1 #region * 红球四分区走势图
2 /// <summary>
3 /// 红球四分区走势图
4 /// </summary>
5 /// <param name="obj"></param>
6 private void GetData3(object obj)
7 {
8 fourredtable.Clear();
9 fourcleanredtable.Clear();
10 if (listWinNo != null && listWinNo.Count > 0)
11 {
12 foreach (WinNo item in listWinNo)
13 {
14 List<int> redList = new List<int>();
15 redList.Add(item.R1);
16 redList.Add(item.R2);
17 redList.Add(item.R3);
18 redList.Add(item.R4);
19 redList.Add(item.R5);
20 redList.Add(item.R6);
21 //--
22 DataRow reddr =fourredtable.NewRow();
23 reddr["QiHao"] = item.QiHao;
24 reddr["R" + item.R1] = "R" + GetStr(item.R1.ToString());//红1
25 reddr["R" + item.R2] = "R" + GetStr(item.R2.ToString());//红2
26 reddr["R" + item.R3] = "R" + GetStr(item.R3.ToString());//红3
27 reddr["R" + item.R4] = "R" + GetStr(item.R4.ToString());//红4
28 reddr["R" + item.R5] = "R" + GetStr(item.R5.ToString());//红5
29 reddr["R" + item.R6] = "R" + GetStr(item.R6.ToString());//红6
30 reddr["C1"] = GetFourFenQu(redList)[0];
31 reddr["C2"] = GetFourFenQu(redList)[1];
32 reddr["C3"] = GetFourFenQu(redList)[2];
33 reddr["C4"] = GetFourFenQu(redList)[3];
34 fourredtable.Rows.Add(reddr);
36 DataRow cleanreddr =fourcleanredtable.NewRow();
37 cleanreddr["QiHao"] = item.QiHao;
38 cleanreddr["R" + item.R1] = GetStr(item.R1.ToString());//红1
39 cleanreddr["R" + item.R2] = GetStr(item.R2.ToString());//红2
40 cleanreddr["R" + item.R3] = GetStr(item.R3.ToString());//红3
41 cleanreddr["R" + item.R4] = GetStr(item.R4.ToString());//红4
42 cleanreddr["R" + item.R5] = GetStr(item.R5.ToString());//红5
43 cleanreddr["R" + item.R6] = GetStr(item.R6.ToString());//红6
44 cleanreddr["C1"] = GetFourFenQu(redList)[0];
45 cleanreddr["C2"] = GetFourFenQu(redList)[1];
46 cleanreddr["C3"] = GetFourFenQu(redList)[2];
47 cleanreddr["C4"] = GetFourFenQu(redList)[3];
48 fourcleanredtable.Rows.Add(cleanreddr);
49 }
51 for (int j = 1; j < 34; j++)
52 {
53 int xint = 0;
54 for (int i = 0; i < fourredtable.Rows.Count; i++)
55 {
56 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fourredtable.Rows[i]["R" + j].ToString()))
57 {
58 xint++;
59 fourredtable.Rows[i]["R" + j] = xint;
60 }
61 else
62 {
63 xint = 0;
64 }
65 }
66 }
68 if (this.IsHandleCreated)
69 {
70 this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate
71 {
72 if (flag)
73 {
74 fourcleanredtable.DefaultView.Sort = "QiHao DESC";
75 this.gridControl3.DataSource = fourcleanredtable.DefaultView.ToTable();
76 }
77 else
78 {
79 fourredtable.DefaultView.Sort = "QiHao DESC";
80 this.gridControl3.DataSource = fourredtable.DefaultView.ToTable();
81 }
82 });
83 }
84 }
85 }
87 /// <summary>
88 /// 四分区个数
89 /// </summary>
90 /// <param name="redList"></param>
91 /// <returns></returns>
92 private List<string> GetFourFenQu(List<int> redList)
93 {
94 List<string> retlist = new List<string>();
95 int xint1 = 0;
96 int xint2 = 0;
97 int xint3 = 0;
98 int xint4 = 0;
99 foreach (int item in redList)
100 {
101 if (item < 9)
102 {
103 xint1++;
104 }
105 else if (item > 8 && item <= 17)
106 {
107 xint2++;
108 }
109 else if (item > 17 && item < 26)
110 {
111 xint3++;
112 }
113 else if (item > 25)
114 {
115 xint4++;
116 }
117 }
118 retlist.Add(xint1.ToString());
119 retlist.Add(xint2.ToString());
120 retlist.Add(xint3.ToString());
121 retlist.Add(xint4.ToString());
122 return retlist;
123 }
124 #endregion
1 #region * 红球七分区走势图
2 /// <summary>
3 /// 红球七分区走势图
4 /// </summary>
5 /// <param name="obj"></param>
6 private void GetData4(object obj)
7 {
8 sevenredtable.Clear();
9 sevencleanredtable.Clear();
10 if (listWinNo != null && listWinNo.Count > 0)
11 {
12 foreach (WinNo item in listWinNo)
13 {
14 List<int> redList = new List<int>();
15 redList.Add(item.R1);
16 redList.Add(item.R2);
17 redList.Add(item.R3);
18 redList.Add(item.R4);
19 redList.Add(item.R5);
20 redList.Add(item.R6);
21 //--
22 DataRow reddr = sevenredtable.NewRow();
23 reddr["QiHao"] = item.QiHao;
24 reddr["R" + item.R1] = "R" + GetStr(item.R1.ToString());//红1
25 reddr["R" + item.R2] = "R" + GetStr(item.R2.ToString());//红2
26 reddr["R" + item.R3] = "R" + GetStr(item.R3.ToString());//红3
27 reddr["R" + item.R4] = "R" + GetStr(item.R4.ToString());//红4
28 reddr["R" + item.R5] = "R" + GetStr(item.R5.ToString());//红5
29 reddr["R" + item.R6] = "R" + GetStr(item.R6.ToString());//红6
30 reddr["D1"] = GetSevenFenQu(redList)[0];
31 reddr["D2"] = GetSevenFenQu(redList)[1];
32 reddr["D3"] = GetSevenFenQu(redList)[2];
33 reddr["D4"] = GetSevenFenQu(redList)[3];
34 reddr["D5"] = GetSevenFenQu(redList)[4];
35 reddr["D6"] = GetSevenFenQu(redList)[5];
36 reddr["D7"] = GetSevenFenQu(redList)[6];
37 sevenredtable.Rows.Add(reddr);
39 DataRow cleanreddr = sevencleanredtable.NewRow();
40 cleanreddr["QiHao"] = item.QiHao;
41 cleanreddr["R" + item.R1] = GetStr(item.R1.ToString());//红1
42 cleanreddr["R" + item.R2] = GetStr(item.R2.ToString());//红2
43 cleanreddr["R" + item.R3] = GetStr(item.R3.ToString());//红3
44 cleanreddr["R" + item.R4] = GetStr(item.R4.ToString());//红4
45 cleanreddr["R" + item.R5] = GetStr(item.R5.ToString());//红5
46 cleanreddr["R" + item.R6] = GetStr(item.R6.ToString());//红6
47 cleanreddr["D1"] = GetSevenFenQu(redList)[0];
48 cleanreddr["D2"] = GetSevenFenQu(redList)[1];
49 cleanreddr["D3"] = GetSevenFenQu(redList)[2];
50 cleanreddr["D4"] = GetSevenFenQu(redList)[3];
51 cleanreddr["D5"] = GetSevenFenQu(redList)[4];
52 cleanreddr["D6"] = GetSevenFenQu(redList)[5];
53 cleanreddr["D7"] = GetSevenFenQu(redList)[6];
54 sevencleanredtable.Rows.Add(cleanreddr);
55 }
57 for (int j = 1; j <34; j++)
58 {
59 int xint = 0;
60 for (int i = 0; i < sevenredtable.Rows.Count; i++)
61 {
62 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sevenredtable.Rows[i]["R" + j].ToString()))
63 {
64 xint++;
65 sevenredtable.Rows[i]["R" + j] = xint;
66 }
67 else
68 {
69 xint = 0;
70 }
71 }
72 }
74 if (this.IsHandleCreated)
75 {
76 this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate
77 {
78 if (flag)
79 {
80 sevencleanredtable.DefaultView.Sort = "QiHao DESC";
81 this.gridControl4.DataSource = sevencleanredtable.DefaultView.ToTable();
82 }
83 else
84 {
85 sevenredtable.DefaultView.Sort = "QiHao DESC";
86 this.gridControl4.DataSource = sevenredtable.DefaultView.ToTable();
87 }
88 });
89 }
90 }
91 }
93 private List<string> GetSevenFenQu(List<int> redList)
94 {
95 List<string> retlist = new List<string>();
96 int xint1 = 0;
97 int xint2 = 0;
98 int xint3 = 0;
99 int xint4 = 0;
100 int xint5 = 0;
101 int xint6 = 0;
102 int xint7 = 0;
103 foreach (int item in redList)
104 {
105 if (item < 6)
106 {
107 xint1++;
108 }
109 else if (item > 5 && item < 11)
110 {
111 xint2++;
112 }
113 else if (item > 10 && item < 16)
114 {
115 xint3++;
116 }
117 else if (item > 15 && item < 21)
118 {
119 xint4++;
120 }
121 else if (item > 20 && item < 26)
122 {
123 xint5++;
124 }
125 else if (item > 25 && item < 31)
126 {
127 xint6++;
128 }
129 else if (item > 30 && item < 34)
130 {
131 xint7++;
132 }
133 }
134 retlist.Add(xint1.ToString());
135 retlist.Add(xint2.ToString());
136 retlist.Add(xint3.ToString());
137 retlist.Add(xint4.ToString());
138 retlist.Add(xint5.ToString());
139 retlist.Add(xint6.ToString());
140 retlist.Add(xint7.ToString());
141 return retlist;
142 }
143 #endregion
1 #region * 红球连号走势图
2 /// <summary>
3 /// 红球连号走势图
4 /// </summary>
5 /// <param name="obj"></param>
6 private void GetData6(object obj)
7 {
8 lianhaotable.Clear();
9 lianhaocleantable.Clear();
10 if (listWinNo != null && listWinNo.Count > 0)
11 {
12 foreach (WinNo item in listWinNo)
13 {
14 List<int> redList = new List<int>();
15 redList.Add(item.R1);
16 redList.Add(item.R2);
17 redList.Add(item.R3);
18 redList.Add(item.R4);
19 redList.Add(item.R5);
20 redList.Add(item.R6);
21 //--
22 DataRow reddr = lianhaotable.NewRow();
23 DataRow cleanreddr = lianhaocleantable.NewRow();
24 reddr["QiHao"] = item.QiHao;
25 cleanreddr["QiHao"] = item.QiHao;
26 reddr["R"] = GetStr(item.R1.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R2.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R3.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R4.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R5.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R6.ToString());
27 cleanreddr["R"] = GetStr(item.R1.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R2.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R3.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R4.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R5.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R6.ToString());
28 //--
29 List<string> list = new List<string>();
30 list = GetList(redList);
31 int group = 0;
32 if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
33 {
34 foreach (string strlist in list)
35 {
36 string[] arr = strlist.Split(",".ToCharArray());
37 group += arr.Count() - 1;
38 foreach (string code in arr)
39 {
40 reddr["R" + code] = "R" + GetStr(code);
41 cleanreddr["R" + code] = GetStr(code);
42 }
43 }
44 }
45 reddr["A"] = list.Count();
46 cleanreddr["A"] = list.Count();
47 reddr["B"] = group.ToString();
48 cleanreddr["B"] = group.ToString();
49 //--
50 lianhaotable.Rows.Add(reddr);
51 lianhaocleantable.Rows.Add(cleanreddr);
52 }
54 for (int j = 1; j < 34; j++)
55 {
56 int xint = 0;
57 for (int i = 0; i < lianhaotable.Rows.Count; i++)
58 {
59 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lianhaotable.Rows[i]["R" + j].ToString()))
60 {
61 xint++;
62 lianhaotable.Rows[i]["R" + j] = xint;
63 }
64 else
65 {
66 xint = 0;
67 }
68 }
69 }
71 if (this.IsHandleCreated)
72 {
73 this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate
74 {
75 if (flag)
76 {
77 lianhaocleantable.DefaultView.Sort = "QiHao DESC";
78 this.gridControl6.DataSource = lianhaocleantable.DefaultView.ToTable();
79 }
80 else
81 {
82 lianhaotable.DefaultView.Sort = "QiHao DESC";
83 this.gridControl6.DataSource = lianhaotable.DefaultView.ToTable();
84 }
85 });
86 }
87 }
88 }
90 /// <summary>
91 /// 计算连号
92 /// </summary>
93 /// <param name="RedCode"></param>
94 /// <returns></returns>
95 private List<string> GetList(List<int> RedCode)
96 {
97 List<string> retlist = new List<string>();
98 for (int i = 0; i < RedCode.Count; i++)
99 {
100 string retstr = string.Empty;
101 if (i < 5)
102 {
103 if (RedCode[i + 1] - RedCode[i] == 1)//两连号
104 {
105 retstr = RedCode[i] + "," + RedCode[i + 1];
106 }
107 }
108 if (i < 4)
109 {
110 if (RedCode[i + 2] - RedCode[i + 1] == 1 && RedCode[i + 1] - RedCode[i] == 1)//三连号
111 {
112 retstr = RedCode[i] + "," + RedCode[i + 1] + "," + RedCode[i + 2];
113 }
114 }
115 if (i < 3)
116 {
117 if (RedCode[i + 3] - RedCode[i + 2] == 1 && RedCode[i + 2] - RedCode[i + 1] == 1 && RedCode[i + 1] - RedCode[i] == 1)//四连号
118 {
119 retstr = RedCode[i] + "," + RedCode[i + 1] + "," + RedCode[i + 2] + "," + RedCode[i + 3];
120 }
121 }
122 if (i < 2)
123 {
124 if (RedCode[i + 4] - RedCode[i + 3] == 1 && RedCode[i + 3] - RedCode[i + 2] == 1 && RedCode[i + 2] - RedCode[i + 1] == 1 && RedCode[i + 1] - RedCode[i] == 1)//五连号
125 {
126 retstr = RedCode[i] + "," + RedCode[i + 1] + "," + RedCode[i + 2] + "," + RedCode[i + 3] + "," + RedCode[i + 4];
127 }
128 }
129 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(retstr))
130 {
131 if (retlist != null && retlist.Count > 0)
132 {
133 var tmp = from c in retlist
134 where ("," + c + ",").Contains("," + retstr + ",")
135 select c;
136 if (tmp.Count() == 0)
137 {
138 retlist.Add(retstr);
139 }
140 }
141 else
142 {
143 retlist.Add(retstr);
144 }
145 }
146 }
147 return retlist;
148 }
149 #endregion
1 #region * 红球和值走势图
2 /// <summary>
3 /// 红球和值走势图
4 /// </summary>
5 /// <param name="obj"></param>
6 private void GetData7(object obj)
7 {
8 hezhitable.Clear();
9 hezhicleantable.Clear();
10 if (listWinNo != null && listWinNo.Count > 0)
11 {
12 foreach (WinNo item in listWinNo)
13 {
14 DataRow reddr = hezhitable.NewRow();
15 DataRow cleanreddr = hezhicleantable.NewRow();
16 reddr["QiHao"] = item.QiHao;
17 cleanreddr["QiHao"] = item.QiHao;
18 reddr["R"] = GetStr(item.R1.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R2.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R3.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R4.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R5.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R6.ToString());
19 cleanreddr["R"] = GetStr(item.R1.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R2.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R3.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R4.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R5.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R6.ToString());
20 decimal total = item.R1 + item.R2 + item.R3 + item.R4 + item.R5 + item.R6;
21 reddr["TOTAL"] = total;
22 cleanreddr["TOTAL"] = total;
23 //--
24 string r1 = total > 20 && total < 61 ? total.ToString() : "";
25 string r2 = total > 60 && total < 71 ? total.ToString() : "";
26 string r3 = total > 70 && total < 81 ? total.ToString() : "";
27 string r4 = total > 80 && total < 91 ? total.ToString() : "";
28 string r5 = total > 90 && total < 101 ? total.ToString() : "";
29 string r6 = total > 100 && total < 111 ? total.ToString() : "";
30 string r7 = total > 110 && total < 121 ? total.ToString() : "";
31 string r8 = total > 120 && total < 131 ? total.ToString() : "";
32 string r9 = total > 130 && total < 141 ? total.ToString() : "";
33 string r10 = total > 140 && total < 151 ? total.ToString() : "";
34 string r11 = total > 150 && total < 161 ? total.ToString() : "";
35 string r12 = total > 160 && total < 184 ? total.ToString() : "";
36 string w = total.ToString().Substring(total.ToString().Length - 1, 1);
37 //--
38 reddr["R1"] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r1) ? "R" + r1 : "";
39 reddr["R2"] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r2) ? "R" + r2 : "";
40 reddr["R3"] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r3) ? "R" + r3 : "";
41 reddr["R4"] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r4) ? "R" + r4 : "";
42 reddr["R5"] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r5) ? "R" + r5 : "";
43 reddr["R6"] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r6) ? "R" + r6 : "";
44 reddr["R7"] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r7) ? "R" + r7 : "";
45 reddr["R8"] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r8) ? "R" + r8 : "";
46 reddr["R9"] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r9) ? "R" + r9 : "";
47 reddr["R10"] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r10) ? "R" + r10 : "";
48 reddr["R11"] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r11) ? "R" + r11 : "";
49 reddr["R12"] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r12) ? "R" + r12 : "";
50 reddr["W"] = w;
51 reddr["W"+w] ="W"+ w;
52 //--
53 cleanreddr["R1"] = r1;
54 cleanreddr["R2"] = r2;
55 cleanreddr["R3"] = r3;
56 cleanreddr["R4"] = r4;
57 cleanreddr["R5"] = r5;
58 cleanreddr["R6"] = r6;
59 cleanreddr["R7"] = r7;
60 cleanreddr["R8"] = r8;
61 cleanreddr["R9"] = r9;
62 cleanreddr["R10"] = r10;
63 cleanreddr["R11"] = r11;
64 cleanreddr["R12"] = r12;
65 cleanreddr["W"] = w;
66 cleanreddr["W" + w] = w;
67 //--
68 hezhitable.Rows.Add(reddr);
69 hezhicleantable.Rows.Add(cleanreddr);
70 }
72 for (int j = 1; j < 13; j++)
73 {
74 int xint = 0;
75 for (int i = 0; i < hezhitable.Rows.Count; i++)
76 {
77 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hezhitable.Rows[i]["R" + j].ToString()))
78 {
79 xint++;
80 hezhitable.Rows[i]["R" + j] = xint;
81 }
82 else
83 {
84 xint = 0;
85 }
86 }
87 }
89 for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
90 {
91 int xint = 0;
92 for (int i = 0; i < hezhitable.Rows.Count; i++)
93 {
94 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hezhitable.Rows[i]["W" + j].ToString()))
95 {
96 xint++;
97 hezhitable.Rows[i]["W" + j] = xint;
98 }
99 else
100 {
101 xint = 0;
102 }
103 }
104 }
106 if (this.IsHandleCreated)
107 {
108 this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate
109 {
110 if (flag)
111 {
112 hezhicleantable.DefaultView.Sort = "QiHao DESC";
113 this.gridControl7.DataSource = hezhicleantable.DefaultView.ToTable();
114 }
115 else
116 {
117 hezhitable.DefaultView.Sort = "QiHao DESC";
118 this.gridControl7.DataSource = hezhitable.DefaultView.ToTable();
119 }
120 });
121 }
122 }
123 }
124 #endregion
1 #region * 篮球综合走势图
2 /// <summary>
3 /// 篮球综合走势图
4 /// </summary>
5 /// <param name="obj"></param>
6 private void GetData5(object obj)
7 {
8 buletable.Clear();
9 bulecleantable.Clear();
10 if (listWinNo != null && listWinNo.Count > 0)
11 {
12 foreach (WinNo item in listWinNo)
13 {
14 DataRow buledr = buletable.NewRow();
15 buledr["QiHao"] = item.QiHao;
16 buledr["R"] = GetStr(item.R1.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R2.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R3.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R4.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R5.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R6.ToString());
17 buledr["B"] = GetStr(item.B.ToString());
18 buledr["B" + item.B] = "B" + GetStr(item.B.ToString());//篮球
19 buledr["X1"] = GetDa(item.B);//大
20 buledr["X2"] = GetXiao(item.B);//小
21 buledr["X3"] = GetJiShu(item.B);//奇
22 buledr["X4"] = GetOShu(item.B);//偶
23 buledr["X5"] = GetZhiShu(item.B);//质
24 buledr["X6"] = GetHeShu(item.B);//合
25 buledr["X7"] = GetFenQu1(item.B);//一区
26 buledr["X8"] = GetFenQu2(item.B);//二区
27 buledr["X9"] = GetFenQu3(item.B);//三区
28 buledr["X10"] = GetFenQu4(item.B);//四区
29 buledr["X11"] = GetWeiShu(item.B);//尾数
30 buledr["X12"] = GetWeiShuQuJian(item.B, 0);//0-1
31 buledr["X13"] = GetWeiShuQuJian(item.B, 2);//2-3
32 buledr["X14"] = GetWeiShuQuJian(item.B, 4);//4-5
33 buledr["X15"] = GetWeiShuQuJian(item.B, 6);//6-7
34 buledr["X16"] = GetWeiShuQuJian(item.B, 8);//8-9
35 buletable.Rows.Add(buledr);
36 //--
37 DataRow bulecleandr =bulecleantable.NewRow();
38 bulecleandr["QiHao"] = item.QiHao;
39 bulecleandr["R"] = GetStr(item.R1.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R2.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R3.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R4.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R5.ToString()) + " " + GetStr(item.R6.ToString());
40 bulecleandr["B"] = GetStr(item.B.ToString());
41 bulecleandr["B" + item.B] = GetStr(item.B.ToString());//篮球
42 bulecleandr["X1"] = GetDa(item.B);//大
43 bulecleandr["X2"] = GetXiao(item.B);//小
44 bulecleandr["X3"] = GetJiShu(item.B);//奇
45 bulecleandr["X4"] = GetOShu(item.B);//偶
46 bulecleandr["X5"] = GetZhiShu(item.B);//质
47 bulecleandr["X6"] = GetHeShu(item.B);//合
48 bulecleandr["X7"] = GetFenQu1(item.B);//一区
49 bulecleandr["X8"] = GetFenQu2(item.B);//二区
50 bulecleandr["X9"] = GetFenQu3(item.B);//三区
51 bulecleandr["X10"] = GetFenQu4(item.B);//四区
52 bulecleandr["X11"] = GetWeiShu(item.B);//尾数
53 bulecleandr["X12"] = GetWeiShuQuJian(item.B, 0);//0-1
54 bulecleandr["X13"] = GetWeiShuQuJian(item.B, 2);//2-3
55 bulecleandr["X14"] = GetWeiShuQuJian(item.B, 4);//4-5
56 bulecleandr["X15"] = GetWeiShuQuJian(item.B, 6);//6-7
57 bulecleandr["X16"] = GetWeiShuQuJian(item.B, 8);//8-9
58 bulecleantable.Rows.Add(bulecleandr);
59 }
61 for (int j = 1; j < 17; j++)
62 {
63 int xint = 0;
64 for (int i = 0; i < buletable.Rows.Count; i++)
65 {
66 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(buletable.Rows[i]["B" + j].ToString()))
67 {
68 xint++;
69 buletable.Rows[i]["B" + j] = xint;
70 }
71 else
72 {
73 xint = 0;
74 }
75 }
76 }
78 for (int j = 1; j < 17; j++)
79 {
80 int xint = 0;
81 for (int i = 0; i < buletable.Rows.Count; i++)
82 {
83 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(buletable.Rows[i]["X"+j].ToString()))
84 {
85 xint++;
86 buletable.Rows[i]["X" + j] = xint;
87 }
88 else
89 {
90 xint = 0;
91 }
92 }
93 }
95 if (this.IsHandleCreated)
96 {
97 this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate
98 {
99 if (flag)
100 {
101 bulecleantable.DefaultView.Sort = "QiHao DESC";
102 this.gridControl5.DataSource = bulecleantable.DefaultView.ToTable();
103 }
104 else
105 {
106 buletable.DefaultView.Sort = "QiHao DESC";
107 this.gridControl5.DataSource = buletable.DefaultView.ToTable();
108 }
109 });
110 }
111 }
112 }
114 /// <summary>
115 /// 大数
116 /// </summary>
117 /// <param name="BuleCode"></param>
118 /// <returns></returns>
119 private string GetDa(int BuleCode)
120 {
121 if (BuleCode > 8)
122 {
123 return "大";
124 }
125 else
126 {
127 return "";
128 }
129 }
131 /// <summary>
132 /// 小数
133 /// </summary>
134 /// <param name="BuleCode"></param>
135 /// <returns></returns>
136 private string GetXiao(int BuleCode)
137 {
138 if (BuleCode < 9)
139 {
140 return "小";
141 }
142 else
143 {
144 return "";
145 }
146 }
148 /// <summary>
149 /// 奇数
150 /// </summary>
151 /// <param name="BuleCode"></param>
152 /// <returns></returns>
153 private string GetJiShu(int BuleCode)
154 {
155 if (BuleCode % 2 != 0)
156 {
157 return "奇";
158 }
159 else
160 {
161 return "";
162 }
163 }
165 /// <summary>
166 /// 偶数
167 /// </summary>
168 /// <param name="BuleCode"></param>
169 /// <returns></returns>
170 private string GetOShu(int BuleCode)
171 {
172 if (BuleCode % 2 == 0)
173 {
174 return "偶";
175 }
176 else
177 {
178 return "";
179 }
180 }
182 /// <summary>
183 /// 质数
184 /// </summary>
185 /// <param name="BuleCode"></param>
186 /// <returns></returns>
187 private string GetZhiShu(int BuleCode)
188 {
189 if (BuleCode == 1 || BuleCode == 2 || BuleCode == 3 || BuleCode == 5 || BuleCode == 7 || BuleCode == 11 || BuleCode == 13)
190 {
191 return "质";
192 }
193 else
194 {
195 return "";
196 }
197 }
199 /// <summary>
200 /// 合数
201 /// </summary>
202 /// <param name="BuleCode"></param>
203 /// <returns></returns>
204 private string GetHeShu(int BuleCode)
205 {
206 if (BuleCode == 4 || BuleCode == 6 || BuleCode == 8 || BuleCode == 9 || BuleCode == 10 || BuleCode == 12 || BuleCode == 14 || BuleCode == 15 || BuleCode == 16)
207 {
208 return "合";
209 }
210 else
211 {
212 return "";
213 }
214 }
216 /// <summary>
217 /// 分区1
218 /// </summary>
219 /// <param name="BuleCode"></param>
220 /// <returns></returns>
221 private string GetFenQu1(int BuleCode)
222 {
223 if (BuleCode < 5)
224 {
225 return "X"+BuleCode.ToString();
226 }
227 else
228 {
229 return "";
230 }
231 }
233 /// <summary>
234 /// 分区2
235 /// </summary>
236 /// <param name="BuleCode"></param>
237 /// <returns></returns>
238 private string GetFenQu2(int BuleCode)
239 {
240 if (BuleCode > 4 && BuleCode < 9)
241 {
242 return "X"+BuleCode.ToString();
243 }
244 else
245 {
246 return "";
247 }
248 }
250 /// <summary>
251 /// 分区3
252 /// </summary>
253 /// <param name="BuleCode"></param>
254 /// <returns></returns>
255 private string GetFenQu3(int BuleCode)
256 {
257 if (BuleCode > 8 && BuleCode < 13)
258 {
259 return "X"+BuleCode.ToString();
260 }
261 else
262 {
263 return "";
264 }
265 }
267 /// <summary>
268 /// 分区4
269 /// </summary>
270 /// <param name="BuleCode"></param>
271 /// <returns></returns>
272 private string GetFenQu4(int BuleCode)
273 {
274 if (BuleCode > 12)
275 {
276 return "X"+BuleCode.ToString();
277 }
278 else
279 {
280 return "";
281 }
282 }
284 /// <summary>
285 /// 尾数
286 /// </summary>
287 /// <param name="BuleCode"></param>
288 /// <returns></returns>
289 private string GetWeiShu(int BuleCode)
290 {
291 if (BuleCode < 10)
292 {
293 return BuleCode.ToString();
294 }
295 else
296 {
297 return BuleCode.ToString().Substring(1, 1);
298 }
299 }
301 private string GetWeiShuQuJian(int BuleCode, int xint)
302 {
303 string weishu = GetWeiShu(BuleCode);
304 if (int.Parse(weishu) >= 0 + xint && int.Parse(weishu) <= 1 + xint)
305 {
306 return "Y" + weishu;
307 }
308 else
309 {
310 return "";
311 }
312 }
313 #endregion
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