

sed(Stream EDitor)是一个强大而简单的文本解析转换工具,可以读取文本,并根据指定的条件对文本内容进行编辑(删除、替换、添加、移动等),最后输出所有行或者仅输出处理的某些行。



  • 读取:sed从输入流(文件、管道、标准输入)中读取一行内容并存储到临时的缓冲区中(又称模式空间,pattern space
  • 执行:默认情况下,所有的sed命令都在模式空间中顺序地执行,除非指定了行的地址,否则 sed命令将会在所有的行上依次执行
  • 显示:发送修改后的内容到输出流。再发送数据后,模式空间将会被清空




  • 命令有两种格式:
sed [选项] '编辑指令' 文件1 文件2...
sed [选项] -f 脚本文件 文件1 文件2...
  • 常见的命令选项






  • 操作











  • 输出所有内容,等同于cat test.txt
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n 'p' test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 输出第3
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '3p' test.txt
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
  • 输出3~5
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '3,5p' test.txt
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
  • 输出所有奇数行,n表示读入下一行资料
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n 'p;n' test.txt
he was short and fat.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
google is the best tools for search keyword.
Actions speak louder than words #woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 输出所有偶数行,n表示读入下一行资料
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n 'n;p' test.txt
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
a wood cross! #woood #
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
  • 输出第1~5行之间的奇数行(1,3,5)
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '1,5{n;p}' test.txt
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
  • 输出第10行至文件尾之间的偶数行(11,13,15)
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '10,${n;p}' test.txt 

#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
I shouldn't have lett so tast.


  • 输出包含the的行
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/the/p' test.txt
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
  • 输出从第4行至第一个包含the的行
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '4,/the/p' test.txt
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
  • 输出包含the的行所在的行号,等号=用来输出行号
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/the/=' test.txt
  • 输出以PI开头的行
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/^PI/p' test.txt
  • 输出以数字结尾的行
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/[0-9]$/p' test.txt
  • 输出包含单词wood 的行,\<\>代表单词边界
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/\<wood\>/p' test.txt
a wood cross!



  • 删除第3
[root@localhost ~]# nl test.txt | sed '3d'
1 he was short and fat.
2 He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
4 the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
5 google is the best tools for search keyword.
6 The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
7 PI=3.141592653589793238462643383249901429
8 a wood cross!
9 Actions speak louder than words 10 #woood #
11 #woooooood #
12 AxyzxyzxyzxyzC
13 I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
14 Misfortunes never come alone/single.
15 I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 删除第3~5
[root@localhost ~]# nl test.txt | sed '3,5d'
1 he was short and fat.
2 He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
6 The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
7 PI=3.141592653589793238462643383249901429
8 a wood cross!
9 Actions speak louder than words 10 #woood #
11 #woooooood #
12 AxyzxyzxyzxyzC
13 I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
14 Misfortunes never come alone/single.
15 I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 删除包含cross的行,原本的第8行被删除
[root@localhost ~]# nl test.txt | sed '/cross/d'
1 he was short and fat.
2 He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
3 The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
4 the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
5 google is the best tools for search keyword.
6 The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
7 PI=3.141592653589793238462643383249901429
9 Actions speak louder than words 10 #woood #
11 #woooooood #
12 AxyzxyzxyzxyzC
13 I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
14 Misfortunes never come alone/single.
15 I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 删除不包含cross的行,用!符号表示取反操作
[root@localhost ~]# nl test.txt | sed '/cross/!d'
8 a wood cross!
  • 删除以小写字母开头的行
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/^[a-z]/d' test.txt
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 删除以.结尾的行
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/\.$/d' test.txt
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
  • 删除所有空行
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/^$/d' test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words
#woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 删除重复的空行,即连续空行只保留一个
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/^$/{n;/^$/d}' test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast.
[root@localhost ~]# cat -s test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.





  • 将每行中的第一个the替换为THE
[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/the/THE/' test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
THE tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is THE best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to THE limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 将每行中的第3l替换为L
[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/l/L/3' test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with bLack pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport onLine.
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our poLitical establishment to the limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is realLy spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 将文件中的所有the替换为THE
[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/the/THE/g' test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
THE tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is THE best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to THE limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 将文件中的所有o删除(替换为空串)
[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/o//g' test.txt
he was shrt and fat.
He was wearing a blue pl shirt with black pants.
The hme f Ftball n BBC Sprt nline.
the tngue is bneless but it breaks bnes.12!
ggle is the best tls fr search keywrd.
The year ahead will test ur plitical establishment t the limit.
a wd crss!
Actins speak luder than wrds #wd #
#wd #
I bet this place is really spky late at night!
Misfrtunes never cme alne/single.
I shuldn't have lett s tast.
  • 在每行行首插入#
[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/^/#/' test.txt
#he was short and fat.
#He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
#The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
#the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
#google is the best tools for search keyword.
#The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
#a wood cross!
#Actions speak louder than words
##woood #
##woooooood #
#I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
#Misfortunes never come alone/single.
#I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 在包含the的每行行首插入#号
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/the/s/^/#/' test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
#the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
#google is the best tools for search keyword.
#The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 在每行行尾插入字符串EOF
[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/$/EOF/' test.txt
he was short and fat.EOF
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.EOF
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.EOF
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!EOF
google is the best tools for search keyword.EOF
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.EOF
a wood cross!EOF
Actions speak louder than wordsEOF
#woood #EOF
#woooooood #EOF
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!EOF
Misfortunes never come alone/single.EOF
I shouldn't have lett so tast.EOF
  • 将第3~5行中的所有the替换为THE
[root@localhost ~]# sed '3,5s/the/THE/g' test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
THE tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is THE best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 将包含the的所有行中的o都替换为O
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/the/s/o/O/g' test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
the tOngue is bOneless but it breaks bOnes.12!
gOOgle is the best tOOls fOr search keywOrd.
The year ahead will test Our pOlitical establishment tO the limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast.







  • 将包含the的行迁移至文件末尾,{;}用于多个操作
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/the/{H;d};$G' test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast. the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
  • 将第1~5行内容转移至第17行后
[root@localhost ~]# sed '1,5{H;d};17G' test.txt
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast. he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
  • 将包含the的行另存为文件out.file
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/the/w out.file' test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast.
[root@localhost ~]# cat out.file
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
  • 将文件/etc/hostname的内容添加到包含the的每行以后
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/the/r /etc/hostname' test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 在第3行后插入一个新行,内容为New
[root@localhost ~]# sed '3aNew' test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 在包含the的每行后插入一个新行,内容为New
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/the/aNew' test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast.
  • 在第3行后插入多行内容,中间的\n表示换行
[root@localhost ~]# sed '3aNew1\nNew2' test.txt
he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast.



  • 将第1~5行内容转移至第17行后,以上操作可以改用脚本文件方式:
[root@localhost ~]# vim opt.list
[root@localhost ~]# sed -f opt.list test.txt
The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.
a wood cross!
Actions speak louder than words #woood #
#woooooood #
I bet this place is really spooky late at night!
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
I shouldn't have lett so tast. he was short and fat.
He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants.
The home of Football on BBC Sport online.
the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!
google is the best tools for search keyword.


# 指定样本文件路径、配置文件路径
# 备份原来的配置文件,检测文件名为/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf.bak 备份文件是否存在, 若不存在则使用 cp 命令进行文件备份
[ ! -e "$CONFIG.bak" ] && cp $CONFIG $CONFIG.bak
# 基于样本配置进行调整,覆盖现有文件
sed -e '/^anonymous_enable/s/YES/NO/g' $SAMPLE > $CONFIG
sed -i -e '/^local_enable/s/NO/YES/g' -e '/^write_enable/s/NO/YES/g' $CONFIG
grep "listen" $CONFIG || sed -i '$alisten=YES' $CONFIG
# 启动vsftpd 服务,并设为开机后自动运行
systemctl restart vsftpd
systemctl enable vsftpd

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    PHP 命名空间笔记 1.php文件代码如下<pre><?php//我用这样的命名空间表示处于blog下的article模块namespace Blog\Article; class ...

  10. sort和sorted

    sort 与 sorted 区别: sort 是应用在 list 上的方法,sorted 可以对所有可迭代的对象进行排序操作. list 的 sort 方法返回的是对已经存在的列表进行操作,而内建函数 ...