import arcpy

# Use the dictionary iteritems to iterate through
# the key/value pairs from GetInstallInfo
d = arcpy.GetInstallInfo()
for key, value in d.iteritems():
# Print a formatted string of the install key and its value
print("{:<13} : {}".format(key, value))

SourceDir : G:\setup\arcgis10.2.2\arcgis10.2.2\ArcGIS_Desktop_1022_140090\Desktop\SetupFiles\
InstallDate : 2019.07.19
InstallDir : c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.2\
ProductName : Desktop
BuildNumber : 3552
InstallType : N/A
Version : 10.2.2
SPNumber : N/A
Installer : dell
SPBuild : N/A
InstallTime : 17:43:58
Completed script 许可...
成功 在 Sat Nov 02 20:39:01 2019 (经历的时间: 0.05 秒)

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