2、使用版本5.1,查询模版在5.6中发生变化。注意。官网地址 https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.1/search-template.html
You can register search templates by storing it in the config/scripts directory, in a file using the .mustache extension. In order to execute the stored template, reference it by it’s name under the template key: GET /_search/template
"file": "storedTemplate",
"params": {
"query_string": "search for these words"
You can also register search templates by storing it in the cluster state. There are REST APIs to manage these indexed templates. POST /_search/template/<templatename>
"template": {
"query": {
"match": {
"title": "{{query_string}}"
This template can be retrieved by GET /_search/template/<templatename> which is rendered as: {
"template": {
"query": {
"match": {
"title": "{{query_string}}"
This template can be deleted by DELETE /_search/template/<templatename>
To use an indexed template at search time use: GET /_search/template
"id": "templateName",
"params": {
"query_string": "search for these words"
Validating templatesedit A template can be rendered in a response with given parameters using GET /_render/template
"inline": {
"query": {
"terms": {
"status": [
"params": {
"status": [ "pending", "published" ]
} This call will return the rendered template: {
"template_output": {
"query": {
"terms": {
"status": [
} status array has been populated with values from the params object. File and indexed templates can also be rendered by replacing inline with file or id respectively. For example, to render a file template GET /_render/template
"file": "my_template",
"params": {
"status": [ "pending", "published" ]
} Pre-registered templates can also be rendered using GET /_render/template/<template_name>
"params": {
File and indexed templates can also be rendered by replacing inline with file or id respectively. For example, to render a file template GET /_render/template
"file": "my_template",
"params": {
"status": [ "pending", "published" ]
} Pre-registered templates can also be rendered using GET /_render/template/<template_name>
"params": {
} Explainedit You can use explain parameter when running a template: GET /_search/template
"file": "my_template",
"params": {
"status": [ "pending", "published" ]
"explain": true
} Profilingedit You can use profile parameter when running a template: GET /_search/template
"file": "my_template",
"params": {
"status": [ "pending", "published" ]
"profile": true
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