Hardware emulated by GNS3

Cisco 1700 Series

1700s have one or more interfaces on the motherboard, 2 subslots for WICs (excepting on 1710s), an no NM slots. 1710

1 FastEthernet and 1 Ethernet fixed ports (CISCO1710-MB-1FE-1E). WIC slots: 0 Note that interfaces do not use a slot designation (e.g. “f0”) 1720, 1721 and 1750

1 FastEthernet fixed port (C1700-MB-1ETH). WIC slots: 2 (maximum of 2 Ethernet ports or 4 serial ports). Note that interfaces do not use a GNS3模拟的硬件列表

1 FastEthernet fixed port (C1700-MB-1ETH). WIC slots: 2 (maximum of 2 Ethernet ports or 4 serial ports). WIC cards

WIC-1T (1 serial port)

WIC-2T (2 serial ports)

WIC-1ENET (1 Ethernet ports)


  1. GNS3 模拟DHCP之地址请求

    R1: conf t int f0/0 no shutdown ip address dhcp end R2: conf t int f0/0 no shutdown ip add ...

  2. GNS3 模拟icmp记录路由

    路由配置: icmp记录路由抓取出接口的IP地址,最多可以抓取9个.ip协议头中的options为40个字节 R1 : conf t int f0/0 no shutdown ip add 192.1 ...

  3. GNS3 模拟免费ARP

    R2 : conf t int f0/0 no shutdown ip add end R1 : conf t int f0/0 no shut ...

  4. GNS3 模拟icmp重定向

    网关实质上是一个网络通向其他网络的IP地址.比如有网络A和网络B,网络A的IP地址范围为“ 168.1.254”,子网掩码为255.255.255.0:网络B的IP地址 ...

  5. GNS3 模拟icmp路由跟踪

    R1 : conf t int f0/0 no shutdown ip add no ip routing end R2 f0/0: conf t ...

  6. GNS3 模拟Arp命令2

    R1 : conf t int f0/0 no shutdown ip add no ip routing end R2 f0/0: conf t ...

  7. GNS3 模拟Arp命令1

    R1 : conf t int f0/0 no shutdown ip add end R2: conf t int f0/0 no shutdow ...

  8. GNS3 模拟icmp分片不可达

    R1 : conf t int f0/0 no shutdown ip add no ip routing end R2 f0/0: conf t ...

  9. GNS3 模拟icmp禁止不可达

    R1 : conf t int f0/0 no shutdown ip add no ip routing end R2 f0/0: conf t ...


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