python 操作excel实现替换特定内容
1. 全字匹配替换(mode1);(如:全字匹配 yocichen, 替换成为 yociXchen)
2. 部分字符匹配替换(mode2);(如:thisisyociblog,替换成为 thisisyocichenblog)
3. 全字匹配填充(mode3);(如:yoci,替换成为yoci: a foolish),用于在字符后面添加字符
import openpyxl
import re
import traceback changeCells = 0 # replace the special content
file: file path : str
mode: type of the operatoration : int
text: the string need to be replaceed : int or str
replaceText: replacement Text : int or str
def changeData(file, mode, text, replaceText):
# load the file(*.xlsx)
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file)
# ! deal with one sheet
ws = wb.worksheets[0]
global changeCells
# get rows and columns of file
rows = ws.max_row
cols = ws.max_column
changeFlag = False
for row in range(1, rows+1):
for col in range(1, cols+1):
content = ws.cell(row=row, column=col).value
if(content != None):
# mode1: fullmatch replacement
if(mode == 1):
if(content == text):
ws.cell(row=row, column=col).value = replaceText
changeFlag = True
changeCells += 1
# mode2: partial replacement
elif(mode == 2):
if(type(content) == str):
ws.cell(row=row, column=col).value = content.replace(
text, replaceText, 1)
changeFlag = True
changeCells += 1
# mode3: partialmatch and filling
elif(mode == 3):
if(type(content) == str):
ws.cell(row=row, column=col).value = content.replace(
text, text+replaceText, 1)
changeFlag = True
changeCells += 1
return 0
# status_1: modified success
return changeCells
# status_2: no modified
return changeCells
# status_3: exception
except Exception as e:
print(traceback.format_exc()) # read the content of file
file: file path : str
def rdxl(file):
# load the file(*.xlsx)
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file)
# ! deal with one sheet
ws = wb.worksheets[0]
global changeCells
# get rows and columns of file
rows = ws.max_row
cols = ws.max_column
changeFlag = False
cells = 0
for row in range(1, rows+1):
for col in range(1, cols+1):
content = ws.cell(row=row, column=col).value
cells += 1
print('cells', cells) if __name__ == "__main__":
res = changeData('D:\\001.xlsx', 1, 7777, 'bug制造者')
if(res != None):
print('已修改 ', res, ' 处')
# else:
# print('操作失败:\n'+res)
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