protocol DiceGame {
var dice: Dice { get }
func play()
protocol DiceGameDelegate {
func gameDidStart(_ game: DiceGame)
func game(_ game: DiceGame, didStartNewTurnWithDiceRoll diceRoll: Int)
func gameDidEnd(_ game: DiceGame)
(二)这里有一个Snakes and Ladders(蛇与梯子)的游戏,使用了筛子所以采用DiceGame协议(protocol),并且设置了一个DiceGameDelegate的代理来track游戏的过程。想具体了解Snakes and ladders这个游戏过程的可以参考[Control flow 中的break]。(https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/ControlFlow.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014097-CH9-ID137)
class SnakesAndLadders: DiceGame {
let finalSquare = 25
let dice = Dice(sides: 6, generator: LinearCongruentialGenerator())
var square = 0
var board: [Int]
init() {
board = Array(repeating: 0, count: finalSquare + 1)
board[03] = +08; board[06] = +11; board[09] = +09; board[10] = +02
board[14] = -10; board[19] = -11; board[22] = -02; board[24] = -08
var delegate: DiceGameDelegate?
func play() {
square = 0
gameLoop: while square != finalSquare {
let diceRoll = dice.roll()
delegate?.game(self, didStartNewTurnWithDiceRoll: diceRoll)
switch square + diceRoll {
case finalSquare:
break gameLoop
case let newSquare where newSquare > finalSquare:
continue gameLoop
square += diceRoll
square += board[square]
class DiceGameTracker: DiceGameDelegate {
var numberOfTurns = 0
func gameDidStart(_ game: DiceGame) {
numberOfTurns = 0
if game is SnakesAndLadders {
print("Started a new game of Snakes and Ladders")
print("The game is using a \(game.dice.sides)-sided dice")
func game(_ game: DiceGame, didStartNewTurnWithDiceRoll diceRoll: Int) {
numberOfTurns += 1
print("Rolled a \(diceRoll)")
func gameDidEnd(_ game: DiceGame) {
print("The game lasted for \(numberOfTurns) turns")
let tracker = DiceGameTracker()
let game = SnakesAndLadders()
game.delegate = tracker
// Started a new game of Snakes and Ladders
// The game is using a 6-sided dice
// Rolled a 3
// Rolled a 5
// Rolled a 4
// Rolled a 5
// The game lasted for 4 turns
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