The following is an email example of seminar information
Dear all,

It is a pleasure to intoduce our next speaker for our Spring 2019 IoB seminar series, Prof. *** from the University of Oxford.


Prof *****'s research focuses on immune T cell biology and the study of
immunological synapses. He is using elegant
nanoengineered/nanofabricated systems to study
the cascades of molecular events that lead to T cell activation.

talk will be "Nanoscale analysis of immune cell communication" (please
see the attached poster).

Please join us Wednesday 27th February at 3pm, in the PP1 Lecture Theatre.

This will be followed by tea and coffee at 4pm.

Please let me know asap if you would like to speak to Prof. **** before the seminar.

Best wishes,


Dr. Kemina Ali

Reader in Biomaterials and Biointerfaces,

School of Engineering and Materials Science,

*** University

*** Road,

London, E4 1NS, UK.

Tel: (+44) *****.

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