouches 的解释是
A TouchList
listing all the Touch
objects for touch points that are still in contact with the touch surface and whose touchstart
event occurred inside the same target element
as the current target element.
3.对 touches 的解释是
A TouchList
listing all the Touch
objects for touch points that are currently in contact with the touch surface, regardless of whether or not they've changed or what their target element was at touchstart
[JS 基础] touchEvent中的changedTouches,targetTouches和touches的区别的更多相关文章
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