Windows 应用商店上传日志
[ColorNote In Windows APP Store Log]:
- ColorNote v1.0 2012/12/2
- ColorNote v1.1 2012/12/12
- ColorNote v1.2 2012/12/20
- ColorNote v1.3 2012/12/21
- ColorNote v1.4 2013/3/1
- ColorNote v2.0.0.0 2013/9/2
- ColorNote v2.0.1.0 2013/9/10
- ColorNote v2.0.2.1 2013/10/22
- ColorNote v2.0.2.2 2013/10/27
- ColorNote v2.1.0.0 2013/11/12 [支持英语][收费版本]
- ColorNote v2.1.0.1 2013/11/15
- ColorNote v2.1.2.1 2014/1/24[免费]
由于版权原因 ColorNote 已经下架,详情:
Hi Microsoft has received the attached Content Infringement Complaint ("Complaint") for your app ColorNote NOTICE OF APPLICATION REMOVAL Microsoft has removed ColorNote OPTIONS FOR RESUBMITTING OR RESTORING YOUR APP Choose one of the following two options to resubmit or restore your app. Option : If you elect to modify your app to remove the content, name, or any other material that led to the Complaint, you must: . Complete the attached Windows Store - Developer Response & Modification Form and submit the completed form by replying to this email. If you do not complete and submit the form, no update to your app will be considered or approved. . Remove the infringing content based on the original Complaint and submit the modified app as an update to the unpublished app. a. Note that passing certification DOES NOT guarantee that the complaining party will be satisfied that you have resolved all issues in the Complaint. b. If the modification and app updates are insufficient to the complaining party, the complaining party may submit a second complaint against the app. This would be treated as a new complaint for purposes of your Developer's Account status. c. Repeat content infringement complaints can result in termination of your Developer Account event after app modification(s). . If you are unsure what to remove, you may contact the complaining party directly. Contact information can be found in the attached Complaint. Option : If you elect to submit a counter notice, you must do ONE of the following: . Complete the attached Windows Store - Content Infringement Counter Notice Form and submit the completed form by replying to this email and cc This form is compliant with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). . If the complaint involves solely copyright concerns, you may elect instead to submit a legally compliant Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) counter notice by replying to this email and cc Please note that the following may result in suspension or termination of your account: * submitting an update for certification without providing a completed Windows Store - Developer Response & Modification Form * republishing your app after submitting a counter notice prior to receiving Microsoft's permission to republish * repeat infringement * breach of the Windows Store Application Provider Agreement Note: * Microsoft cannot give you legal advice on this issue, and you should consider consulting your own lawyer if you are unsure about how to proceed. * To keep your Developer Account in good standing, it is recommended that you review all your apps and ensure they comply with Windows Store policies. Microsoft's DMCA policy may be found here: This email does not waive or modify the terms of your Application Provider Agreement or any of Microsoft's rights or remedies. Thank you, -Barry Windows Store Developer Support Engineer ================================================ Your partner at Microsoft. Use what you know. Do what you've always imagined.
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- log4j动态文件名
在项目中,对log的输出有多种多样的要求,下面具体分析一下动态log文件名输出的. 一,按照用户ID来生成log,这种情况,可以根据每个用户ID来动态生成logger. 代码如下: import or ...
- 《嵌入式Linux内存使用与性能优化》笔记
这本书有两个关切点:系统内存(用户层)和性能优化. 这本书和Brendan Gregg的<Systems Performance>相比,无论是技术层次还是更高的理论都有较大差距.但是这不影 ...
- MySQL:动态开启慢查询日志(Slow Query Log)
前言 在开发中,高效能的程序 也包括 高效能的查询,所以优化SQL也是程序员必要技能之一.要优化就必须要有慢日志记录才可以知道哪些查询慢,然后反向去修改 慢日志设置方式 写入文件 写入数据库 实践操作 ...
- 使用Mono Cecil 动态获取运行时数据 (Atribute形式 进行注入 用于写Log) [此文报考 xxx is declared in another module and needs to be imported的解决方法]-摘自网络
目录 一:普通写法 二:注入定义 三:Weave函数 四:参数构造 五:业务编写 六:注入调用 7. 怎么调用别的程序集的方法示例 8. [is declared in another module ...
- Hadoop2动态调整Log级别-以datanode的heartbeat log为例
在Hadoop中,有些log信息在正常情况下是不打印出来的.比如datanode发送heartbeat的日志. 代码位于BPServiceActor#sendHeartBeat方法中,如下图: 由于默 ...
- yii2 动态配置日志(log)
如果我们在项目中不允许修改配置文件中的 log 组件,那么动态配置 log 就变得很重要了,下面我分享一下动态配置 log 的方法: 默认的日志格式是 {date}{ip}{userID}{sessi ...
- Linq To Sql进阶系列(六)用object的动态查询与保存log篇
动态的生成sql语句,根据不同的条件构造不同的where字句,是拼接sql 字符串的好处.而Linq的推出,是为了弥补编程中的 Data != Object 的问题.我们又该如何实现用object的动 ...
- Spring Boot 动态修改 log level
引入依赖 <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>sp ...
- Android 5.0 到 Android 6.0 + 的深坑之一 之 .so 动态库的适配
(原创: 目录: 前序 一,问题描述 二,为何会如此"无情"? 三,目前存在该问题的知名SDK 四,解决方案,1 对 ...
- How to learn linux device driver
To learn device driver development, like any other new knowledge, the bestapproach for me is to lear ...
- Android开发之异步通信Handler机制
郭大神的: ...
- [NYIST16]矩形嵌套(DP,最长上升子序列)
题目链接: 像套娃一样把矩形套起来.先给矩形从小到大排序,然后做最长上升子序列就行 /* ━━━━ ...
- JVM参数配置
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- 关于引用mshtml的问题
今天看了个验证码识别的代码,其中引用到了mshtml.dll,找了半天原来就是microsoft.mshtml.dll.查这个dll的时候还发现了好几篇关于这个dll添加问题的文章.顺便看了下,原来这 ...
- sdut 2934 人活着系列之平方数 (完全背包变形)
题目链接 分析:完全背包的变形,每一层的d[]数组代表这一层的这个数新加入以后所构成的val的种类. #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> ...
- Hibernate学习笔记之EHCache的配置
Hibernate默认二级缓存是不启动的,启动二级缓存(以EHCache为例)需要以下步骤: 1.添加相关的包: Ehcache.jar和commons-logging.jar,如果hibernate ...
- UVa 10288 (期望) Coupons
题意: 每张彩票上印有一张图案,要集齐n个不同的图案才能获奖.输入n,求要获奖购买彩票张数的期望(假设获得每个图案的概率相同). 分析: 假设现在已经有k种图案,令s = k/n,得到一个新图案需要t ...
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题意: 一个由若干小正方体组成的图形,给出它的正视图和侧视图,求满足条件的最少小正方体的个数. 分析: 虽说是一道简单的贪心,可一直没有太好的思路. 又一次可耻地看了别人的题解. http://blo ...
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以“爪”形为单元,问所给出的无向图中能否被完全分割成一个个单元. 分析图的性质,由于已知每个点的度是3,所以“爪”之间是相互交错的,即把一个“爪”分为中心点和边缘点,中心点被完全占据,而边缘点被三个“ ...