LeetCode-Sudoku Solver (递归解法)
题目地址: https://leetcode.com/problems/sudoku-solver/
// 将字符串的数独题转换成 int[9][9]
void setBoard(int board[][], char ** b, int boardRowSize, int boardColSize){
for (int row = ; row < boardRowSize; ++row)
for (int col = ; col < boardColSize; ++col){
if (b[row][col] == '.')
board[row][col] = ;
board[row][col] = b[row][col] - '';
// 计算位置{row,col}的候选个数,并在cands返回候选列表
int calcCandNum(int board[][], int row, int col, int * cands){
if (board[row][col] != )
return ;// 已知位置
int cand[] = { , , , , , , , , };//
// 筛除 非法的数字
// 按行筛除
for (int i = ; i < ; ++i){
if (board[row][i] != )
cand[board[row][i] - ] = ;
} // 按列
for (int i = ; i < ; ++i){
if (board[i][col] != )
cand[board[i][col] - ] = ;
} // 按block
// 计算左上角坐标
int r0, c0;
r0 = (row / ) * ;
c0 = (col / ) * ;
for (int i = r0; i < r0 + ; ++i)
for (int j = c0; j < c0 + ; ++j){
if (board[i][j] != )
cand[board[i][j] - ] = ;
// 剩下的1 的总和便是 候选个数
int sum = ;
for (int i = ; i < ; ++i){
if (cand[i]){
cands[sum] = i + ;
return sum;
} typedef struct tagCandidate{
int row, col; // 位置
int n; // 候选个数
int cands[]; // 候选列表
int solved; // 数独是否已经解开
}Candidate; // 从数独板中返回候选个数最少的位置,其候选信息存入 cand
void getCandidate(int board[][], Candidate* cand){
int candList[];
int currN;
cand->n = ;
cand->solved = ;
for (int row = ; row < ; ++row)
for (int col = ; col < ; ++col){
if (board[row][col] != ){ // 该位置有值了
// 说明数独还有空洞
cand->solved = ; // 计算该孔洞的候选个数,及候选序列
currN = calcCandNum(board, row, col,candList);
if (currN < cand->n){
cand->n = currN;
cand->row = row;
cand->col = col;
for (int i = ; i < currN; ++i)
cand->cands[i] = candList[i];
} int solveBoard(int board[][]){
Candidate cand;
getCandidate(board, &cand);
if (cand.solved){
return ;
for (int i = ; i < cand.n; ++i){
// guess[cand.row][cand.col] = recursiveFlag; // flag we guess 好像这个没什么用
board[cand.row][cand.col] = cand.cands[i]; // fill what we guess
if (solveBoard(board))
// we'd solved it
return ;
// we'd not solved it
// clear what we guess
// clearGuess(int board[9][9], int guess[])
board[cand.row][cand.col] = ;
// 到这里来!! 不可能 , 无解????
return ;
// 将结果写回字符数组 b 中
void outputBoard(char **b, int board[][]){
for(int row = ; row < ; ++row)
for(int col = ; col < ; ++col){
b[row][col] = '' + (board[row][col]);
void solveSudoku(char** b, int boardRowSize, int boardColSize) {
int board[][];
setBoard(board, b, boardRowSize, boardColSize);
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