

 #include <iostream>
using namespace std; int a[][] ={{,,,},{,,,},{,,,},{,,,},{,,,},{,,,},{,,,},{,,,},{,,,},{,,,}}; int get(int n)
int k = ,mm,t;
if(n% == ) t = ;
if(n% == ) t = ;
if(n% == ) t = ;
if(n% == ) t = ; int nm = n*a[nm%][t]; while(nm!=)
mm = nm%;
if(mm == ) { nm = nm/; k ++;}
else nm = nm + n*a[mm][t];
return k;
} int main()
int n;
return ;

注意二维数组的构造方式:  使得每一次第20行代码执行之后的所得到的数的末位是1。数组中的第一维是上一次nm对10的余数,第二维与所输入的数的末位对应。


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