






 #include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; //全部用全局定义,防止递归太深产生MLE
static bool used_A[];
static bool used_B[];
static int input[];
static int zero_set[] = { , , , , , };//补0最多补5个
static int valueA, cutA, cutB, ans, length; void DFS_A(const int, const int);
void DFS_B(const int, const int); int main(void)//双DFS法
int case_sum;
char tmp;
while (~scanf("%d", &case_sum))
for (int i = ; i < case_sum; i++)
length = ;
while ((tmp = getchar()) != '\n')
if (tmp != ' ')
input[length++] = tmp - '';
ans = INT_MAX;
cutA = length / ;//length要砍一半
cutA = cutA>length - cutA ? cutA : length - cutA;
cutB = length - cutA;
valueA = ; memset(used_A, , sizeof(used_A)); DFS_A(, );
if (ans != INT_MAX)
cout << ans << endl;
else//这个情况是针对x 0的情况的
cout << valueA << endl;
return ;
} void DFS_A(const int sumA, const int level)
if (sumA == && level == )//出现第一位是0的情况,不用再枚举下去了
if (level== cutA)
valueA = sumA;
memset(used_B, , sizeof(used_B));
DFS_B(, );
else if (level < cutA)
for (int i = ; i < length; i++)
if (!used_A[i])
used_A[i] = ;
DFS_A(sumA * + input[i], level + );
used_A[i] = ;//回溯
} void DFS_B(const int sumB, const int level)
if (sumB == && level == )//出现第一位是0的情况,不用再枚举下去了
int tmp = sumB * zero_set[cutB - level];
if (tmp >= valueA)//默认A的大小要比B的大
else if (cutB == level)
ans = min(ans, valueA - sumB);
else if (level < cutB)
for (int i = ; i < length; i++)
if (!used_A[i] && !used_B[i])
used_B[i] = ;
DFS_B(sumB * + input[i], level + );
used_B[i] = ;//回溯




 void DFS_B(const int sumB, const int level)
if (sumB == && level == )//出现第一位是0的情况,不用再枚举下去了
int tmp = sumB * zero_set[cutB - level];
if (tmp >= valueA
&& (ans <= abs(valueA - tmp) && level > ))
else if (cutB == level)
ans = min(ans, abs(valueA - sumB));
else if (level < cutB)
for (int i = ; i < length; i++)
if (!used_A[i] && !used_B[i])
used_B[i] = ;
DFS_B(sumB * + input[i], level + );
used_B[i] = ;//回溯







 #include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; //全部用全局定义,防止递归太深产生MLE
static bool used_A[];
static bool used_B[];
static int input[];
static int zero_set[] = { , , , , , };//补0最多补5个
static int valueA, cutA, cutB, ans, length; void DFS_A(const int, const int);
void DFS_B(const int, const int); int main(void)//双DFS法
int case_sum;
char tmp;
while (~scanf("%d", &case_sum))
for (int i = ; i < case_sum; i++)
length = ;
while ((tmp = getchar()) != '\n')
if (tmp != ' ')
input[length++] = tmp - '';
ans = INT_MAX;
cutA = length / ;//length要砍一半
cutB = length - cutA;
memset(used_A, , sizeof(used_A)); DFS_A(, );
if (ans != INT_MAX)
cout << ans << endl;
else//这个情况是针对x 0的情况的
cout << valueA << endl;
return ;
} void DFS_A(const int sumA, const int level)
if (sumA == && level == )//出现第一位是0的情况,不用再枚举下去了
if (level== cutA)
valueA = sumA;
memset(used_B, , sizeof(used_B));
DFS_B(, );
else if (level < cutA)
for (int i = ; i < length; i++)
if (!used_A[i])
used_A[i] = ;
DFS_A(sumA * + input[i], level + );
used_A[i] = ;//回溯
} void DFS_B(const int sumB, const int level)
if (sumB == && level == )//出现第一位是0的情况,不用再枚举下去了
int tmp = sumB * zero_set[cutB - level];
if (ans <= abs(valueA - tmp) && level > )//如果补0以后大小都比ans大了,不用再搜了
else if (cutB == level)
ans = min(ans, abs(valueA - sumB));
else if (level < cutB)
for (int i = ; i < length; i++)
if (!used_A[i] && !used_B[i])
used_B[i] = ;
DFS_B(sumB * + input[i], level + );
used_B[i] = ;//回溯







 #include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; static int input[];
static int length, cutA, cutB;
static int zero_set[] = { , , , , , }; int cal(const int, const int);
void cal_odd(const int, const int); int fcmop(const void *a, const void *b)
return *(int *)a - *(int *)b;
} int main(void)
int case_sum, tmp; scanf("%d", &case_sum);
for (int i = ; i < case_sum; i++)
length = ;
while ((tmp = getchar()) != '\n')
if (tmp != ' ')
input[length++] = tmp - '';
qsort(input, length, sizeof(int), fcmop);
cutA = length / ;
cutA = cutA > length - cutA ? cutA : length - cutA;
cutB = length - cutA;
if (length == )
cout << << endl;
else if (length == )
cout << input[] << endl;
else if (length == )
cout << abs(input[] - input[]) << endl;
int min_delta, min_sum;
if (input[] != )
if (cutA == cutB)//如果两个子串的长度相同,则取差值最小的相邻数,大的作为n的最高位,小的作为m的最高位,n的剩下位从小的补齐,m从大的补齐
min_sum = INT_MAX;
min_delta = input[] - input[];
for (int i = ; i < length - ; i++)
if (input[i + ] - input[i] < min_delta)
min_delta = input[i + ] - input[i];
min_sum = min(min_sum, cal(i + , i));
else if (input[i + ] - input[i] == min_delta)
min_sum = min(min_sum, cal(i + , i));
cout << min_sum << endl;
else cal_odd(, length - );
if (cutA == cutB)//如果字串长度相同,A-B则A的最高位要比B的最高位的差值要最小且比他大,且要从1开始
min_sum = INT_MAX;
min_delta = input[] - input[];
for (int i = ; i < length - ; i++)
if (input[i + ] - input[i] < min_delta)
min_delta = input[i + ] - input[i];
min_sum = min(min_sum, cal(i + , i));
else if (input[i + ] - input[i] == min_delta)
min_sum = min(min_sum, cal(i + , i));
cout << min_sum << endl;
else cal_odd(, length - );//如果cutA!=cutB,那么直接选一头一尾的最小
return ;
} int cal(const int posAS, const int posBS)
int sumA = , sumB = , lenA = , lenB = ;
sumA = input[posAS]; sumB = input[posBS];
for (int i = ; lenA < cutA; i++)
if (i != posAS && i != posBS)
sumA = sumA * + input[i];
for (int i = length - ; lenB < cutB; i--)
if (i != posAS && i != posBS)
sumB = sumB * + input[i];
return sumA - sumB;
} void cal_odd(const int posAS, const int posBS)
int lenA = , lenB = , sumA = , sumB = ;
sumA = input[posAS]; sumB = input[posBS];
for (int i = ; lenA < cutA; i++)
if (i != posAS && i != posBS)
sumA = sumA * + input[i];
for (int i = length - ; lenB < cutB; i--)
if (i != posAS && i != posBS)
sumB = sumB * + input[i];
cout << sumA - sumB << endl;


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