--610007570320-610007571319  1000张

delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007570320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007571319); delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007570320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007571319);
-- 610007572320-610007573319 1000张 delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007572320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007573319);
--610007571320-610007572319 1000张
delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007571320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007572319);
--610007585320-610007586319 1000张
delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007585320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007586319);
-- 610007582320-610007583319 1000张
delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007582320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007583319);
--610007575320-610007576319 1000张
delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007575320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007576319);
-- 610007568320-610007569319 1000张
delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007568320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007569319);
--610007578320-610007579319 1000张
delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007578320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007579319);
--610007586320-610007587319 1000张 delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007586320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007587319);
--610007550320-610007551319 1000张 delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007550320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007551319);
--610007558940-610007559319 380张 delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007558940
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007559319);
--610007556320-610007557319 1000张
delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007556320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007557319);
--610007589320-610007590319 1000张 delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007589320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007590319);
--610007564320-610007565319 1000张 delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007564320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007565319);
--610007581320-610007582319 1000张 delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007581320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007582319);
--610007569320-610007570319 1000张 delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007569320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007570319); --610007552320-610007553319 1000张
delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007552320
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007553319);
--610007558460-610007558819 360张
delete from (select t.*
from (select t1.bill_code, t1.bind_code, t1.use_flag
from t_mm_section_sl t1
where t1.bill_code like '6100075%') t
where TO_NUMBER(bill_code) >= 610007558460
and TO_NUMBER(bill_code) <= 610007558819);




  1. sql模糊查询

    SQL 模糊查询 在进行数据库查询时,有完整查询和模糊查询之分. 一般模糊查询语句如下: SELECT 字段 FROM 表 WHERE 某字段 Like 条件 其中关于条件,SQL提供了四种匹配模式: ...

  2. SQL 模糊查询

    在进行数据库查询时,有完整查询和模糊查询之分.一般模糊查询语句如下: SELECT 字段 FROM 表 WHERE 某字段 Like 条件 其中关于条件,SQL提供了四种匹配模式:1,%:表示任意0个 ...

  3. SQL 模糊查询(like)

    在进行数据库查询时,有完整查询和模糊查询之分. SQL模糊查询,使用like比较字,加上SQL里的通配符,请参考以下: 1.LIKE'Mc%' 将搜索以字母 Mc 开头的所有字符串(如 McBadde ...

  4. [转]SQL 模糊查询

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  5. 8.mybatis动态SQL模糊查询 (多参数查询,使用parameterType)

    多参数查询,使用parameterType.实例: 用户User[id, name, age] 1.mysql建表并插入数据 2.Java实体类 public class User { public ...

  6. SQL模糊查询与删除多条语句复习

    string IDlist="1,2,3"; 批量删除数据 StringBuilder strsql=new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append(&quo ...

  7. Jmeter中JDBC Request和BeanShell PostProcessor的结合使用(SQL模糊查询)

    [前言] 今天记录一下Jmeter中JDBC Request和BeanShell PostProcessor的结合使用的方法(SQL模糊查询) [步骤] 1.下载对应数据库的驱动包到jmeter安装目 ...

  8. SQL模糊查询条件的四种匹配模式

    执行数据库查询时,有完整查询和模糊查询之分. 一般模糊语句格式如下: SELECT 字段 FROM 表 WHERE 某字段 LIKE 条件 其中关于条件,SQL提供了四种匹配模式: 1.% :表示任意 ...

  9. 有关SQL模糊查询

    执行 数据库查询时,有完整查询和模糊查询之分. 一般模糊语句如下: SELECT 字段 FROM 表 WHERE 某字段 Like 条件 其中关于条件,SQL提供了四种匹配模式: 1,%:表示任意0个 ...


  1. EXBSGS 参考:https://blog.csdn.net/frods/article/details/67639410(里面代码好像不太对) ...

  2. 1-9方法的重写(override)

    什么是重写? 重写,也叫做覆盖,当父类中的方法无法满足子类需求时,子类可以将父类的方法进行重写编写来满足需求.比如孩子继承了父亲的房子,可以将房子重新装修. 方法重写的条件: 两个类必须是继承关系 必 ...

  3. h5-16-插入SVG图片

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title> ...

  4. “玲珑杯”ACM比赛 Round #5 H -- Variance 简单树状数组

    可以把每个公式都化简,然后得到要维护的东西就是平方和,和前缀和,两个bit即可 不能cin,超时.IOS后都不行. scanf用lld #include <cstdio> #include ...

  5. 非常强大的前端插件:emmet

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  7. innerHTML引起IE的内存泄漏

      内存泄漏常见的原因有三种: 1. 闭包 2. 未解除事件绑定 3. 循环引用DOM元素 除此之外,还有一种泄漏原因少有人知,它和innerHTML有关,不过很容易解决. 出现这种内存泄漏需要有三个 ...

  8. C#读取web.config配置文件内容

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  9. 洛谷 P1507 NASA的食物计划

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  10. 聊聊JavaScript和Scala的表达式 Expression

    我们先看下面这段简单的JavaScript代码. 我在第10行调用了函数f,其中传入的第二个和第三个参数都是一个逗号表达式. 函数f的实现,会检查这两个参数的类型,如果是函数,则执行函数调用,再打印其 ...