
XMPP Clients:   http://xmpp.org/software/clients.html

An XMPP client is any software or application that enables you to connect to an XMPP for instant messaging with other people over the Internet. There are many free clients you can use to do this, for many different devices and operating systems.

Note: The following software was not developed by the XMPP Standards Foundation and has not been formally tested for standards compliance, usability, reliability, or performance.

See something missing? Any list of XMPP servers, clients or libraries will, due to the dynamic and evolving nature of the XMPP market, be out of date almost as soon as it’s published. If you spot mistakes, errors or omissions in the table below, please submit a pull request!

Name Platform(s)
Adium OSX
AQQ Windows
AstraChat Mobile (Android, iOS) / Linux / OSX / Windows
beejive Mobile (Android, BlackBerry, iOS)
Beem Mobile (Android)
BitlBee Linux
BlueJabb Mobile (Android, Blackberry (BBOS), Nokia Symbian S40/S60 and Asha)
Buddycloud Mobile / Web / Console
Candy Browser
Coccinella Linux / OSX / Windows
Conversations Mobile (Android)
Converse.js Browser
Coversant SoapBox Communicator Windows
Crosstalk Mobile (iOS)
eM Client Windows
Empathy Linux
Finch Console / Text-Mode
Gajim Linux / Windows
ChatSecure Mobile (Android)
GNU Freetalk Console / Text-Mode
GreenJab IBM i
Apple Messages OSX
IM+ Mobile
Instantbird Linux / OSX / Windows
irssi-xmpp Console / Text-Mode
jabber.el Linux
Jabbim Linux / OSX / Windows
Jabiru Mobile (Android)
JAJC Windows
Jappix Browser
Jitsi Linux / OSX / Windows
JSXC Browser
JWChat Browser
Kadu Linux / OSX / Windows
Kopete Linux
mcabber Console / Text-Mode
Miranda IM Windows
Miranda NG Windows
Movim Browser
Monal IM Mobile (iOS)
Mozilla Thunderbird Linux / OSX / Windows
OneTeam Linux / OSX / Windows
OneTeam for iPhone Mobile (iOS)
Poezio Console / Text-Mode
Pidgin Linux / OSX / Windows
Profanity Console / Text-Mode
Psi Linux / OSX / Windows
Psi+ Linux / OSX / Windows
Quiet Internet Pager Windows
qutIM Linux / OSX / Windows
Salut à Toi Linux / Console / Text-Mode / Browser
Sim-IM Linux
Spark Linux / OSX / Windows
SparkWeb Browser
Swift Linux / OSX / Windows
Talkonaut Mobile
Tigase Messenger Browser
Tigase Minichat Browser
Tkabber Linux / OSX / Windows
Trillian Windows/ OSX / Mobile / Browser
V&V Messenger Windows
Vacuum-IM Linux / OSX / Windows
Vayusphere Mobile (BlackBerry)
VSTalk Windows
WTW Windows
Xabber Mobile (Android)
xmpp-client Linux / OSX
xmppchat Browser
XMPPWebChat Browser
yaxim Mobile (Android)

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