digital clock based C

- /**********************************
- * Name : timeDisplay.cpp
- * Purpose: Display digital clock according to current system time.
- * Author : feicaixian
- ***********************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- void segDisp(int n);
- void numToArr(int n, int *a);
- /***********************
- * 7段码笔画编号,编号可以随意,不同编号方案对应不同7段码
- * _0
- * 5|_6| 1
- * 4|_3| 2
- *
- ***********************/
- //将0~9的7段码存入数组,0表示不显示笔画,1表示显示笔画
- const int segments[][] = {
- {, , , , , , },//
- {, , , , , , },//
- {, , , , , , },//
- {, , , , , , },//
- {, , , , , , },//
- {, , , , , , },//
- {, , , , , , },//
- {, , , , , , },//
- {, , , , , , },//
- {, , , , , , } //
- };
- int main()
- {
- /*
- Use time() to get system time.The function prototype is:
- #include <time.h>
- time_t time(time_t *);
- function type is time_t, function name is time, parameter is pointer, whose type is time_t.
- time(time_t *timer) returns
- the number of seconds
- between January 1, 1970 and the current system time
- to timer, which can be print as long int.
- */
- time_t t;//define a time_t type variable
- time(&t);//Pass time_t type pointer to time()
- printf("The number of seconds: %d\n",t);//print the seconds from January 1, 1970 to now.
- /*Use functions followed to convert seconds to a structure:
- struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *timer); //convert seconds to Greenwich Mean Time(GMT)
- struct tm *localtime(const time_t * timer); //convert seconds to localtime
- struct tm * means that the type of return value is a struct tm type pointer.
- struct tm
- {
- int tm_sec;//seconds 0-61
- int tm_min;//minutes 1-59
- int tm_hour;//hours 0-23
- int tm_mday;//day of the month 1-31
- int tm_mon;//months since jan 0-11, so add 1 to get the real months.
- int tm_year;//years from 1900, add 1900 to get the real years.
- int tm_wday;//days since Sunday, 0-6
- int tm_yday;//days since Jan 1, 0-365
- int tm_isdst;//Daylight Saving time indicator
- };
- */
- struct tm *p = localtime(&t);//不一定要把当前系统时间传给指针,你也可以自定义各成员的值。
- int oldSeconds;
- while() {
- system("cls");//clear screen.
- /*
- 方法一:
- char *asctime(const struct tm *timeptr) 返回一个表示当地时间的字符串,它代表了timeptr的日期和时间。
- */
- printf("%s\n\n",asctime(p));//输出结果像这样:Sat Mar 25 06:10:10 1989
- /*
- 方法二:
- char *ctime(const time_t *timer) 返回一个表示当地时间的字符串,当地时间是基于参数 timer。
- */
- printf("%s\n\n",ctime(&t));//输出结果和asctime一样
- /*
- 方法三:
- 也可以自己输出日期和时间,自定义格式
- */
- int a[];
- int timeToInt = p->tm_hour * + p->tm_min * + p->tm_sec;
- printf("%d/%d/%d ",+p->tm_year,p->tm_mon + , p->tm_mday);//date
- numToArr(timeToInt, a);
- printf("%d%d:%d%d:%d%d\n",a[],a[],a[],a[],a[],a[]);
- //使用7段码显示时间
- segDisp(timeToInt);
- //不断获取当前时间,直到秒钟刷新,跳出循环,更新显示
- oldSeconds = p->tm_sec;
- do {
- time(&t);
- p = localtime(&t);
- }while (p->tm_sec == oldSeconds);
- }
- return ;
- }
- void numToArr(int n, int *a)
- {
- int k = ; //数组a[]的下标
- do {
- a[k++] = n % ;
- n /= ;
- }while (n != );
- }
- void segDisp(int n)
- {
- int i; //打印7段码时形参n的各位的序号
- int k = ; //数组a[]的下标
- int a[]; //存储形参的各个位的数字
- const int num = ;//时间显示的所需数字个数
- //将形参n的各位存入数组a[]
- numToArr(n, a);
- //-------------------------------------
- //--- 按行显示数字的7段码,共3行。
- //--- 第一行显示编号0,第二行显示编号5 6 1,第三行显示编号4 3 2.
- //-------------------------------------
- //显示编号0
- for (i = num-; i >= ; i--) {
- if (i == | i == ){
- //在第二个数字和第四个数字后面要显示冒号,如12:34:43。由于使用中文下的·号,采用全角模式,占两个字符宽度,
- //所以额外增加两个空格。
- if (segments[a[i]][])
- printf(" _ ");
- else
- printf(" ");
- }
- else {
- if (segments[a[i]][])
- printf(" _ ");
- //附加两个空格,显示下一个数字的笔画。
- //第一个空格是因为本数字右边还有一个笔画,第二个空格是因为两个数字之间应有间隔。
- else
- printf(" ");//用空格代替下划线
- }
- }
- printf("\n");//在下一行打印
- //显示编号5 6 1
- for (i = num-; i >= ; i--) {
- if (segments[a[i]][])
- printf("|");
- else
- printf(" ");
- if (segments[a[i]][])
- printf("_");
- else
- printf(" ");
- if (segments[a[i]][])
- printf("| ");
- else
- printf(" ");
- if (i == | i == )
- printf("·");//显示冒号
- }
- printf("\n");//在下一行打印
- //显示编号4 3 2
- for (i = num-; i >= ; i--) {
- if (segments[a[i]][])
- printf("|");
- else
- printf(" ");
- if (segments[a[i]][])
- printf("_");
- else
- printf(" ");
- if (segments[a[i]][])
- printf("| ");
- else
- printf(" ");
- if (i == | i == )
- printf("·");
- }
- }
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