flyway 也真是够了, 动不动乱码,烦死了!

我的 命令是这样的:

flyway  -driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -user=root -password=123456  -url=jdbc:mysql://  -outOfOrder=true -locations=filesystem:E:/dev/lk_sql   migrate

表的行的内容出现了问号, column 的注释也是全是问号。

Windows上执行,出现了乱码,真特么奇了怪了。 但是同事机器上执行 同样的sql 就不会有乱码。

难道是系统编码的问题? 查看了下 cfcp 是一样的,都是 gbk

flyway.conf 配置不对? flyway.encoding 默认是关闭了的,而且上面写了 默认是 UTF-8, 我不需要改吧, 手动改为 UTF-8,一样的,还是不行。 难道 flyway 的bug ?


把他的 flyway-5.1.4 安装包拿过来(也就是, 重新搞一遍,发现也ok了!

真是搞不懂。 我的 flyway-5.1.4 好像也是 解压得来的, 为什么就是不行呢? 难道 build 版本不同? 记不得了。。

算了,先这样吧。 我本地不行。尝试 Jenkins 执行运行 shell 的 flyway 命令 不行。 后面实在郁闷了,于是直接shell 执行 flyway migrate,发现 linux 直接执行也不行啊。。  为什么?

重新下载一个 flyway-5.2.4, 也不行。 我擦, 一直都是乱码, 真是郁闷。

真是没办法, 执行 flyway ,发现可以设置编码,通过: -configFileEncoding=utf8 -encoding=UTF-8。 两个都试过了, 都不行啊! 难道需要 jdbc url 指定 编码? 通过 ?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8 发现根本就执行不了。。

flyway -configFileEncoding=utf8  -driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -user=root -password=  -url=jdbc:mysql://  -outOfOrder=true -locations=filesystem:E:/dev/lk_sql   migrate

UTF-8  编码改成 UTF8  , GBK, 都于事无补。 真的 郁闷。

后面把 上传到别的 linux 机器,执行flyway migrate。发现好了,没有乱码了! 这个,难道跟 linux 的环境有关?

对比了 linux 系统语言, 发现是一样的啊。。

真是没办法, 这个编码问题真是难缠啊!! 网上搜索一把, 搞来搞去, 仍然解决不了任何问题啊!

执行 flyway ,发现可以通过-X 调试。 对比了 两个linux 机器上相同 flyway migrate 的debug 信息,发现了细微区别!


Flyway Community Edition 5.1. by Boxfuse

DEBUG: Java 1.8.0_141 (Oracle Corporation)
DEBUG: Linux 3.10.-.el7.x86_64 amd64 DEBUG: Loading config file: /app/flyway-5.1./conf/flyway.conf
DEBUG: Unable to load config file: /root/flyway.conf
DEBUG: Unable to load config file: /app/flyway-5.1./flyway.conf
DEBUG: Using configuration:
DEBUG: flyway.outOfOrder -> true
DEBUG: flyway.jarDirs -> /app/flyway-5.1./jars
DEBUG: flyway.password -> ******
DEBUG: flyway.url -> jdbc:mysql://
DEBUG: flyway.driver -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
DEBUG: flyway.encoding -> UTF-
DEBUG: flyway.user -> root
DEBUG: flyway.locations -> filesystem:/app/flyway-5.1./sql
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/derbyclient-
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/mariadb-java-client-2.2..jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/mssql-jdbc-6.4..jre7.jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/sqlite-jdbc-3.20..jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/h2-1.4..jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/hsqldb-2.4..jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/derby-
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/jtds-1.3..jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/postgresql-42.2..jre6.jar
Database: jdbc:mysql:// (MySQL 5.7)
DEBUG: Driver : MariaDB connector/J 2.2.
WARNING: You are connected to a MySQL database using the MariaDB driver. This is known to cause issues. An upgrade to Oracle's MySQL JDBC driver is highly recommended.
DEBUG: DDL Transactions Supported: false
DEBUG: Schema: test2
DEBUG: Spring Jdbc available: false
DEBUG: Scanning for SQL callbacks ...
DEBUG: Scanning for filesystem resources at '/app/flyway-5.1.4/sql' (Prefix: '', Suffixes: '.sql')
DEBUG: Scanning for resources in path: /app/flyway-5.1./sql (/app/flyway-5.1./sql)
DEBUG: Filtering out resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt (filename: put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt)
DEBUG: Found filesystem resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/V1_1_1_6__ppm_issue_struct.sql
DEBUG: Validating migrations ...
DEBUG: Scanning for filesystem resources at '/app/flyway-5.1.4/sql' (Prefix: 'V', Suffixes: '.sql')
DEBUG: Scanning for resources in path: /app/flyway-5.1./sql (/app/flyway-5.1./sql)
DEBUG: Filtering out resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt (filename: put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt)
DEBUG: Found filesystem resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/V1_1_1_6__ppm_issue_struct.sql
DEBUG: Scanning for filesystem resources at '/app/flyway-5.1.4/sql' (Prefix: 'R', Suffixes: '.sql')
DEBUG: Scanning for resources in path: /app/flyway-5.1./sql (/app/flyway-5.1./sql)
DEBUG: Filtering out resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/V1_1_1_6__ppm_issue_struct.sql (filename: V1_1_1_6__ppm_issue_struct.sql)
DEBUG: Filtering out resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt (filename: put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt)
Successfully validated migration (execution time :.022s)
DEBUG: Schema `test2` already exists. Skipping schema creation.
Current version of schema `test2`:
WARNING: outOfOrder mode is active. Migration of schema `test2` may not be reproducible.
Schema `test2` is up to date. No migration necessary.


Flyway Community Edition 5.1. by Boxfuse

DEBUG: Java 1.8.0_144 (Oracle Corporation)
DEBUG: Linux 3.10.-957.1..el7.x86_64 amd64 DEBUG: Loading config file: /app/flyway-5.1./conf/flyway.conf
DEBUG: Unable to load config file: /root/flyway.conf
DEBUG: Unable to load config file: /app/flyway-5.1./flyway.conf
DEBUG: Using configuration:
DEBUG: flyway.outOfOrder -> true
DEBUG: flyway.jarDirs -> /app/flyway-5.1./jars
DEBUG: flyway.password -> ******
DEBUG: flyway.url -> jdbc:mysql://
DEBUG: flyway.driver -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
DEBUG: flyway.encoding -> UTF-
DEBUG: flyway.user -> root
DEBUG: flyway.locations -> filesystem:/app/flyway-5.1./sql
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/derbyclient-
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/mariadb-java-client-2.2..jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/mssql-jdbc-6.4..jre7.jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/sqlite-jdbc-3.20..jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/h2-1.4..jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/hsqldb-2.4..jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/derby-
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/jtds-1.3..jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/postgresql-42.2..jre6.jar
Thu Jul :: CST WARN: Establishing SSL connection without server's identity verification is not recommended. According to MySQL 5.5.45+, 5.6.26+ and 5.7.6+ requirements SSL connection must be established by default if explicit option isn't set. For compliance with existing applications not using SSL the verifyServerCertificate property is set to 'false'. You need either to explicitly disable SSL by setting useSSL=false, or set useSSL=true and provide truststore for server certificate verification.
Database: jdbc:mysql:// (MySQL 5.7)
DEBUG: Driver : MySQL Connector Java mysql-connector-java-5.1. ( Revision: fe1903b1ecb4a96a917f7ed3190d80c049b1de29 )
DEBUG: DDL Transactions Supported: false
DEBUG: Schema: test2
DEBUG: Spring Jdbc available: false
DEBUG: Scanning for SQL callbacks ...
DEBUG: Scanning for filesystem resources at '/app/flyway-5.1.4/sql' (Prefix: '', Suffixes: '.sql')
DEBUG: Scanning for resources in path: /app/flyway-5.1./sql (/app/flyway-5.1./sql)
DEBUG: Filtering out resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt (filename: put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt)
DEBUG: Found filesystem resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/V1_1_1_6__ppm_issue_struct.sql
DEBUG: Validating migrations ...
DEBUG: Scanning for filesystem resources at '/app/flyway-5.1.4/sql' (Prefix: 'V', Suffixes: '.sql')
DEBUG: Scanning for resources in path: /app/flyway-5.1./sql (/app/flyway-5.1./sql)
DEBUG: Filtering out resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt (filename: put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt)
DEBUG: Found filesystem resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/V1_1_1_6__ppm_issue_struct.sql
DEBUG: Scanning for filesystem resources at '/app/flyway-5.1.4/sql' (Prefix: 'R', Suffixes: '.sql')
DEBUG: Scanning for resources in path: /app/flyway-5.1./sql (/app/flyway-5.1./sql)
DEBUG: Filtering out resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/V1_1_1_6__ppm_issue_struct.sql (filename: V1_1_1_6__ppm_issue_struct.sql)
DEBUG: Filtering out resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt (filename: put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt)
Successfully validated migration (execution time :.044s)
DEBUG: Schema `test2` already exists. Skipping schema creation.
Current version of schema `test2`:
WARNING: outOfOrder mode is active. Migration of schema `test2` may not be reproducible.
Schema `test2` is up to date. No migration necessary.
[root@localhost flyway-5.1.]#
[root@localhost flyway-5.1.]# ./flyway -encoding=UTF- -driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -user=root -password= -url=jdbc:mysql:// -outOfOrder=true -X migrate
Flyway Community Edition 5.1. by Boxfuse DEBUG: Java 1.8.0_144 (Oracle Corporation)
DEBUG: Linux 3.10.-957.1..el7.x86_64 amd64 DEBUG: Loading config file: /app/flyway-5.1./conf/flyway.conf
DEBUG: Unable to load config file: /root/flyway.conf
DEBUG: Unable to load config file: /app/flyway-5.1./flyway.conf
DEBUG: Using configuration:
DEBUG: flyway.outOfOrder -> true
DEBUG: flyway.jarDirs -> /app/flyway-5.1./jars
DEBUG: flyway.password -> ******
DEBUG: flyway.url -> jdbc:mysql://
DEBUG: flyway.driver -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
DEBUG: flyway.encoding -> UTF-
DEBUG: flyway.user -> root
DEBUG: flyway.locations -> filesystem:/app/flyway-5.1./sql
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/derbyclient-
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/mariadb-java-client-2.2..jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/mssql-jdbc-6.4..jre7.jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/sqlite-jdbc-3.20..jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/h2-1.4..jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/hsqldb-2.4..jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/derby-
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/jtds-1.3..jar
DEBUG: Adding location to classpath: /app/flyway-5.1./drivers/postgresql-42.2..jre6.jar
Thu Jul :: CST WARN: Establishing SSL connection without server's identity verification is not recommended. According to MySQL 5.5.45+, 5.6.26+ and 5.7.6+ requirements SSL connection must be established by default if explicit option isn't set. For compliance with existing applications not using SSL the verifyServerCertificate property is set to 'false'. You need either to explicitly disable SSL by setting useSSL=false, or set useSSL=true and provide truststore for server certificate verification.
Database: jdbc:mysql:// (MySQL 5.7)
DEBUG: Driver : MySQL Connector Java mysql-connector-java-5.1. ( Revision: fe1903b1ecb4a96a917f7ed3190d80c049b1de29 )
DEBUG: DDL Transactions Supported: false
DEBUG: Schema: test2
DEBUG: Spring Jdbc available: false
DEBUG: Scanning for SQL callbacks ...
DEBUG: Scanning for filesystem resources at '/app/flyway-5.1.4/sql' (Prefix: '', Suffixes: '.sql')
DEBUG: Scanning for resources in path: /app/flyway-5.1./sql (/app/flyway-5.1./sql)
DEBUG: Filtering out resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt (filename: put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt)
DEBUG: Found filesystem resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/V1_1_1_6__ppm_issue_struct.sql
DEBUG: Validating migrations ...
DEBUG: Scanning for filesystem resources at '/app/flyway-5.1.4/sql' (Prefix: 'V', Suffixes: '.sql')
DEBUG: Scanning for resources in path: /app/flyway-5.1./sql (/app/flyway-5.1./sql)
DEBUG: Filtering out resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt (filename: put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt)
DEBUG: Found filesystem resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/V1_1_1_6__ppm_issue_struct.sql
DEBUG: Scanning for filesystem resources at '/app/flyway-5.1.4/sql' (Prefix: 'R', Suffixes: '.sql')
DEBUG: Scanning for resources in path: /app/flyway-5.1./sql (/app/flyway-5.1./sql)
DEBUG: Filtering out resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/V1_1_1_6__ppm_issue_struct.sql (filename: V1_1_1_6__ppm_issue_struct.sql)
DEBUG: Filtering out resource: /app/flyway-5.1./sql/put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt (filename: put-your-sql-migrations-here.txt)
Successfully validated migration (execution time :.045s)
DEBUG: Schema `test2` already exists. Skipping schema creation.
Current version of schema `test2`:
WARNING: outOfOrder mode is active. Migration of schema `test2` may not be reproducible.
Schema `test2` is up to date. No migration necessary.

可以看到 driver 有所区别:


DEBUG: Driver  : MariaDB connector/J 2.2.4

WARNING: You are connected to a MySQL database using the MariaDB driver. This is known to cause issues. An upgrade to Oracle's MySQL JDBC driver is highly recommended.


DEBUG: Driver  : MySQL Connector Java mysql-connector-java-5.1.47 ( Revision: fe1903b1ecb4a96a917f7ed3190d80c049b1de29 )

把 上面命令的 驱动改一下:-driver=org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver  就好了!!

想起来了, 原来我处理过上面的WARNING, 而正是这个处理,导致了 这一系列的问题啊!

flyway 的drivers 目录, 默认是没有 mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.jar 的, 我看到执行 migrate的时候出现了 mariadb 的警告, 所以换成了 mysql, 同时把 设定了 -driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

默认, 当然是不需要设置这个的!( 后面才知道,这完全是画蛇添足, 引起 非常大的 困惑。浪费大量时间 )

默认 解压得到的 flyway-5.1.4  的 drivers 目录是没有  mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.jar 的,

那为什么 flyway-5.2.4 是我下载的, 为什么也不行呢?它是通过 执行下载的:

wget -qO- | tar xvz && sudo ln -s `pwd`/flyway-5.2.4/flyway /usr/local/bin

它默认就有mysql 驱动啊!  真是坑爹。 我开始还以为是 jenkins 编码配置问题呢!


把 mysql 的驱动 去掉,或改一下 driver 为 mariadb 都可以解决问题。

一些细小的改动,可能引起很大问题。最好是 保持 原样。 warn 都不要动它的, 一动就出问题。

有时候, 推倒重来会更快。

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