IP trie树接口
自己实现了一个IP trie树接口.
#ifndef _IP_TRIE_H_
#define _IP_TIRE_H_ #define SPLIT_SIGN "."
#define IP_BINARY_LEN 32 typedef struct ip_trie_node
struct ip_trie_node *child[]; //two child node
}ip_trie_node; ip_trie_node *create_iptrie_node(); void insert_iptrie_node(ip_trie_node *root,char ip[]); int select_iptrie_node(ip_trie_node *root,char ip[]); #endif
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> #include "iptrie.h" /*
*name: itobinary
* num: orignal number; binary_str: dest string; index: the binary str copy index
* void
void itobinary(int num,char binary_str[],int index)
if(binary_str == NULL)
} int i,bit = 0x01;
for(i = ; i < ; i++)
{//conver integer to 8 bit binary str
if((num & bit) != )
{//oprater & is lower than !=
binary_str[index + - i] = '';
binary_str[index + - i] = '';
} bit <<= ; //bit * 2
} /*
*name: convert_ip_binary
* ip:orign ip string; binary_str:dest binary string
* void
void convert_ip_binary(char ip[],char binary_str[])
if(ip == NULL || binary_str == NULL)
} /*为确保正确性在进行转换之前可以进一步进行IP格式校验*/ char *ip_sub = NULL;
int i,index =; ip_sub = strtok(ip,SPLIT_SIGN); //slit ip by . itobinary(atoi(ip_sub),binary_str,index); for(i = ; i < ; i++)
{//need to ip legal detect to pretend error
ip_sub = strtok(NULL,SPLIT_SIGN); index += ;
} } /*
*name: create_iptrie_node
* new ip trie node
ip_trie_node *create_iptrie_node()
ip_trie_node *node = (ip_trie_node *)calloc(,sizeof(ip_trie_node)); if(node == NULL)
perror("create ip trie node error -- calloc");
node->child[] = NULL;
node->child[] = NULL;
} return node;
} /*
*name: insert_iptrie_node
* root: trie root; ip: orignal ip string
* void
* this function call strtok it will change input ip
* so if input ip need to use at other position
* you shold input a copy of ip
void insert_iptrie_node(ip_trie_node *root,char ip[])
if(root == NULL)
printf("trie have not init\n"); return;
} if(ip == NULL)
} char binary_str[IP_BINARY_LEN + ];
int i,child_index; memset(binary_str,,IP_BINARY_LEN + ); convert_ip_binary(ip,binary_str); //to binary string for(i = ; i < IP_BINARY_LEN; i++)
child_index = binary_str[i] - ''; //child is 0 or 1
if(root->child[child_index] == NULL)
root->child[child_index] = create_iptrie_node();
} root = root->child[child_index];
} /*
*name: select_iptrie_node
* root: trie root; ip: orignal ip string
* 0 :not find; 1:find
* this function call strtok it will change input ip
* so if input ip need to use at other position
* you shold input a copy of ip
int select_iptrie_node(ip_trie_node *root,char ip[])
if(root == NULL)
printf("trie have not init\n");
return ;
} if(ip == NULL)
return ;
} int i;
char binary_str[IP_BINARY_LEN + ]; memset(binary_str,,IP_BINARY_LEN + ); convert_ip_binary(ip,binary_str); //to binary string int child_index;
for(i = ; i < IP_BINARY_LEN; i++)
child_index = binary_str[i] - ''; if(root->child[child_index] == NULL)
return ;
} root = root->child[child_index];
} return ;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> #include "iptrie.h" int main()
char sip[];
char dip[];
int i = ;
int isfind = ;
ip_trie_node *root = create_iptrie_node(); while()
printf("insert a ip:\n");
insert_iptrie_node(root,sip); printf("query a ip:\n");
isfind = select_iptrie_node(root,dip);
if(isfind == )
printf("not find\n");
4.Makefile (linux下编译)
CC = gcc
CFLAG = -g INC = -I./ target:Iptrie Iptrie:iptrie.o main.c
$(CC) $(CFLAG) $(INC) -o $@ $^ iptrie.o:iptrie.c
$(CC) -c $< clean:
rm *.o Iptrie
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