
#1445 : 后缀自动机二·重复旋律5




考虑对\(s\)建后缀自动机,那么\(\sum (len[i]-len[fa[i]])\)即为答案。

还可以考虑\(dp\),设\(dp[i]\)为从\(i\)出发不同子串的个数,那么\(dp[i]=\sum_{(i,j)\in Edge}dp[j]+1\)。\(dp[1]\)即为答案。

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N = 1000006;
char s[N];
struct node{
int ch[26];
int len, fa;
node(){memset(ch, 0, sizeof(ch)), len = 0;}
}dian[N << 1];
int last, tot;
void add(int c) {
int p = last;
int np = last = ++tot;
dian[np].len = dian[p].len + 1;
for(; p && !dian[p].ch[c]; p = dian[p].fa) dian[p].ch[c] = np;
if(!p) dian[np].fa = 1;
else {
int q = dian[p].ch[c];
if(dian[q].len == dian[p].len + 1) dian[np].fa = q;
else {
int nq = ++tot; dian[nq] = dian[q];
dian[nq].len = dian[p].len + 1;
dian[q].fa = dian[np].fa = nq;
for(; p && dian[p].ch[c] == q; p = dian[p].fa) dian[p].ch[c] = nq;
int n;
int main() {
ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0);
last = tot = 1;
scanf("%s", s + 1);
n = strlen(s + 1);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) add(s[i] - 'a');
ll ans = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= tot; i++) ans += dian[i].len - dian[dian[i].fa].len;
cout << ans;
return 0;

#1449 : 后缀自动机三·重复旋律6




  • 考虑最朴素的解法:对于后缀自动机上的每个结点,在当前类中长度区间为\([min[i],max[i]]\),此时对答案的贡献为\(endpos(i)\)。那么线段树区间更新,维护最大值即可。


  • 注意到\(ans[1,2,\cdots,len(s)]\)是单调不增的。因为若对于一个长度\(L\)来说,其出现次数为\(k\),那么其儿子类中出现的次数肯定不会小于\(k\)。

  • 那么考虑在\(max[i]\)处打上一个标记,表示长度小于等于它时答案应该更大,否则更小。之后倒着扫一遍维护后缀最大值即可。


  • 因为答案只有可能在这些\(endpos(i)\)处产生,并且取最大值符合限制条件。
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N = 1000006;
char s[N];
struct node{
int ch[26];
int len, fa;
node(){memset(ch, 0, sizeof(ch)), len = 0;}
}dian[N << 1];
int last = 1, tot = 1;
ll ans[N], f[N << 1];
void add(int c) {
int p = last;
int np = last = ++tot;
dian[np].len = dian[p].len + 1;
f[np] = 1;
for(; p && !dian[p].ch[c]; p = dian[p].fa) dian[p].ch[c] = np;
if(!p) dian[np].fa = 1;
else {
int q = dian[p].ch[c];
if(dian[q].len == dian[p].len + 1) dian[np].fa = q;
else {
int nq = ++tot; dian[nq] = dian[q];
dian[nq].len = dian[p].len + 1;
dian[q].fa = dian[np].fa = nq;
for(; p && dian[p].ch[c] == q; p = dian[p].fa) dian[p].ch[c] = nq;
int q[N << 1], in[N << 1];
void topsort() {
int l = 1, r = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= tot; i++) in[dian[i].fa]++;
for(int i = 1; i <= tot; i++) if(!in[i]) q[++r] = i;
while(l <= r) {
int x = q[l++];
f[dian[x].fa] += f[x];
if(--in[dian[x].fa] == 0) q[++r] = dian[x].fa;
int n;
int main() {
ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0);
scanf("%s", s + 1);
n = strlen(s + 1);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) add(s[i] - 'a');
for(int i = 1; i <= tot; i++) ans[dian[i].len] = max(ans[dian[i].len], f[i]);
for(int i = n; i; i--) ans[i] = max(ans[i], ans[i + 1]);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) cout << ans[i] << '\n';
return 0;

#1457 : 后缀自动机四·重复旋律7






  • 首先将多个串用分隔符拼接起来,然后统一处理。
  • 记当前结点的答案为\(dp_i\),那么根据拓扑序来\(dp\),转移方程有:\(dp_i=\sum_{(j,i)\in Edge}dp[j]*10+cnt[i]*w(j,i)\),其中\(cnt[i]\)为到达\(i\)的合法路径个数,即不会经过分隔符的路径个数,这个我们可以一边\(dp\)一边处理。



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N = 2000006, MOD = 1e9 + 7;
ll ans;
struct SAM{
struct node{
int ch[26];
int len, fa;
node(){memset(ch, 0, sizeof(ch)), len = 0;}
int q[N], in[N];
ll f[N], cnt[N];
bool vis[N];
int last = 1, tot = 1;
void add(int c) {
int p = last;
int np = last = ++tot;
dian[np].len = dian[p].len + 1;
for(; p && !dian[p].ch[c]; p = dian[p].fa) dian[p].ch[c] = np;
if(!p) dian[np].fa = 1;
else {
int q = dian[p].ch[c];
if(dian[q].len == dian[p].len + 1) dian[np].fa = q;
else {
int nq = ++tot; dian[nq] = dian[q];
dian[nq].len = dian[p].len + 1;
dian[q].fa = dian[np].fa = nq;
for(; p && dian[p].ch[c] == q; p = dian[p].fa) dian[p].ch[c] = nq;
void gogogo() {
int l = 1, r = 0;
q[++r] = 1;
while(l <= r) {
int u = q[l++];
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
int v = dian[u].ch[i];
if(!v) continue;
if(!vis[v]) q[++r] = v;
vis[v] = 1;
void topsort() {
int l = 1, r = 0;
q[++r] = 1; cnt[1] = 1;
while(l <= r) {
int u = q[l++];
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
int v = dian[u].ch[i];
if(!v) continue;
cnt[v] += cnt[u];
f[v] = (f[v] + (f[u] * 10 + i * cnt[u]) % MOD) % MOD;
if(--in[v] == 0) q[++r] = v;
ll getans() {
ll res = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= tot; i++) res = (res + f[i]) % MOD;
return res;
int n;
string s;
int main() {
ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0);
cin >> n;
string res = "";
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) cin >> s, res += s, res += ":";
int len = res.length();
for(int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) A.add(res[i] - '0');
cout << A.getans();
return 0;

#1465 : 后缀自动机五·重复旋律8






  • 我们预处理出\(f[i]\),表示\(T\)串中,以\(T[i]\)结尾的子串与\(S\)串的最长公共前缀。
  • 假设\(f(i)\geq len(T)\),那么则代表以\(i\)结尾的子串肯定出现在\(S\)中。
  • 如果知道当前对应的状态为\(u\),那么此时对答案的贡献就是\(|endpos(u)|\)。
  • 那么我们定义一个变量\(u\)记录当前状态,随着\(i\)的增加,\(u\)也不断地在后缀自动机上面跑。
  • 但最终找到的状态\(u\)不一定为最优,所以可以沿着后缀链接往回跳,找到一个位置\(u\)满足\(max[u]\geq len(T)\geq min[u]\),此时的\(u\)即为最优情况。
  • 也可能存在找不到的情况,那么\(u\)肯定变为\(0\),判断一下即可。



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N = 200005;
struct node{
int ch[26];
int len, fa;
node(){memset(ch, 0, sizeof(ch)), len = 0;}
int last = 1, tot = 1;
ll f[N], g[N], h[N];
void add(int c) {
int p = last;
int np = last = ++tot;
dian[np].len = dian[p].len + 1;
h[np] = 1;
for(; p && !dian[p].ch[c]; p = dian[p].fa) dian[p].ch[c] = np;
if(!p) dian[np].fa = 1;
else {
int q = dian[p].ch[c];
if(dian[q].len == dian[p].len + 1) dian[np].fa = q;
else {
int nq = ++tot; dian[nq] = dian[q];
dian[nq].len = dian[p].len + 1;
dian[q].fa = dian[np].fa = nq;
for(; p && dian[p].ch[c] == q; p = dian[p].fa) dian[p].ch[c] = nq;
int q[N], in[N];
void topsort() {
int l = 1, r = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= tot; i++) in[dian[i].fa]++;
for(int i = 1; i <= tot; i++) if(!in[i]) q[++r] = i;
while(l <= r) {
int x = q[l++];
h[dian[x].fa] += h[x];
if(--in[dian[x].fa] == 0) q[++r] = dian[x].fa;
} int n;
string s;
int chk[N];
int main() {
// freopen("input.in", "r", stdin);
ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0);
cin >> s;
int len = s.length();
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) add(s[i] - 'a');
cin >> n;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
ll ans = 0;
cin >> s; s += s;
len = s.length();
for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) f[j] = g[j] = 0;
int u = 1, l = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
int tmp = s[j] - 'a';
while(u && !dian[u].ch[tmp]) u = dian[u].fa, l = dian[u].len;
if(u == 0) {
f[j] = l = 0; u = 1;
} else {
f[j] = ++l; //注意这里不能直接赋值为len,因为len代表着最长!!!而这里我们是只添加了一个字符。
u = dian[u].ch[tmp];
g[j] = u;
for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
int tmp = g[j];
if(f[j] < len / 2) continue;
while(dian[dian[tmp].fa].len >= len / 2) tmp = dian[tmp].fa;
if(chk[tmp] != i) {
chk[tmp] = i;
ans += h[tmp];
cout << ans << '\n';

#1466 : 后缀自动机六·重复旋律9






易知这是两个有向图游戏,那么最终的局面与两个状态的\(sg\)值相关。如果\(sg[x]\ xor\ sg[y]=0\),则为先手必败局面,否则先手必胜。



  • 首先肯定先求出第一个字符串。那么对于每个位置,判断此时第二个有向图中所有的状态数是否大于\(k\)即可知道第一个字符串能不能中止[1];如果不能,则枚举后面的字符,贪心确定下一位[2];
  • 第一个字符串确定后,来确定第二个字符串。同上面的思路,我们首先看目前状态能否产生贡献,如果\(k>0\),那么则继续枚举下一位,贪心确定[3]。


我们对每个状态\(u\),求出\(cnt[u][0,1,\cdots,26]\),表示从\(u\)出发,能经过结点的\(sg\)值为\(0,1,\cdots,26\)的个数;并求出\(sum[u]=\sum cnt[u][i]\)


  • [1] \(sum[1]-cnt[1][sg[u]]\)与\(k\);
  • [2] \(\sum_i cnt[v][i]*(sum[1]-cnt[1][sg[v]])\)与\(k\);
  • [3] \(sum[v]-cnt[v][sg[u]]\)与\(k\)。



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N = 2e5 + 5, MAX = 26; struct SAM{
struct node{
int ch[MAX + 5];
int len, fa;
node(){memset(ch, 0, sizeof(ch)), len = 0;}
int last = 1, tot = 1;
ll cnt[N][MAX + 5], sum[N];;
int sg[N], flag[N][MAX + 5];
void add(int c) {
int p = last;
int np = last = ++tot;
dian[np].len = dian[p].len + 1;
for(; p && !dian[p].ch[c]; p = dian[p].fa) dian[p].ch[c] = np;
if(!p) dian[np].fa = 1;
else {
int q = dian[p].ch[c];
if(dian[q].len == dian[p].len + 1) dian[np].fa = q;
else {
int nq = ++tot; dian[nq] = dian[q];
dian[nq].len = dian[p].len + 1;
dian[q].fa = dian[np].fa = nq;
for(; p && dian[p].ch[c] == q; p = dian[p].fa) dian[p].ch[c] = nq;
int get_sg(int u) {
if(~sg[u]) return sg[u];
for(int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {
int v = dian[u].ch[i];
if(!v) continue;
flag[u][get_sg(v)] = 1;
for(int j = 0; j <= MAX; j++) cnt[u][j] += cnt[v][j];
int i = 0;
while(flag[u][i]) ++i;
sg[u] = i; ++cnt[u][i];
for(int i = 0; i <= MAX; i++) sum[u] += cnt[u][i];
return sg[u];
void build(char *s) {
int n = strlen(s + 1);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) add(s[i] - 'a');
memset(sg, -1, sizeof(sg));
}A, B;
vector <char> res1, res2;
ll k;
char s[N];
int now;
ll getnow(int u) {
ll res = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <= MAX; i++) {
res += A.cnt[u][i] * (B.sum[1] - B.cnt[1][i]);
return res;
int dfsa(int u) {
ll sum = B.sum[1] - B.cnt[1][A.sg[u]];
if(sum >= k) return u ;
else k -= sum;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {
int v = A.dian[u].ch[i];
if(!v) continue;
if(getnow(v) < k) {
k -= getnow(v);
} else {
res1.push_back(i + 'a');
return dfsa(v);
return -1;
void dfsb(int u) {
k -= A.sg[now] != B.sg[u];
if(k <= 0) return;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {
int v = B.dian[u].ch[i];
if(!v) continue;
ll sum = B.sum[v] - B.cnt[v][A.sg[now]];
if(sum < k) k -= sum;
else {
res2.push_back(i + 'a');
int main() {
ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0);
cin >> k;
cin >> s + 1;
cin >> s + 1;
now = dfsa(1);
if(now == -1) {
cout << "NO";
return 0;
for(auto it : res1) cout << it;
cout << '\n';
for(auto it : res2) cout << it;
return 0;










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